MMORPG: Rise of The Dungeon Master.

Chapter 233 Entry Of The 10th Daemon Prince

  Tak! Tak! Tak!

The sound of footsteps echoed in the silence. All the noise died down and his eyes focused on a man in a black robe walking out from the group of mages. Every step the mana took sent a loud sound to the surroundings. The face hidden behind the ragged robe and the thick, dark aura surrounding him made him shiver. 

The man did not care about the gazes on him and moved toward the beast's body.

The Abyss players as well Blaze players were stunned silly. They could not believe how a level 50 unique beast that required a squad elite team got killed within seconds. 

Vice looked at the man in the robe with wide eyes. That guy's face was not visible, but the dark aura surrounding him gave him relief. That guy was not simple. He could feel a little suffocation, even though he was so far away from the guy. He looked around and saw others beside him also had pale looks.

They looked at each other and gulped down. 

Tak! tak!

The man continued to walk and reached next to the corpse of the massive boar. He jumped on top of the corpse. 



At that time, two beasts screamed and rushed toward the dead body.

"Shit!" Vice cursed with excitement. He wanted to see the man in action, but contrary to his expectation, the man did not look at other boars. Instead, that guy took something out of his pocket.

'It is weap- ahh' Vice could not believe his eyes. The guy took out a bundle of dried, slightly purple leaves rolled together.

"What's that?" He asked, but no one answered him. He continued to stare at the guy and his mouth continued to drop down in shock.

Click! With a click of his finger, the guy produced a small flame on his finger and he burned one end of the left bundle and then.

"What the fck!" a collective shout from everyone.

"Am I in a dream?"


"Nope, this is real."

"The guy actually…" gulp!

"Smoking a cigar!"

"Dude, it's a purple cigar."

"Is this just a gimmick?"


Everyone on Abyss's side stared with stars in their eyes. The man moved the purple bundle next to his mouth and puffed out the rings of purple smoke in the air.


"It's for real."

"Hey, I want that."

"Give me one."

The Abyss goons were in a frenzy. At this moment, a sizzling sound of guitar pained their ears. They looked up at the castle top. There was a guy standing next to lil commander, and he shouted.

"You fcker behave," he pointed to the man in the black robe, "that our leader, the one who will lead us to victory."


"What leader?"

"Isn't that little commander?"

There was confusion and tension building among them.

The black robe man placed the purple cigar in his left hand and pulled out a bloody black sword in his right hand.

'This' Vice hearing started beating fast. He recognized the sword. A few others also back down, recognizing the sword.

"You bastard scream your heart out that our 10 Daemon prince ahhhh"

Boom boom! The loud drumbeat matched their heartbeat at this revelation.

"Daemon prince.."

Daemon prince, but that…?"

They were confused but then.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

"Daemon prince," Boom! "Daemon prince," Boom! "Daemon prince," Boom!

Loud chanting came from Abyss castle top and slowly no one cared about reasoning as started to go with the flow.

"Daemon prince! Daemon prince! Daemon prince!" The group one fighter started screaming. The surviving mages scream all in chanting, and the reserve forces and everyone on the rooftop chant one single name.

900 players screamed in Union, the 1000+ players sitting in the arena started screaming, the players of other cities watching from the forum started chanting, the kid outside the game joined in the madness, and even the NPC could not able to control them in this madness.

One name vibrates everywhere "The Daemon Prince," many stunned at this entrance. The carrying the name just took another puff and motioned with his hand to the opposing castle.

One name vibrates everywhere "The Daemon Prince," many stunned at this entrance. The carrier of the Daemon title just took another puff and motioned with his hand to the opposing castle full of confidence and mockery.

Tunnnnn, tunnn the high pitch guitar rang.

Bomb, Boom! The drum joined in.

Tuun, tunn, boom, boom! tuun boom! As the momentum of the loud sound reached its peak, Mike jumped on the railing, "Leeeeeeet's starrrrrrrrrrt!" with the scream, the music stopped.

The battlefield was tense, and players on both sides looked here and there in silence.

The Yellow Sun and others in the castle had a frown on their face. The increased heartbeats echoed softly in the silent battlefield in anticipation with the slow drum beat matching.

Mike started the first verse.

"In the dead of night, the battlefield aglow"

The tamer on the Blaze's castle motioned his hand back. The yellow sun moved his hand up with a little fire and the one behind her jumped down with a massive sword in his hand. Then, like lightning from the heavens, the silence broke. The low mellow sound of the guitar combined.

"We march with purpose, our fears won't show,"

The Blaze player started running back. Dhruv motioned both his hands back. The Abyss player also started running to the castle. The guitar ignites—tunnnn tunnnnn—a blazing trail of sound.

"With Daemon's fire, our hearts do ignite"

An empty battlefield where the man in the black robe, 'the Daemon price,' and the one running from the Blaze guild, left. The drums join in—boom boom—pounding like a war drum's heartbeat.

"A quiet whisper, then we'll take flight!"

They said nothing to each other and the sword man from Blaze jumped on the Board head with a forward slash. The Daemon prince moved his sword to block the attack. The guitar riffed blaze brighter, igniting the soldiers' spirits,

Mike continued in a low voice.

"Oh, the silence fuels our inner fire,"

Ting! Both swords clash with each other and take a step behind. The swordsman not caring about his safety rushed for another strike. Drumbeats resonate—boom boom—shaking the very earth beneath them.

"We're building up, rising higher and higher,"

Demon Prince continued to be in a defensive position. He continued to move back. There was silence in the abyss side. 

"With every step, our spirits ignite,"

The swordsman was about to attack when the Daemon prince moved for a slash. The swordsman easily took a step back, and the blade passed through an inch away from his head. He smiled, but the next moment two snakes jumped out of the daemon prince's robe and bit both of the swordsman's eyes.

"woaaah!" The abyss player gave a collective roar.

"The Daemon's strength, we'll unleash tonight!"

The heat of the battle was so great that nobody even got the chance to amaze when the demon prince stabbed his sword into the mouth of the screaming swordsman.

Fatal! The guy died in one shot, and two snakes rushed back to the Daemon prince's robe and disappeared. Not caring much, Daemon Prince cut the swordsman's head and kicked toward the Blaze castle.

Abyss players were about to cheer when they sensed the intense heat. None of them realized earlier, but a massive ball of fire was coming toward them. All of them started shivering, looking at the mini sun-size fireball.

Many started counting their last moments, and even the Mike and band stopped the music and had their mouth wide in shock. It hit them that none of it mattered in front of absolute powers.

At that time, the Daemon prince in the black robe rushed forward with a shining sword in his hand and disappeared in the intense light.

All the Abyss players closed their eyes and covered them with their hands, then they heard.


Many of them did their best to see their last moment and peek a little, only to be left stunned. They saw it. The massive sun-sized fireball split from the middle and then broke into a weird shape and disappeared.

Bam! The Daemon prince flew back and hit the massive boar's body. Everyone looked in that direction and saw Daemon Prince getting up and then the fully burnt black robe fell down.

ueeeee! everyone swallowed their saliva when they saw a chisel body with a few burnt marks. The thing was, these burnt marks were not the serious kind, but more like the war trophy on the body.

The Daemon prince moved his hair and then they saw an absolute beauty. A kind of beauty that was pleasant to everyone and what made them dumb was that every one of them knew the guy. Many of them had seen them, but this…

The Daemon prince just stared toward the blaze side and slowly started to move forward.

The guitar and Drums once again flare up and Mike's sound came matching the beat. 

"Oh, Daemon prince, our strength and guide,

In your name, we won't step aside,

With every beat, our hearts unite,

We'll rock this war, we'll claim the Rightttt!" 

"You fcking bastard, repeat after me. Scream. Let's show the blazing cunt who they are against."

At this, everyone took a step and mumbled.

"Oh, Daemon prince, our strength and guide."

The guitar wails, shredding the battlefield, "In your name, we won't step aside,"

The drums thunder."With every beat, our hearts unite,"—boom boom—compelling the chant everyone rushed toward the Blaze side in maddened screaming.

"We'll rock this war, we'll claim the right!" 

Chanting the chorus Abyss player followed the running Daemon prince in front of them. 

This chapter upload first at NovelBin.Com

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