Lord of Mysteries:Dream

Chapter 367: Economic Rights

Chapter 367: Economic Rights

Can't, no, not enough... Klein used only three words to deny the three possibilities discussed by all the nobles.

And with the help of sound magic, every noble here also understood Klein's reply and attitude.

Klein had other ways to stop their discussion, but he used this almost humiliating method.

This directly made all the noble masters' faces quickly darken.

Even the "Singer of God" and Saint Anthony next to Klein were shocked and looked at Klein in astonishment.

Klein, on the other hand, faced this group of noble men with the greatest authority in the kingdom with a calm expression, showing no intention of backing down.

"The scene where you were jumping up and down reminded me of the daily gatherings of curly-haired baboons in the zoo. They were imitating humans, absurd, and completely stupid. I couldn't help but stand up," Klein said again.

"I have known for a long time that people like to call some politicians curly baboons. I didn't understand it before, but now I just want to applaud them."

This time his words were more sarcastic, directly mocking the group start.

"You!" Many nobles could no longer hold back and glared angrily, and some nobles had a faint cold light flashing in their eyes.

When had they ever been so shamed? !

"I wonder what Bishop John has to say?" Prime Minister Aghid Negan did not lose his mind because of Klein's bitter sarcasm. He looked at Klein and asked calmly.

"On behalf of the Dream Sect, I reject all your suggestions." Klein's face straightened, and he put away the arrogance and arrogance he deliberately displayed.

He straightened his divine robe that had become slightly wrinkled due to sitting down, and gave his suggestions on behalf of the Dream Sect.

"The "Survival Act" was formulated and signed under the leadership of our Dream Sect, so our Dream Sect will be responsible for its implementation."

"No one may obstruct its implementation in any way."

"This is my attitude, and it is also the attitude of the Dream Sect."

Such an attitude can be called cruel. It directly blocks the minds of all nobles and puts the implementation of the "Survival Act" in the first place.

This behavior also pushed all the nobles to the opposite side of the Dream Sect.

Even the Prime Minister's political restraint couldn't stand it any longer, and he was so angry at Klein's words that he began to breathe heavily.

How can anyone play like this? This is turning the table!

Not only did the Prime Minister look extremely ugly, but the other nobles also looked as if they had eaten flies.

Klein actually didn't know how to persuade this group of nobles with words, so he chose the simplest way.

"The original "Survival Act" was agreed upon by several major churches, the Augustus family, and the major nobles. It is already complete enough. I suggest that from now on, it will no longer be promoted bit by bit, but fully implemented."

"Who is in favor? Who is against?"

Klein put his hands behind his back and brought out some of the mysterious and unpredictable temperament he had developed on the gray mist. Now he is more conspicuous than King George III.

"I object!" Duke Negan raised his hand first and led a group of conservative nobles to glare at Klein.

Klein suddenly thought that it might have been better for Bishop Truman not to save him at that time. At that time, he drew his gun too quickly and shot the "Apostle of Desire" in the head.

By the way, who wants to kill him? The "Sunset Death House Group" that Russell once joined? The tide of destiny? What does Duke Negan have to do with the tide of destiny?

Klein looked at Duke Negan and suddenly had an idea, as if he had thought of something.

It's just that there is no time to think at this time. The Prime Minister also expressed his wishes and he opposed it!

"I object too!" This was the noble who proposed to "take a half step back." Probably in his opinion, taking a half step back would have been a huge price to pay, but now that he has not achieved his goal, he became angry.

"What are you objecting to? Is it comparable to the brain of a curly-haired baboon?" Klein wrote down that flash of inspiration, preparing to confirm it later, while his mouth on the other side was already subconsciously mocking.

"Is he from the Church of the True Creator? He speaks so nicely?!" Both the "Singer of God" and Saint Anthony couldn't stand it any longer and deserted.

The "Church of the True Creator" has some of the most eloquent people in the world, which is recognized by many churches.

"Who knows?" Saint Anthony chuckled and watched Klein's performance.

"You!" Everyone wanted to tear Klein's mouth into pieces.

"Speak carefully." Klein tapped the table again, and the magic of his voice suppressed the agitation of the nobles.

It's just that this time, the sound magic is obviously not as easy to use as before. After all, there are many extraordinary people among these nobles.

"Ding!" Klein took out a fantasy gold coin from his pocket and threw it on the table.

The gold coin fell on the table and made a crisp sound. This is the power of money.

"Tell me what you have against me." When Klein threw the gold coin, the faces of all the nobles couldn't help but tremble.

"Claude doesn't even dare to threaten us with this." Duke Negan said coldly, "I don't believe you can use your economic power."

Oh, theoretically the Archbishop of Dream Sect is still the same Claude who is still researching machinery, and now Klein is just acting as Archbishop.

"That's right. Let's add another letter of appointment." Klein reached into the divine robe again and took out a transfer order.

For three days, Klein didn't just sit there and wait. That was not in line with his "magician" habits.

He contacted the headquarters of the Dream Sect through the internal contact information of the Dream Sect very early on, and detailed the difficulties encountered here.

Therefore, the headquarters directly sent a letter of appointment. From now on, as long as Archbishop Claude is absent, John Constantine can use all the powers of the archbishop.

The Archbishop of the Dream Sect has a very important privilege that can even shake a country's economy.

That is the "economic right" granted by the Fantasy Duke Castle.

The source of all gold coins is the Dream Castle in Solomon's imperial capital. For more than two thousand years since the founding of the Solomon Empire, the economic power of the empire has always belonged to the Dream Castle.

Well, let's put it this way, after Klein obtains the economic rights of the Archbishop, he can influence all economic activities between the entire Solomon Empire and the Loen Kingdom from the perspective of the Solomon Empire.

This is a very terrifying power. It was so terrifying that when Klein received this appointment letter, he was a little stunned. It was really unbelievable that such an important thing fell into his hands like this.

What is even more unbelievable is that Archbishop Claude, who has such great power, just ran away.

"So, do you have anything else to say?" Klein looked at these incredible nobles calmly and asked again.

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