Lord of Mysteries:Dream

Chapter 398: Fraud

Chapter 398: Fraud

After Klein placed the dream badge on the table, the vague suppression from the personality completely disappeared.

It seems that the title of Dream Archbishop is more useful than I thought... Klein already knows it.

Let a fraudster teach you the rules of fraud? That's really too much. It's equivalent to showing one's abilities in front of others, which is a very dangerous thing.

It's just that Klein will not hand over the "Grossell's Travels" in his hand. There are too many secrets in that book, and it is also excellent as a shield.

"..." Duke Zoroaster's eyes wandered over the dream badge and the exclusive symbol of Pales Zoroaster, and finally he nodded slightly.

"The rules of fraud are not difficult for me, but for the 'dream' path, at least Sequence Three is required to 'mirror' my abilities."

The current Klein cannot "mirror" the abilities of an angel, and neither can the beggar's version. And without the angelic personality, he cannot truly follow the rules of deception, erasing the time difference of thousands of years.

"Hmm... just teach me a Sequence 3-strength 'deception', and I can handle the rest." Klein thought for a while, picked up the dream badge on the table, rubbed it gently, and then put it in the paper People.

Duke Zoroaster narrowed his eyes and finally nodded in agreement.

"Okay." The angel lightly knocked on the table and made a soft sound.


A strange power descended, covering Klein.

It's like a net that covers certain rules of the real world and can achieve some incredible effects.

Klein's eyes suddenly fell into a trance, and his spirituality suddenly came into being. From the perspective of the causal line, the power of "deception" was very obvious, disturbing the causal line and causing waves of fate.

He instinctively stretched out his hand and gave it a gentle squeeze. It seemed like he was holding something, but in fact, the induction of cause and effect had been connected with "fraud" to complete the "mirror image".

"Thank you for your help." Klein let go of his hand again, chuckled and nodded to the Lord Angel.

He didn't plan to stay any longer after that. After all, facing a "thief" angel was still very stressful.

"You will probably be able to see your nephew tomorrow." Klein said goodbye.

Duke Zoroaster nodded slightly and watched Klein leave. His hands kept sliding on the table, feeling restless.

"If I don't steal something, I always feel like I'm at a loss..."

The angel's hands were a little itchy, but he didn't dare to look at the Dream Badge. After all, the Zoroastrian family had been under the protection of the Dream Sect in the past few hundred years.

He hesitated for a while, then gave up his plan to steal when Klein stepped out of the Duke's Mansion, and picked up the piece of paper he had deliberately left behind. On the paper was the private seal of Pales Zoroaster.



Paperman Klein and Hvin Rambis walked out of the Duke's Mansion and got on the carriage.

At this time, Klein's true body walked out of the illusion world, and the paper man gradually became smaller and fell into his pocket.

Klein looked at his palm and nodded with satisfaction, "We have obtained the 'Fraud', and it is time to release them."

They found a hotel to stay in for the time being, and Klein checked it before arriving above the gray fog.

Now Klein's "Fool" image has also changed drastically. He has a cloak behind him that is like a dream engraved in the night. This makes his image extremely tall and truly feels like a true god.

"It's just that I don't dare to move at all..." Klein could clearly feel the power of the cloak behind him, which surpassed all the magical items in his hands.

But he is extremely cautious about this thing and will not use it until facing a major life or death crisis.

Powerful power is addictive, and the more he uses it, the more he fits the cloak behind him...

Klein flicked the cloak behind him, sat on the seat of "The Fool", stretched out his hand, and "Grossell's Travels" flew in front of Klein.

Klein looked at his palm and gently grabbed it according to his feeling. Inexplicable power came and the rules were deceived.

He removed the power of the gray mist, but the books in front of him still remained in mid-air without falling.

He successfully cheated the rules and allowed the books to escape the fate of falling to the ground.

"Sequence three level 'fraud', this is no longer stressful for me."

Now Klein is a "karma-loved one" and a "cunning mage". After the two are superimposed, he has already surpassed the average Sequence Four.

Not to mention that the strength of the "Causal Blessed One" is much higher than that of ordinary Sequence Four.

"My own words are enough." Klein thought, and the paper man Klein entered the travel journal.

The travel notes now no longer have the danger of blizzards, and have become a peaceful and peaceful town. Mobet and others live here and enjoy the treatment of brave men.

"Come here." Klein pulled the trigger and summoned several people to a church.

"I have mastered the power of the fraud rules, you can leave."

"Really?" Everyone was surprised. This town is very good, but it is false after all. The unchanging life makes people very awkward.

"Really." Klein didn't waste any words and directly used "fraud".

But this time it was a little more complicated. He turned "fraud" into runes and printed them on everyone's arms.

This is not just "fraud", there is also the power of gray fog in it.

A temporary "deception" cannot last forever, and Klein's current personality cannot make people live longer with just one deception, so he used the power of cause and effect to connect to the gray mist.

The gray mist has enough personality and strength to maintain the operation of the mark for a long time.

"We can finally go out." Xiatasi's eyes, which did not hide her temper at all, suddenly turned red.

"This is a good thing, but after we go out, we will probably have to part ways." Grosel was a little sad, after all, we have been friends for who knows how many years.

"Destiny always has countless possibilities! Our story will last for a long time." Mobet is inexplicably optimistic.

"One thing I need to tell you is that the world will end in 18 years."

Klein's words were colder than the blizzard that had raged for countless years.

Klein did not say how many years this mark would last because he was not sure how many years he could live.

"The end of the world?" Mobet, a nobleman of the Fourth Age, has naturally heard of the prophecies of the end of the world, but he has probably not been out for nearly two thousand years. In his time, the end of the world was just a joke.

But now, the joke suddenly fell on him.

"Yes, the real end of the world." Klein nodded.

"..." The entire team fell into an eerie silence.

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