KLRXO Stories

Chapter 180: The Nest(Revised & Expanded)_1

Chapter 180: The Nest(Revised & Expanded)_1

The Nest

(Revised & Expanded)

by Klrxo

"Well, sweetie, welcome to our new home," Devon's mom said as she sashayed around the vehicle to his side.

"Wow! The pictures don't do it justice. It's amazing," the 18 year old said, marveling at the property. The old Victorian house was set on a hill overlooking the pristine lake behind it.

"Can you believe it's a hundred and fifty years old? Wait until you see the view out back. Come on," Lacey said, taking his hand.

The property was breathtaking, with a sprawling view of the lake and forested hills, yet as Devon and his mom stood near the water he found himself busy admiring a different type of view. His mother.

Lacey was a Goddess among women. She looked like a 39 year old Emily Blunt. She was built like a mother should be, with wide hips, long shapely legs and the biggest, softest-looking breasts a boy could ever imagine. Today she wore a mid-length skirt and a thin cotton top. Her dark brown mane cascaded down over her shoulders, framing her pretty face. "Just look at this view," the beauty said, gazing out at the hills.

After getting no response from her son, Lacey peered over at him and caught him staring at her titties. Devon didn't normally get hardons this quickly around her, but today was different. There was something in the air. She glanced at the protruding erection a moment.

"Sweetie," she said, shaking him from his trance.

"Yeah? Oh, sorry, mom...did you say something?"

"Are my boobs staring at your eyes again?" she teased with a gleaming white-teethed smile. Lacey wasn't sure what possessed her to say it. She'd never teased her son in a sexual way.

"Oh, no. Sorry," he said bashfully.

A breeze swept across the shore and seemed to mysteriously influence the mother's next move as she strolled towards her son. She had slipped out of her sandals and her cute little bare feet tapped lightly against the grass. She paused in front of him and looked up into his big blue eyes.

"I don't know why they stare so much. They must really like you," she said teasingly. Her eyes suddenly got big. "Oh God, did I really just say that?" she thought.

Devon laughed a little, trying to show some humor. His heart was beating like a bass drum and his hardon let out a mighty throb. It was weird, yet exciting to hear his mom teasing him this way.

The buxom brunette was suddenly struck with the overwhelming, yet forbidden urge to get her big tits against him. She blurted her next words before she could stop herself. "Maybe a big hug would help. What do you think?"

"Maybe," he muttered, secretly welcoming such intimate contact.

Stepping up to him, Lacey coiled her arms around her son's neck and pulled him in for a nice long tit-squasher. She smiled as she heard her son let out a little sigh. Strangely, the busty mother felt her areola thicken and her nipples harden up against her son's chest. "What has gotten into me?! Enough," she screamed inside her head.

She ended the hug and fed him a peculiar look as she gazed up into his eyes for what seemed like forever. "Wanna see the inside of the house?" she asked.

"Sure," Devon answered, trying his best to conceal his tubular bulge.

"Turn around," Lacey said playfully.


"Just turn around, goof-ball," she said with a giggle.

Devon obliged, facing the house. Lacey immediately jumped up onto his back and threw her strong legs around him for a piggy-back ride.

"Jesus, mom," Devon said, taken off guard. He'd never seen his mom so touchy-feely.

"Move it Boobie-boy," she shouted teasingly.

As Devon started up the hill towards the house he put his hands under his mom's curvy legs to support her. His cock twitched as he felt the strong smooth thighs. Her big mature breasts jiggled against his back. It made his already hard cock jump inside his shorts.

"Giddy up, you handsome stallion you," Lacey said playfully.

"Funny mom."

Once inside, Lacey unmounted her son and gave him a tour. The interior space was massive with lots of ornate period detail. They paused at one of the closed bedroom doors upstairs. Written across crudely, in black paint, were the words: HORNY LIVES HERE!!

"Damnit, I don't remember seeing that when we toured the house with the realtor. I wonder if some kids broke in," Lacey said.

"Looks that way."

"Shit! I hope they didn't do any damage. The place was locked up tight though. How would they have gotten in?" Lacey asked her son.

"A window maybe?"

"Let's check all the bedrooms again, make sure there are no broken windows."

After helping his mom check all the rooms of the huge home, Devon sat down on the only piece of furniture in the entire house, an old rickety wooden chair in the kitchen.

"Hey, honey, it's me...we made it," Lacey said as she walked into the kitchen with her cellphone.

"Great, how's the weather there," her husband Rob asked over speakerphone.

"The weather's perfect, although I heard we're supposed to get some rain this evening. "How are you guys coming along," she asked.

A sudden chill moved through the house. Lacey gasped a little as she felt her clitoris tingle mysteriously. Without thinking, she took a few steps forward, turned and plopped down on her son's lap as her husband answered her question. "Well, slowly but surely honey, it's a big

moving truck," Ron said.

Devon was a little surprised by his mom's behavior. She had always been a bit flirty, but never this much. Maybe it was because they were alone while his dad and sister drove the U-haul across the country. One thing he did know was her soft ass felt amazing and his dick was on the rise again.

"So what are you thinking, a couple days?" Lacey asked.

"At least, yeah. I'm hoping we pull in by Friday," Ron answered.

"Perfect! That'll give Devon and I plenty of time to get the place cleaned before you guys get here. I think there's about an inch of dust on everything."

"Not surprising. The realtor did say it's been years since someone lived in the house," Ron said.

Lacey glanced at her son. "Oh that reminds me, I think some kids might have broken into the house somehow. We found some graffiti on one of the doors upstairs."

"Oh wonderful! Any damage at all?"

"Not that we could find. And no broken window, so I don't know how the heck they got in"

"Well, hopefully there aren't any surprises for us to discover. What does Devon think of the house?" her husband asked.

Turning slightly, grinding her ass, Lacey gently brushed her son's hair off his face, giving him a little smile as she looked into his eyes. There was a naughty little sparkle in her eye, one Devon wasn't used to seeing.

"I like it. It's bigger than I thought it was gonna be," the teen answered.

"What about that lake out back? Tell me that's not gonna be a blast with the jetskis," his dad said.

"Definitely," Devon said, feeling a bit odd talking to his dad with his mom's ass pressed against his hard dick.

Lacey chimed in. "We both love it. We're just tired from the drive I think. We both need a hot shower and a little R&R tonight."

"Well, I'll let you go then. Jenna and I are gonna stop for some food," Ron said.

"Okay, hon, call me when you're on the road tomorrow. Tell Jenna I love her," Lacey said.

"I will. Love you and miss you."

Lacey's thumb seemed to move on its own, hanging up on the call before she could return an 'I love you.' She suddenly became aware of the large protrusion beneath her ass, digging into

her buttcrack. Her mind told her to get up, but instead she gazed back at her boy.

"What is that I feel poking against my butt?" she asked teasingly.

They both knew exactly what it was. Devon gulped nervously. "Sorry, mom."

"I'm not one of your girlfriends that you can just go poking in the butt whenever that thing gets stiff, young man," she said. She lifted one leg over his lap while turning towards him, so that

she was now facing him, in the straddling position.

The teen was a bit surprised and overwhelmed by their new position. He glanced at his mom in the eyes, nervous, yet more aroused than he'd ever been. "I know," he muttered.

"Oh, sweetie, I'm sorry, I forgot. You left all your butt-poking buddies back in California, didn't you? No wonder you're mom's big soft butt feels so good against your hard penis," she said, in a sexy little voice.

Lacey looked at her son and they both started giggling. "Oh my God, I'm sorry! I'm being bad. I think I'm just, um...overly tired," she said as she shook her head.

"That's ok, mom. It's no big deal, really."

The mother froze, oddly staring back at him. "So you um, don't mind me teasing you like that?"

"No...it's all in good fun."

The chill once again swept through the downstairs, making Lacey's clit tingle as it pressed against her son's hard erection.

"It is fun isn't it?" she smiled, bringing her bare feet off the floor and resting her heels on the back of the chair, staring into his eyes all the while, "And maybe just a little bit naughty."

The mother's legs were wrapped snugly around Devon's waist as she straddled him. The old chair beneath them CREAKED as the mother pressed her vagina down even harder against the swell of his erection.

"I hope this chair doesn't break on us though," Devon sighed, his heart beating hard and fast

from the thrill of such a beauty on his lap.

"That WOULD NOT be good," his mom smiled, leaning forward and mashing her tits on him.

"Nope," Devon smiled as his mom brushed the hair back from his eyes.

"When did you go and grow up on me?" she's said endearingly, her big sparkling brown eyes radiating pure love.

The chair CREAKED some more as Lacey tightened her strong legs around him, crushing her fat clit against the underside of the long tubular swell of his cockshaft.

Devon's heart raced with wicked excitement. He and his mom were all alone, he was sitting between her gorgeous legs and sparks were flying. He didn't know what was going on between them since they got there, but he sure liked it.

Lacy suddenly blinked twice, as if snapped from a trance. "Ugh, I need a shower. Will you be an angel and bring in our bags?"

"Sure mom, of course," he said.

Lacey put her little feet on the floor and rose from his lap. Oddly, as she stood, she felt her panties begin to slide off her hips. "He wants them," a strange voice in her head rang out.

"What?" she said out loud.

Devon fed her a confused look. "What??"

Lacy quickly adjusted her underwear. "Nothing, um. Will you bring the bags up to the master bedroom for me, sweetie."

"No problem, Mom."

"You've been such a big help on this trip. When you get upstairs...I'll have a little reward waiting for you, ok," she said with a cute mischievous smile.

Devon watched his mom sashay away towards the stairs, her buttocks swaying seductively.

"Reward?" he muttered, wondering what she meant.

Outside, Devon walked along the house. He couldn't believe the way his mom was acting and couldn't stop wondering what this reward was she was talking about. Suddenly, a strange voice startled him from the bushes. "Heyy!"

"What?! Who's there?" the teen asked, frozen in place.

The sun had just gone down and he couldn't see much. It was pretty creepy.

"Come closer," the voice said, which sounded squeaky, like some weird cartoon character.

"Why? Who are you?"

"My name's Horny. What's yours?"

"Devon," the teen said, staring at the darkened bushes. "Wait, your name's Horny? What kinda

name is that?"

"Best name ever!"

"Why are you in the bushes?" Devon asked.

"Are you gonna fuck her?" Horny asked.


"Your mom. You should fuck her ass off!"

"Is this a joke? Come out of the bushes so I can see you... Hello?" Devon said, still frozen in place.

He took one step forward, trying to make out anyone in the brush. "Are you still there?"

"Fuck this," the teen muttered, rushing to the vehicle. After grabbing the bags from the minivan Devon raced back inside, locked the door, then rushed upstairs to the master bedroom. He could hear the shower running, but to his disappointment, the bathroom door was closed.

"I brought your bags up Mom," he said, loud enough that she could hear. He pictured her voluptuous body, wet and sudsy.

"Thank you honey," Lacey said from the shower. After a short pause, she continued. "I left the reward I promised there on the door handle."

Devon looked down and noticed a pair of pale-pink mesh bikini panties hanging from the door handle. His body went numb as he stared at them hanging there by their tiny waistband. "Wow, is mom really giving me her panties," he thought with wild excitement.

Her next words send the wow-factor to a whole other level. "Why don't you take them down to your room for a little personal time, sweetie."

Devon didn't have to be asked twice. He grabbed the panties and rushed down to his empty bedroom.

He sat down and slouched against the wall, then lifted the crotch to his nose and inhaled. The deep musky aroma of fresh pussy was absolutely intoxicating. He'd often stole panties from his mom's hamper and obviously she was aware, but the smell was never this ripe. The fact that she had given them to him willingly, as a reward, seemed unbelievable to him, yet here he was.

Devon unzipped his pants and fished his cock out. It was already brick-hard and stretched way out from his body. He licked two of his fingers, lathering them with his saliva, then began to twist his slippery fist around the top portion of his dick.

It wasn't long before he drifted into a land of euphoria, where nothing existed but the feel of mesh fabric on his face, the pungent aroma of his mother's femininity and the incredible stroking sensation around his glans.

His mom's sexy voice entered his fantasy land as he remembered her teasing from earlier. "Are my boobs staring at your eyes again?"

"No wonder your mom's big soft butt feels so good against your hard penis."

Through the euphoric fog Devon pictured his mom's strong, tan, naked legs tightening around his waist, making the chair beneath them creak. "I'll have a little reward waiting for you." He

heard her voice whisper in his head.

Suddenly, a voice from the shadows broke him from his fantasy. "Smells good, huh?"

It was the same squeaky voice from outside. "What the fuck," the startled teen said, hiding his cock best he could.

"You should thank me," Horny said.

"Who the hell are you?"

"Told you, my name's horny. I live in the room down the hall."

Devon suddenly remembered the writing he and his mom had found on the door. "Why can't I see you?" the teen asked.

"So are you gonna fuck her? You should fuck her! Tonight!"

"Why do you keep asking me that?" Devon said.

"You should really thank me."

"Thank you for what?

"For making her so horny."

Devon suddenly noticed a shadow in the doorway. It moved closer, sweeping over him. "Honey, who are you talking to?" Lacey asked as she stepped inside his room. She was in a short black silk robe, her hair still damp and slicked back.

"Did you hear the voice too?" he asked.

"Well, I heard you talking to someone. Are you on your phone?" she asked, clicking on the overhead light.

Devon realized he was still half-exposed. He quickly tucked his dick into his pants. "Hold on a sec, mom."

Lacey turned away, slightly embarrassed. "Ohh, honey, I'm sorry."

After he was zipped the teen continued. "I heard a voice, a weird voice, first outside in the bushes, then just now. It sounded like it was in the room with me."

"Ohh my, so what did this voice say?" Lacey asked.

Devon was too embarrassed to tell her. He didn't want to alert her either, so he decided to just play it off for now. "Maybe I'm just tired and I'm..um, I'm just hearing things."

Lacey knelt down and reached for his hand. He noticed her large boobs bobbling heavily beneath the robe. "I'll be the first to admit, the house is kinda big, old and spooky. It's easy to let your imagination go wild. But I promise, once we have it cleaned up and all our things arrive, it'll seem more like home."

"Yeah, you're probably right."

"Why don't we um, get the beds pumped up and we can get some rest. It's been a long day," Lacey said.

"Sure has."

Devon used the electric pump to air up his mother's mattress, then his own. Despite being exhausted, sleep didn't come easy for the teen. The strange voice. The panties. His mother's flirtatious teasing. It was all so odd, yet in most ways wonderful.

He would hear the squeaky voice once more before he drifted off to sleep. "Pss, hey!! She's naked in there! You should fuck her! She's horny! She would fuck you!"

Devon plugged his ears, which seemed to help. Although it ruled out a voice in his head and if it wasn't his imagination, then who the hell was it, he thought.

He woke to bright sunlight streaming through his room. It seemed a lot less ominous now that the sun was up and there were no hidden shadows in his bedroom. He wandered downstairs, searching for Lacey. "Mom," he called.

"I'm in the kitchen, sweetie," she answered.

Devon went into the kitchen and stopped dead in his tracks. Lacey was standing on the creaky chair scrubbing the cupboards out. She was wearing a snug cami top and pale pink boy shorts. Lacey turned when she saw Devon gawking from the doorway. Despite wearing a bra, her big breasts bobbled heavily. The protruding nubs of her hard nipples were clearly visible.

"Good morning! How'd you sleep?"

"Pretty good once I fell asleep," Devon said.

"Any more crazy voices?"

"No um, not really."

The rickety chair seemed completely unstable beneath her weight. Devon watched her strong sexy legs flex as she arched the heels of her bare feet, standing on her tip-toes to reach the top cupboard.

"Would you be an angel and hold this chair for me? I'm so afraid that it's gonna break out from underneath me," she asked.

"O-ok." Devon held the chair and gazed up at his mom's body like a kid in a candy store. His eyes traveled up the backs of her smooth shapely legs and stared in awe at her big meaty buttocks. The shorts were so snug that her cheeks were literally oozing out from underneath the hems.

"Ohh damn," he thought, mesmerized by her charms.

As she spread her legs slightly Devon could see the cleft of her vulva and the thick swell of her outer lips as the fabric stretched tightly around it. He simply couldn't believe his eyes.

"Ugh! I can't believe how dirty these cupboards are," Lacey said, ripping more paper towels from the roll.

The mother glanced down at her silently gawking teen. "You're awfully quiet down there," she said.

"Oh, um, yeah, sorry," Devon muttered, his face slightly blushing.

Lacey climbed down off the chair and stepped up to him. "You seem uncomfortable. I should probably put something else on," she said, as if suddenly embarrassed by her skimpy attire.

"No, it's um...you don't have to, mom. I'm not uncomfortable at all," he said.

Lacey took his hand and gave it a tender squeeze. "Are you sure?"

"Of course. I like it," He bravely confessed.

His sudden approval brought a big smile to her face. "Yeah, well, that's kinda obvious, honey," she said, peering down at the bulge in his shorts with a naughty smile.

All Devon could do was giggle bashfully. "Sorry."

"Don't be. Your body's just um, doing what it does. There's no shame in that."

"I know, but, you're my mom and I um, probably shouldn't be getting those," Devon said, feeling a bit ashamed.

"Don't be sorry, ok. I like this," Lacey said, wrapping her arms around his neck comfortably.


"I like that we're here alone for a couple days, just me and you, in this big house, way out in the country. It's like our own little nest. I can run around half-naked and you can run around with big boners sticking out under your shorts," she said with a quick giggle, "And we're both okay with that. At least I know I am," she said with a quirky grin.

"Well um, if you're ok with it, then I guess I am too." Devon said, still flabbergasted at his mom's candid behavior.

"That makes me happy. In a couple days your father and sister will be here and life's gonna get busy again, but until then, I say no schedule, no rules, just me and you," she said with a smile.

"Sounds good to me," Devon said, wondering exactly what she meant by 'no rules.'

Lacy felt a tingling in her clitoris. With his hand in hers, she pulled him out of the kitchen. "Come on, I wanna show you something," she said excitedly.

"What is it?"

"You'll see. It's the one room I didn't show you," she said as she led him upstairs.

The way his mom was dressed, Devon felt like a young groom being led upstairs to deflower his bride. Lacey was a voluptuous beauty and Devon marveled at her trembling curves. He wondered again what she meant by 'no rules.'

"Let me guess, there's a secret room full of old creepy dolls or something," Devon said.

"No, but definitely the coolest room in the house, you'll see."

She led him through a door and up a third floor stairway. At the top, they entered a small turret, turned on the light and swung the door closed.

"A round room. You're right, this is definitely cool," Devon said.

"Yup! I want you to take a guess at what this room's gonna be," she asked.

"Your sewing room?"

"Nope," she said.

"I don't know, give me a hint."

Lacey stepped over to one part of the circular room and as Devon watched her he was once again struck with the fact that save for a two pieces of form-fitting fabric, his mom was pretty much naked and perfectly comfortable with that.

"Over here will be a rocker," she said, then strolled along the wall. "And over here will be a crib."

"A crib? Mom, are you..."

"Pregnant? No, not yet," she said, letting the word "yet" linger in the air. "You're father and I decided that after we get all settled, we'd start to try to have another baby."

"Wow," Devon said. He never thought his mom had any interest in having another kid.

"Isn't that exciting?" she asked with a beaming smile.

"Yeah, that's uh," Devon started to answer, but then Lacey let out a high pitched SCREAM.

"SPIDER," she shrieked, then jumped up onto her son, throwing her arms around his neck and

her legs around his waist. Devon immediately grabbed her thighs to hold onto her as she crushed her big tits against his chest and looked down in the direction of the spider.

"Oh my God, I hate spiders," she said.

"Well I hate to say it, but there are probably plenty of them in this old house Mom."

"Yes, I know. Your father's gonna get an exterminator out here, first thing."

Devon snickered. "Mom, you're so funny."

"Don't make fun of me. You're the only man in my life for two days, you're supposed to protect me from these things," she said, keeping her strong naked thighs clamped around him.

"Fine," Devon said, then carried his mom over to the spider and quickly stomped on it.

"There, dead spider! Are you happy?" he said.

Lacey tightened her strong naked legs around her son. With her arms clutched around his neck she squashed her tits on his chest, then brought her face up cheek to cheek with his, looking towards the floor. "There's probably more," she said, in a pouty little girls voice.

"Do you want me to have a look around?" Devon asked.

Lacey buried her face in the crook of his neck, tightening her unmotherly embrace. "No, I want you to hold me," she said.

"I can do that," Devon said, his pecker now as hard as a rock. He never dreamed he'd be holding his mom this way. Essentially, they were clutched together in the standing missionary position.

"You're father never holds me this way when I'm scared. All I get is a quick hug and off he goes," Lacey complained.

"Well, dad doesn't have the best back either Mom. You're not fat, but it does take a little strength to hold a woman up like this," Devon said.

Lacey looked him in the eyes. "I know, but at least it's nice to know that for the next couple of days, I have someone around that can hold me the way I need to be held," she said softly.

Devon's heart beat hard and proud. In one way he was one-upping his father, at least in his mom's eyes. "I could hold you like this anytime, Mom. Anytime you need me to."

"Well, I'll tell you right now, if I see any more damn spiders I'm gonna be clutching onto you until your father gets here," she said.

"So what, the spiders are suddenly gonna move out once dad arrives?" Devon teased.

Lacey giggled. "No, smart ass. I just don't think you holding me this way is something your father would be too happy about seeing, do you?"

"No, probably not," Devon said. Since he was holding her in a standing fuck position, he knew his dad wouldn't approve at all.

"Not to mention the way your shorts keep tenting out every time we get touchy-feely like this," she teased.

"Sorry, but I um...can't really help that Mom," Devon said.

Lacey smiled. "Oh, sweetie I know. In fact the way I've been teasing you, if you weren't getting boners I'd be shocked."

"You do have a point."

She smiled mischievously. "Actually, I have two points. Two very hard fleshy ones. Can't you feel them?" she said, referring to her hard nipples.

"Yeah, I can," Devon blushed.

"Do you know what it means when a woman's nipples get hard?" Lacey asked candidly.

"That she's cold?" Devon said with a grin, knowing it wasn't the answer she was looking for.

Lacey giggled. "Well yes, but there is another reason."

"When she gets excited, right?" Devon muttered.

"Sexually excited, yes. It's also called being aroused."

"Kinda like when my friends say a girl's turned on."

"Exactly. All wet n worked up!" She said with a giggle.

"Jesus, Mom, I'm not used to hearing you talk like that."

"Sorry honey, the truth is, since we've gotten here, I just can't stop myself from flirting with you," Lacey continued with shaky passion in her voice. "I'm really liking it a lot. I'm turned on, as your friends would put it."

Devon shared her gaze. "Me too."

The more timid one, Devon looked away first, out the big bay window, which had a large cushioned window seat. "Looks like a storm is moving in," he said.

"We can do more cleaning later. Let's turn out the lights and sit and watch the rain," Lacey said.

Devon continued to hold her as he walked over and flipped off the light switch. As she held onto him, Lacey's eyes traveled across his broad shoulders and down his lean teenaged chest. She smiled and shook her head.

"What," Devon said.

"I just can't believe how much you've grown up. I mean, look at you, letting me hold onto you while you carry me around like this," she said, with an impressed gleam in her eye.

"Does it surprise you?" Devon asked.

"No, it impresses me," Lacey said, as her bare feet slipped to the floor, "And so does that thing," she said, eyeballing the tent in his shorts.

"Sorry," Devon said, starting to put his hands over it.

Lacey stopped him, staring at his package. "No, don't hide it. Oh my God, the way it's pushing your shorts way out like that. That's amazing," she said, her face a little flushed.

"Well, what's amazing about it, mom? Isn't that what they're supposed to do?"

"There's lots of things they're supposed to do, but I assume all those young California girls taught you all about that, right?" Lacey asked with a wink.

"Some, I guess, but I'm sure I have a lot more to learn."

"Yeah right, whatever Casanova."

"I'm serious. I mean, it's not like they teach you how to be good at it in sex ed, Mom," Devon said.

"Yeah I suppose not. So, you um, feel like you don't know enough?" Lacey asked with concern.

"Yeah. I mean, I'm sure I'll get better as time goes on," he said.

"Sit down here with me and let's get cozy and talk while we watch the rain," Lacey said, nudging her son down with her on the large window seat.

The door suddenly creaked open drawing their attention. "That's creepy," Devon said.

"Must be a draft here. It's ok, it can stay open. It's just us."

Devon stared at the doorway a moment, knowing it wasn't just them. He was sure it was their houseguest "Horny" that was joining them.

"Man, it's kinda warm up here," he said leaning back against the cushions.

"Yeah, this room has been closed up," Lacey said, then knelt in front of him and lifted his shirt "Take this off. It'll help cool you off. "

She lifted his shirt up and off. Without hesitation she unbuttoned his shorts and zipped them down. "Let's get these off too."

"That's okay, Mom, we don't have to --"

"Shush, lift up. Your erection can't be too comfortable pushing up against your shorts like that. Let's give him some room to move around a little," she said.

Devon lifted his ass and she shucked his trunks. His tent pole teetered back and forth for a second under his boxers, then popped out the fly hole.

Lacey giggled, looking down at the engorged crimson knob. "Ohh, ooops, I think he wants to do more than move around a little," she teased.

The mother pulled the fly hole up, stretching the fabric and draping it over the big bell-shaped helmet of her son's cock. "There we go, much better."

All Devon could do was watch and marvel at what was happening between them.

Sitting at his side, Lacey threw her tan legs across her son's lap so that she faced the window and nuzzled in close to him. This put her face slightly above his, so she was able to look down into his eyes.

Devon took a second to appreciate the close proximity of her breasts and how soft they felt resting against the side of his bare chest.

"Mmm, how cozy. I like this," she said softly.

"Me too," he muttered, peering down at the deep canyon of cleavage pushing up against his mom's top.

"So how did you like your reward yesterday?" Lacey asked.

"Oh, um, the panties you mean?"


"I liked it... a lot," Devon muttered.

"I figured you would. I've known about your fascination with my panties for a long time," she said, staring at him sweetly.

"You never got mad?"

"I did, yes, but it's strange... I planned on talking to you about it and telling you it was wrong, then we got here and I suddenly had a totally different perspective."

"Really? So now you don't think it's wrong?" Devon asked.

"No. No I don't. There's nothing wrong with a boy sniffing his mother's panties. It's perfectly natural to be curious," she said, "Can I ask you something though?"


"When I walked in on you last night, it looked like you'd been, um, masturbating. Do you pull on your penis while you sniff them? You can be honest, sweetie. I won't be mad."

After a short awkward pause, he answered. "Yeah, I do."

Lacey's eyes widened, glazed over with fascination."And I would imagine you like to suck on the crotch too, right, so you can taste the juices that I've left there throughout the day?"

It wasn't easy, but Devon looked up into his Mom's eyes as she stared down at him inquisitively. He simply couldn't believe that she was asking him such intimate questions. "Uh- huh. Is that bad?"

Lacey brushed his hair back with her long nails. "Did it make you feel good?" she asked tenderly.

"Of course."

"Then how could it be bad?" she said.

"Well I don't know, because you're my mom I guess."

"Yes that's true, I did give birth to you and I did change your diapers...but I'm still just a woman," she said.

Devon watched her hand creep down between her legs. "And down here, between these legs is a pussy, just like all the pussies you had back in California, only with a lot more experience," she explained.

The kid was so mesmerized by her words he could hardly speak. "I um, well, sometimes I wish I had more experience," he said, still in disbelief that they were having this discussion at all.

"Oh don't you worry sweetie, with a penis like yours, you'll soon have the girls around here clawing to get at you."

"You think so?" he muttered.

"I know so, trust me. Mom was a horny young girl once and she knows how horny young girls think," she said with a wink.

They took a moment to stare out at the rain.

"I'm still that horny young girl, you know. I'm just a little older and more mature, but always horny," she said.

They listened as her soft voice mysteriously echoed through the house, only it sounded like Lacey and Horny's squeaky voice combined. "Hooornnyyy!...hoornyy...hoornyy...hoornyyy!"

"Oh my God, that was so weird," Lacey giggled, looking toward the doorway.

"See if it does it again."

"Hello," Lacey shouted, but this time it didn't echo.

"Horny," Devon said loudly, which again caused the echo. A combination of his voice the Horny's. "Hooornnyyy!...hoornyy...hoornyy...hoornyyy!"

"How the hell?" Lacey said, clearly baffled. "Horny?! Hooornnyyy!...hoornyy...hoornyy...hoornyyy!"

Lacey glared at her son. "Ok, doors opening on their own, now this. I'm starting to get freaked out."

"It's that word. Don't think I'm crazy, but yesterday I heard a voice in the bushes outside. He told me his name was Horny...and then, then the paint we saw on the door down the hallway. 'Horny lives here,' remember?"

Lacey laughed. "So are you suggesting that the house is haunted by a ghost named Horny?"

"Yeah, maybe. I don't know, it's just all so strange, don't you think?"

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