Demon Lord and His Unknown Child With the Empress

Vol. 1 - Chapter 23 - Tell Us the Truth

“Yechen? Hongye?”

After Luo Ruying was no longer in danger, she hurried into the forest to look for Ning Yechen and Luo Hongye.

While darting through the forest anxiously, she shouted for them.

Before long, rustling leaves sounded up ahead in the forest.

Carrying Luo Hongye in his arms, Ning Yechen was walking toward her.

The moment Luo Ruying saw that Ning Yechen and Luo Hongye were fine, she exhaled in relief and finally calmed down.



The moment Luo Hongye saw Luo Ruying, tears cascaded down her face. She reached out her arms, wanting to hug her mother.

After Ning Yechen arrived in front of Luo Ruying, she reached her hands out to take Luo Hongye from him. She held her tightly and patted the child’s back gently while coaxing, “Mommy is here. Be good and don’t cry.”

Luo Ruying felt lucky that she could still see her husband and daughter. Tears welled up in her eyes, and she nearly cried tears of joy.

Ning Yechen stood at the side, watching the scene with a smile. He even spread his arms open and waited for Luo Ruying to come into his embrace.

Luo Ruying looked at Ning Yechen huffily and reprimanded, “Didn't I tell you to run? Why did you come back with her? What if something happened?”

It was supposed to be a touching reunion, and she should have embraced him without a second thought. But in the end, she scolded him for his actions.

She clearly looked delighted.

Ning Yechen froze on the spot with his arms spread open awkwardly. He could not explain that he already knew everything was over, so he could only admit his mistake obediently. “I’m sorry, but I couldn't take our daughter and abandon you.”

“Uh-huh. I don’t want to leave Mommy,” Luo Hongye said firmly in a child-like tone.

Luo Ruying’s heart trembled. She felt very moved, but she still glared at Ning Yechen.

She knew that Ning Yechen and Luo Hongye had been worried about her, so they had come back to find her.

She felt the same way and could not bear to part with them either.

But she could never let them endanger themselves!

If this kind of situation happened again, she would still do the same. She would still get them to leave while she bought time for them.

Thankfully, a powerful elder had helped her this time. Otherwise, she did not know what would have happened if Ning Yechen had come back with their daughter earlier.

Her actions of sacrificing herself to buy time for them would have gone to waste.

This was why she was upset.

“You can't do this again! It was so dangerous. I’ll forgive you this time.”

“Yes, yes, I understand. Aren't you going to give me a hug now that we've reunited?” Ning Yechen nodded perfunctorily while continuing to stand with his arms spread open.

Hearing Ning Yechen’s perfunctory tone, Luo Ruying pouted in annoyance. After hesitating briefly, she stepped forward and went into his arms while holding Luo Hongye.

Seeing the anticipation in his eyes, she decided to let him hug her since they had just reunited. It was just a hug after all.

Ning Yechen wrapped his arms around Luo Ruying’s waist and pulled her closer.

Luo Ruying leaned her face against Ning Yechen’s chest. Even though she was blushing slightly, she did not protest and allowed Ning Yechen’s action.

It was the first time anyone embraced her. She surprisingly felt blissful and safe in his arms.

Before she knew it, Luo Ruying quietly closed her eyes.

She had used too much spiritual energy, so she fell asleep out of exhaustion.

She still carried Luo Hongye in her arms.

At some point, Luo Hongye had fallen asleep in Luo Ruying’s arms as well.

Seeing the sleeping mother and daughter, Ning Yechen smiled dotingly. He reached his hand out and touched Luo Ruying’s face lovingly.

She was not strong enough, but she insisted on putting herself at risk.

By forcibly overusing her spiritual energy to use an immortal technique, she might damage her foundation.

If anything went wrong, she might lose her cultivation.

Fortunately, he was here.

Ning Yechen transferred spiritual energy to Luo Ruying to protect her meridians. Then he carried them back into the house, placed them gently on the bed, and covered them with the blanket.

He sat by the bedside, watching over them.

At this moment, a voice transmission sounded. “Sir, we have the guy you want!”

When Ning Yechen heard the news, his face turned cold. He looked at the sleeping mother and daughter before disappearing from the room.

In a cave in the Monster Domain Forest…

In the dark cave, the sound of painful groans echoed.

“Mmph. Mmmph!” Su Sheng was tightly bound to a stone pillar, with a wooden stick stuffed in his mouth, enduring a ruthless beating.

At this point, Su Sheng no longer looked like a refined scholar. Instead, his face was badly beaten up, his clothes were torn, and his body was covered with bruises, making him look very wretched.

“Tell us! Who sent you?! Damn you! Give it up already!” Chaos Demonic Bull kept raining down fists the size of sandbags on Su Sheng.

“Damn it! He’s a tough nut to crack! I’ve already punched him dozens of times, but he still refuses to tell us the truth!”

“Step aside. Let me do it!” Titan Giant Ape rolled up his sleeves, took over Chaos Demonic Bull’s position, and pummeled Su Sheng with his ape-like fists!

With every blow, the stone pillar behind Su Sheng shook. It seemed as though the cave might collapse at any moment!

“Let’s see how long you can keep your mouth shut!”

After Titan Giant Ape punched him a few times, Su Sheng spat blood. His eyes became teary, and he struggled and moaned.

As one of the top cultivators in the Mortal Realm, he was currently crying indignantly.

After using the Long-Distance Escape Talisman to escape, he should have reached safety. But unexpectedly, these three Monster Kings had chased after him like crazy!

In the end, they caught up with him, so he could only fight them. Unfortunately, he was defeated and apprehended.

Then they gagged his mouth and brought him to the cave.

Without a word, they proceeded to pummel and interrogate him.

He wanted to beg for mercy and tell them everything they wanted to know, but his mouth was gagged!

He did not have a chance to say a word!

These Monster Kings kept attacking him and did not realize that he was unable to speak at all!

He did not know how to describe this painful suffering.

At the side, Sky-Swallowing Python watched quietly, looking at Chaos Demonic Bull and Titan Giant Ape like they were idiots.

Did these two really not realize they had gagged Su Sheng, and were they doing it on purpose?

Although Sky-Swallowing Python noticed this, she had no intention of saying anything.

Why, you ask? It was to vent her anger!

Because these scoundrels had intruded into the forest, that man had almost held them accountable. They had nearly died!

They naturally had to clobber this schmuck to get this anger off their chest!

This chapter upload first at NovelBin.Com

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