I Am Only Mortal But Why Do You All Sees Me As A Immortal!

Chapter 36: Continue to run the clinic in Yunling City

Chapter 36: Continue to run the clinic in Yunling City

The sun is rising.

Gu Heng stood on the avenue, looking at the markings on the map.

He stayed on the Tomb Mountain last night, and ten miles away from the Tomb Mountain is Yunling City.

Now, the city was just at the far end of the horizon in front of him. He walked for about ten breaths with his magical boots and arrived at the city gate.

After paying some silver to the guards guarding the city, he entered the city.

The scene inside the city is completely different from the mountains and fields outside.

This city is very prosperous and bustling, with all kinds of shops lining the streets. There are also many people in the city, including many mortals wearing gorgeous clothes, and there are also independent cultivators carrying swords, weapons, and spiritual tools. There are also some rich young men and women who are shopping with servants and maids.

"The security here is much better than outside..."

Gu Heng looked at the bustling and endless flow of people and sighed slightly.

This Yunling City is much larger than Qingmu City, and the streets are wider. The mortals in the city seem to live quite comfortably.

He suddenly felt that he had miscalculated.

There is no comparison between Qingmu City and Yunling City, but if Yunling City is compared with Baidi City, then there is probably no point in comparing them. Although he sold his clinic in Qingmu City for a good price, is this money really enough for him to buy a shop of the same size in Baidi City?

I'm afraid it's not enough.

He is still too short-sighted. After staying in such a small place for too long, he has not developed any vision.

Although he could ask Bai Feier for a room, he really didn't like owing favors to others, especially to monks, because he couldn't afford to pay them back.

"Alas, it seems that I can only settle for the next best thing..."

Gu Heng murmured softly, touching Xiaoxi's head, and planned to find an inn to stay in first.

He planned to spend some time to find out the prices in Yunling City. If he had enough money to buy a decent shop, he would just settle down here.

By the way, find out about the aristocratic families in Yunling City and the forces surrounding Yunling City. When you arrive at a new place, you must first recognize those forces that you must not offend, otherwise, you will lose your life.

After searching for a while, Gu Heng chose the "Yunding Inn", walked in, and asked the shopkeeper for a room with a nice view to stay in first.

This cost a lot of money.

"The prices here are really high..."

Just now, Gu Heng chatted with the shopkeeper for a while and found out that there are three aristocratic families in Yunling City, the Yun family, the Yan family and the Lu family, but none of these three families is the strongest.

The strongest ones are actually not in the city, but outside.

Nianling Sect, a sect affiliated with the Riyan Dynasty, has thousands of disciples. Sect leader Zhu Ling is a powerful cultivator at the eighth level of the fusion stage. The area around Yunling City is not a good place. There are many monsters and it is very dangerous, but Nianling Sect often clears out monsters, so everyone lives a comfortable life.

Even mortals live well.

Gu Heng thought that this place was actually pretty good, just like the Qingmu City back then. It didn't matter how many forces there were in the city, as long as there was a number one who could completely suppress other forces, that was enough.

"But this place is still very good... Now I have to go see if there are any extra shops for sale in this city."

He did it immediately when he thought of it and set out immediately.


Gu Heng walked around for several hours and finally found a shop that was not too remote in the south of Yunling City.

The shop was not small. It was even bigger than the one he had in Aoki Castle and had a second floor. There was also a small courtyard behind the shop, but it was overgrown with weeds and looked too dilapidated. However, as long as it was carefully taken care of, it would be easy to turn it into a small garden.

The system mall also sells "seeds", real plants, but Gu Heng didn't have the heart to grow green plants at that time. Now... he can consider it."Well, this shop is very good. I want this one."

He shouted inside.

A man with handsome and elegant features walked out quickly. He smiled and said, "Since you want this place, I will sell it to you."

"Okay, do you think this deed is suitable?"

Gu Heng took the land deed from the man's hand and looked at it carefully. After confirming that there was no problem, he took out most of his money as payment for the purchase of the shop.

The cost was not as much as he had imagined. When Gu Heng came here, he also paid close attention to this place. Most mortals lived in the south of the city. The north, west and east of the city were the sphere of influence of the three major families of Yunling City. Only the south of the city... was a mixed bag.

In other words, it's a bit of a mess here.

Because going south from Yunling City is a vast mountain forest called "Yunling Forest", where a large number of wild beasts live, and there are even horrifying rumors of mortals being eaten by monsters. There are also many small hills around Yunling Forest, and many forces have taken root and built strongholds there, forming a number of small and diverse forces.

But these have nothing to do with Gu Heng.

He just came here to open a clinic.

I bought the shop, rearranged the front hall for consultations and pulse diagnosis, the medicine cabinet, made the beds on the second floor, and finally weeded the small yard behind the clinic and planted seeds from the system mall. Overall, it looks quite neat and tidy.

By the time Gu Heng finished his work, it was already dark.

Xiao Xi was lying in the front hall at this time, wagging her tail boredly. Gu Heng gave her a candy pill, then sat aside and took the ancient lamp out of the system backpack.

"Lao Xuan, what's going on?"

Gu Heng stared at the ball of white light glowing faintly in the ancient lamp.

"It's quite nice here, the environment is great, thank you Mr. Gu for giving me such a good place to grow up."

Jian Xuan's voice sounded much gentler. Although Gu Heng didn't know why he was so happy staying in the lamp, and although he planned to let him out to fly around, seeing how happy he looked, Gu Heng decided to let him stay inside.

"Well, it's time to write the sign."

Gu Heng stood up, took out rice paper and a brush from his system backpack, dipped the brush in ink and prepared to start writing, but suddenly stopped.

Because there was a noise outside.

"You stinky boy, you really deserve a beating!"

"How dare you come back and steal our things? Don't you know how powerful our Black Forest Gang is? "

"Hurry up and kneel down and kowtow! Otherwise I will beat you to death!"

Gu Heng frowned, picked up the ancient lantern and walked to the door. He saw seven or eight strong men gathered in the alley opposite. The leader had a scar on his face, and his tiger eyes stared fiercely at the thin figure surrounded in the middle.

Among the sturdy men, a young man wearing gray clothes and with sallow skin was huddled together, hugging a tattered quilt with a look of panic on his face. But at this moment, his whole body was shaking, his eyes were red and swollen, and his lips were trembling.

Gu Heng was stunned looking at the thin figure.

Because he could see that the young man did not seem to be afraid, but was hiding hatred and a deep sense of rebellion!

Although the boy had been punched and kicked many times and his body was covered with bruises, he did not make a sound nor did he show any sign of weakness.

"Heh, this kid is really very tough."

"After all, our Black Forest Gang is one of the big gangs in Yunling City. How dare you offend our Black Forest Gang? You are courting death!"

Several men were talking and singing.

Gu Heng stood behind the window, listening silently for a moment, and couldn't help but twitching his lips -

The Heilin Gang is not big.At least from the information he had collected, the forces that set up camps and defended the hilltops outside the south of the city were actually very weak - of course, they were very weak compared to cultivators, but for mortals, they were still not easy to deal with.

But after a quick glance, Gu Heng felt that none of these guys were cultivators. At best, they were just mortals who had practiced some martial arts.

Do you want to help him?

Gu Heng was a little conflicted. It was not a good thing to provoke the local bullies when he came to a new place, but he felt even worse after watching the young man being beaten to death by them.

"Why don't you kneel down?"

Seeing that the young man was still gritting his teeth, the scarred burly man in the lead snorted coldly, waved his hand and shouted, "Brothers, go! We must kill him today!"


The others responded and rushed forward.

Those men were of burly build, while the young man looked extremely thin, even malnourished. However, the young man was not in a hurry. He rolled up the quilt beside him and covered his chest with it. At the same time, he clasped his fists in a defensive posture, as if he was ready to withstand the punches and kicks of these men.

His eyes were firm and there was no sign of cowardice.

Such courage made Gu Heng couldn't help but admire it.

Please help me.

After all, no matter what this child did, if he was beaten to death like this, it would be too cruel and would make him feel guilty for the rest of his life.

Gu Heng walked out of the house and headed straight over there.

"Everyone, can you please stop for a moment?"

His gentle voice made everyone stop what they were doing and turn to look at him. It was dark, and a young man in simple clothes, carrying an ancient lantern, suddenly appeared on the road, which really stunned them.

But soon, the scarred man cursed: "Damn, where did you come from! Get away!"

"Oh, sorry to bother you." Gu Heng smiled apologetically, "It's just that I want to tell you something."

"What is it?"

"I just moved into this store. If you kill someone here, I'm afraid I won't be able to do business in peace."

"Can you let him go?"


The big men looked at each other for a few seconds, somewhat confused, but soon, the scarred man was the first to react and looked at him sinisterly: "You little brat, do you want to stand up for him?"

"I advise you not to stop us, otherwise after we deal with this little bastard, it will be your turn!"

He walked up and stared at Gu Heng with a fierce look.

"Get out of here! We are from the Black Forest Gang. If you dare to get in our way, I will kill you too!"

"Really?" Gu Heng still had a smile on his face. "Then I can't leave anymore. You are threatening me now."

The scarred man thought that if he threatened him a few words, the man would leave tactfully, but unexpectedly, Gu Heng still stood there, not showing any fear at all.

Don't want to listen? Then just do it!

The scarred burly man sneered, raised his hand and punched over!

The fist came so fast and hard, bringing with it a gust of wind. It was obvious that he was using all his strength to directly break Gu Heng's face!

(My new work-

1.I am only mortal but why do you all all treat ma as a immortal!

2.A proud man called himself a medicinal God!

3.Problems start after graduation but I receive system!

Please read few ch after make decision.)

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