A VR Travel Story That Makes You Want to Be Humiliated

Chapter 3: Girl Meets Boy (2)

Chapter 3: Girl Meets Boy (2)

"Welcome. "User."

As soon as I accessed virtual reality, a maid greeted me. Of course, it is not a real person, but a management AI set for each virtual reality device.

But why a maid? Because that sucks.

It's not that I have homosexual tendencies.

However, perhaps because this character's wall was inspired by the experience of watching a cartoon, it sucks.

I thought, how bad would it be to see this pretty girl get put in a situation I like... Of course, it doesn't always happen, but I think it's often when my brain is dominated by sexual desire, but now is that time.

"The most popular program in the past week is 'World Maker.' Do you want to run it?"


As soon as you answer the AI ??that asks whether to run based on play information, the surroundings begin to change.

The completely white space turns black for a moment, and then it changes into a bird's eye view of a wide green continent surrounded by an endless sea.

It is the continent that becomes the basic stage of World Maker and WM.

The fun of WM is that depending on how you configure additional settings, you can make various changes, such as the continent being engulfed in electricity or a flying island appearing in the sky.

"I have been reading the information. The most recent play record is the scenario 'Invasion of the Demon King's Army', and the last achievement achieved is 'The Return of the Hero'. Do you want to continue?"

"No. "I'll play a new game."

The WM I played last time was a scenario where I played as a hero in a basic fantasy setting where the devil's army had invaded.

When I played this, I put up with everything, including the castle walls, and made a serious effort to save humanity.

"Has confirmed. Would you like to set up a new world and scenario?"

"No. "Keep the world and scenario the same, just create a new character and play it a second time."

"I have confirmed the clear data for the scenario 'Invasion of the Demon Lord's Army.' Would you like to bring back the existing character 'Serina'?"

"Load Serena as an NPC and apply the WM setting 'Achievement Character'."

"All right. "Currently remaining WM points are 18."

This is why I held on and played the game faithfully even though I was playing an adult game in the last episode.

In WM, when playing a main round from the beginning of a scenario, you can set the character you played in the previous round as an NPC whose behavior pattern is modeled after it.

It is said that other users use this to create NPC characters that exactly match their tastes and attack them.

In order to do that, you need to clear one round in a way that suits your taste, saying and doing things that suit your taste, but it is said that there are people who surprisingly do that.

Since it is legally illegal for a virtual reality device to intervene in the user's thoughts, whatever thoughts are inside will not be reflected, so all you have to do is be careful with your actions and clear the short-lived scenario only once.

When setting up the world, I tried to create a 'hey' game world view that suits my taste by using this function together with the 'Achievement Character' function using the points consumed each time the world is changed.

The achievement character function is a function where the NPC character achieves the achievements that the player achieved while playing the previous episode.

For example, my hero Serena defeated the Demon King in the last episode, so even if I set the world setting to make the Demon King extremely strong in this episode, the future in which Serena wins against the Demon King is determined.

So, the reason why this is my favorite is that after playing through various scenarios, the most suitable scenario for me to enjoy was the invasion scenario of the devil's army.

I liked the fact that there was a moderate amount of tension, many heroes appeared, and at the same time, the rear, not the front line, lost the sense of crisis due to the long war and was leading a peaceful daily life in its own way.

However, if you leave it to the NPCs and play, the front line will gradually get pushed back, and you will have to work hard from the rear, so I set up my achievement character so that the war can be resolved even if I play as I please.

In other words, you can just enjoy it without worrying about anything.

Among the WM settings, there is a setting called 'Peace' and you can enjoy the trip even with that, but it's boring because nothing really happens.

"Let's start setting up the rest of the WM and creating the character. Please look at the next screen."


I completed the WM settings according to the settings I had in mind in advance, and roughly created the character.

In fact, since I have already registered several character models of my taste, they appear somewhere in the strike zone even if I run them randomly.

Let's briefly explain some of the settings.

First, 'convenience'. It is literally a setting that provides convenience benefits to users.

When I first played, I thought that choosing this would make the game too easy, but after learning about it, I realized that it was not a setting that lowered the difficulty of the game, but rather a setting that made the game more like a game.

For example, if you do not select this setting, the environment will be realistic. Due to the nature of the fantasy world, we often travel through rough terrain such as forests or mountains. It may not seem like a big deal when we first hear it, but let's think about realistic mountains for a moment.

Of course, sweat flows like rain, and even if you wipe it, your skin is sticky. Also, bugs fly in and buzz around somewhere, and if you're unlucky, it's not uncommon to step on animal dung.

Some people may say that these things come together to allow you to experience the true taste of mountaineering, but do you really need to experience that in a game?

So, realistic elements such as environment and life are removed, and it is made more like a game.

And another setting, 'Eye Worldview'. This is also really important to create a 'ya' game.

To put it simply, it can be said that a worldview that embodies male-oriented fantasy is applied.

For example, you can corrupt a woman with the pleasure of sex, you can push your dick up and penetrate the uterus, or you can control pregnancy, so you can ejaculate freely without any problems.

Acts that make no sense in reality, but are not uncommon in male-oriented adult content, become possible.

This is a setting that is more specialized for the tastes of those who get fucked, but it also has some effects that those who get fucked don't really like... Like 'semen becomes delicious.'

There are a few more settings besides this, but the last one to explain is 'Mana and Beauty'.

A global setting where the more mana you have, the prettier you become.

Heroes and the most powerful people naturally become handsome men and women.

Moreover, unlike on Earth, in the game world where there is mana, even nameless extras are guaranteed to have a minimum appearance compared to reality. An exception may be NPCs that are made ugly just for the sake of humiliation.

And character making.

I mentioned this earlier. Even if I ran random, the character became my favorite, so I roughly adjusted it and left the rest to random. Over!

I used WM points to set skills and abilities that the character could use... If I explain all that, it would be too long, so let's do it later.

"Done. Let's get started now."

"All right. Start the game. 5... 4... 3..."

When the management AI finishes counting down, the surroundings turn black once again, and the virtual reality avatar begins to change little by little. It will change into a character I created.

When the avatar completely changed and began to adapt to the changed avatar, the surroundings became brighter and a new scenery appeared.

"This is... A forest?"

Trees surrounding. It is sparse and faint enough for sunlight to come in here and there, but given that there are paths that people have walked on, it appears to be a forest close to the outskirts and not deep.

It is rare for the starting point to be a forest, but it is not the case that it does not exist at all. I decided to think about it a little later and take a look at my avatar.

Because there were quite a few elements that were set randomly. You're curious.

"Is your hair purple? Purple isn't bad either."

When I grabbed a handful of hair that went down to the level of my wing bones and brought it in front of me, I could see its bright purple color.

No, is it a little light purple rather than vivid? It was an unexpected color, but I liked it because it was prettier than I expected. If it was a really weird color, I would have started over again. Well, hair color is important.



"Is it a little bigger than me?" "

My breasts are a little, or just a little, bigger than mine in real life. In reality, it wasn't small in its own way thanks to constant exercise and self-care. The avatar was bigger than I.

No. It's a shame because it's a game. If it were this big in real life, my shoulder would be very painful. The best size for living in reality is me. Yes.

I also want to check my height and appearance, but I don't have anything to measure my height or a mirror to look at my face. Let's leave that for later.

When I opened the inventory, the basic items were included.

One day's worth of food and water, a dagger and some gold.

There was a setting where I went with a lot of equipment from the beginning, but I added a lot of sexy stuff and ended up running out of points.

What. Why. Sexy things are important.

Hold the dagger in your hand and swing it moderately.

Since it was my first time starting, my abilities and proficiency were at a low level, but I was able to swing it without a problem.

Even though I can't retrieve the stats and weapon proficiency of the hero I played last time, the skills I've become accustomed to are the same.

After weapons, then armor. Female characters wear thin cloth armor over the short white shirt and skirt given to them from the beginning.

I'm worried that something thin and frayed will protect my body properly, but it's still better than nothing.


As I was checking my situation, I heard a scream from somewhere.

The sound of a young woman's scream had a premonition of a cliché.

As I hurried to the direction where I heard the scream, I was able to encounter the scene from an unexpectedly close location.

Three goblins gathered in a circle.

In the middle of them was a woman trembling with fear.

It looks like he's injured somewhere as he's sitting there holding his ankle and making a painful expression.

And next to him, a man had fallen and was being beaten by a goblin.

There are two goblin corpses and a short club around the man.

Looking at the situation, I knocked down two goblins with a club, but it feels like I was defeated by the rest.

Ah. Is it. I understand roughly.

The story begins with Boy Meets Girl, who saves a girl from a crisis. What an expedient cliché. In this case, should I say girl meets boy?

Anyway, it was obvious even without looking into what the situation was, so I decided to intervene at the scene.

No. Hold on.

Shall we watch for a bit?

This is my first time enjoying WM as a night game.

Can I take a look at how it was applied?

This chapter upload first at NovelBin.Com

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