My Plunderer System

Chapter 122 120 - System Overload

Milo screamed, throwing forward all the ice spears he had formed. The cardinal threw out a wall of purple flame to destroy some of the incoming projectiles but a few members of his escort weren't so lucky. A few tried to destroy the spears of ice with their weapons and abilities, as others were impaled by the icicle rain. After the attack had ended, the ones that survived charged at Milo to kill the person who was fighting back.

Seeing this, Milo deactivated the Ice ability and changed to his Reinforce ability, he then changed to the whip mode on Ghoul's Bane and began to try and ward off the Fellowship members from getting too close, every time the bladed whip snapped, a loud crack could be heard each sounding like a small explosion. In total around 16 Fellowship members remained from the 24 that were originally surrounding the cardinal. 5 were dead while 3 were too injured from the ice spears to move forward.

Milo successfully dispatched 2 of them, before they got too close to use the whip. He swapped back to sword mode and engaged one of them, slicing the man quickly and fluidly as Mikael taught him. One of the cultists was a hulking man and carried a hammer with him. He suddenly activated his ability and gigantified before slamming the hammer down on Milo. Milo rolled out of the way, slicing the man on his achilles tendon. The man came down to one knee and Milo activated the bind skill on his gauntlets locking him in place, before sliced at his throat killing him. While this was happening though, the remaining group of the cardinal's guards circled Milo, surrounding him.

Milo was in a bind, as 13 of the Fellowship members encircled him. He threw icicle spears at the ones in front and turned to face the ones in back, expecting them to attack his back. Three of them rushed in for the kill, Milo activated the discharge skill on his armor stunning the 3 that rushed in, he cut two of them down before he had to dodge an attack from the group he had distracted with the barrage of ice. Because of this, he allowed a cut to be made on his shoulder. He created an ice wall to make space again before taking out another Fellowship member. There were 10 left but Milo was in pain and could feel blood dripping from his shoulder.

Milo swapped to the whip mode and swung it out cutting the leg of one before whipping it around to lacerate the arm of another. While doing this, some of the Fellowship members threw out elemental attacks. Milo took on the force of a water blade head on, causing another cut, this time on his leg. He then jumped in the air making a massive ice blade before cutting down 3 of them at once. He was doing well considering being severely outnumbered. That was until the cardinal got involved.

The cardinal created a path of purple flames, the ominous dark flames snaked towards Milo as if they were alive. Milo tried throwing up an ice wall to block the attack, but the flames burned through it faster than Milo was expecting, this opened him up to another attack as he was forced to roll out of the way. Milo was running out of stamina and the damage to his body was stacking up as time passed, all the while a number of the cultists still stood. Milo looked over towards Krista and her mother at that moment to make sure they were still safe. They were still on the ground, the shock of Corinna's death had taken away any hope they had left of escaping.

One of the robed figures broke off from the group as he noticed Milo's eyes that looked over towards Krista and her mother. Seeing that Milo was glancing towards the two defenseless people, he chose to exploit that and target them, figuring they were important to him. Seeing the man heading towards the two of them, Milo roared in anger, throwing an ice spear that went through the back of the man's head, opening up Milo to an attack. At this moment one of the escorts stepped forwards and shoved his sword through Milo's back while he was distracted.

While this was happening, Alucard was busy fighting off the other Fellowship members who had been attempting to target Krista and her mother. He turned to see Milo get impaled and cried out for his master. He himself wasn't in great condition, with many of his feathers missing and cuts covering his body, but as long as his master was fighting he would as well. Once the sword was inserted in Milo's back, he felt the pain Milo was suffering due to the connection through Milo's ability as well.

Milo looked down at the sword blade that was sticking out of his front side. His blood could be seen on the blade as the Fellowship member pulled it out. Milo fell to his knees. Milo began to feel angry. Angry at the Fellowship. Angry at his own incompetence Angry that he couldn't protect Corinna. Angry that Krista and her mother would be next. But most of all angry at the world for taking away his happiness after thinking his summer was going so well. Milo roared in anger as another sword got shoved through his chest, causing him to spit up blood.

By this point any refugees who hadn't already escaped the ambush were dead, and more and more Fellowship members were flooding towards Milo's position. All of them hungry for more bloodshed. Hundreds of the robed individuals could be seen moving closer to witness Milo's end.

Thinking this was the end he wanted to at least kill the man who stabbed him. He stood, causing the man who had just stabbed him a second time to release his sword in shock. Milo turned around and cut the head of the man clean off. He then screamed as his eyes began to glow purple. Milo noticed a screen that appeared in his vision as the pain from the two holes in his torso began to fade.


Self preservation mode going into effect

System is going into overload

Magic Power stat has been temporarily unsealed


Magic Power erupted centering around Milo, as the pain from the two stab wounds became a dull ache. As the magic erupted from Milo, the man who had just been beheaded, froze in place before his body could collapse to the ground. Milo's Reinforce ability was then activated in his legs, he body flashed towards another one of the Fellowship soldiers, moving at an unimaginable speed due to the boost in his legs. Another head was sent rolling. His abilities had received a massive boost in power after the system began to overload and unsealed his magic power.

Milo then roared again shooting a massive wall of ice spikes out, impaling countless members of the Fellowship. By this point, the amount of freezing energy had caused snow to begin to fall on the camp even though it was the middle of summer. Milo activated Soul Siphon next, unlike previously it seemed to pull the strength of all the Fellowship members in the wide area boosting Milo's strength even more.

Milo continued on his rampage killing all Fellowship members who were around him. Milo ran through the group of cultists, hacking and slashing as he was boosted by his abilities. Milo then summoned a massive amount of ice spears. Hundreds of the menacing icicles floated in the air above him. He threw out his hand and all of them flew out going through the bodies of all the Fellowship members he could see. Thanks to the system overloading he felt like he had unlimited magic power. Because of this, he could use his abilities to a degree that made his previous strength look like child's play even though he was quite strong.

Seeing all this happen before him, the cardinal knew he had to stop the rampaging teen. He gathered his power and sent forth roaring wall of amethyst colored flames at Milo hoping to stop him before he could kill anymore. Milo didn't see the attack coming, unlike Chris's flames the purple flames weren't extinguished by the freezing energy that Milo gave off. He was so caught up in the huge amount of magic power flowing through him that he thought he was invincible, causing him to let his guard down. The flames immediately consumed Milo like a beast, burning everything they touched. Milo collapsed in pain as the flames ate away at his life.

"It was admirable but I must stop you here," the cardinal said as he walked up to Milo's writhing figure. "May your death bring about a better world."

Milo screamed in pain, the burning sensation ate away at all his senses making him wish that death would come sooner. As the flames melted his bones, he could feel his very being slipping away. There was no way he would be walking away from this. His vision was beginning to go dark as the pain of being burned alive continued to eat at his sanity.

The last thing Milo saw was a pillar of light coming down from the sky and enveloping him. It reminded him of the day the system had awakened, "this is the end I guess, this must be the light people say they saw when they died," he thought as his vision went dark. A system message had appeared but his vision had gone dark before he could read it.


User's vital signs are fading

Temporary Unlock of all System Functions granted

System will temporarily possess the user…

After this message appeared, black chains exploded from Milo and flowed towards the cardinal and remaining followers like a tidal wave. Unlike previously when the system was used, the cardinal and the few other remaining Fellowship members could see the chains burst forth from Milo and screamed as they swallowed them all, turning their world's black…






Not long after this happened Jorge along with David had arrived at Times Square with the other members of the Incubus Guild, only to be greeted by eerie silence and a light snowfall.

"I thought Milo said that the Fellowship was attacking the camp?" David asked Jorge, "Where'd they all go, they should still be here if the attack was as bad as Milo made it out to be. And what's with this snow, its almost August."

Their steps crunched in the small layer of snow that was covering the ground as they continued to walk through the remnants of the noiseless camp. Bodies of both refugees and the members of the Fellowship could be seen littering the ground, being covered by the snow that continued to fall.

The group of gatecrashers continued on through the camp until they came upon an area that was completely destroyed, a hole could be seen in the barrier not too far off and smoke was rising as if it was previously burning. Countless bodies wrapped in white robes could be seen on the ground, stained red from their own blood. In the center of the area, a girl could be seen crying over the body of a boy who was lying unconscious in a pool of blood, a woman was at her side comforting the weeping girl. As they got closer a black snake was seen coiled up on the boy's chest, wings sprouting from its back.

A huge man ran forward recognizing the little snake and boy who was lying in the bloodstained snow.

"We need medical now! That's Milo!" Harvey screamed as he ran forward. Healers stepped forward and got to work healing Krista, her mother and Milo.

A few meters away from Milo and the two girls, another figure could be seen on the ground wearing a red robe, on his face was a red mask with the number 5 on the forehead.

This chapter upload first at NovelBin.Com

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