My Wife Is A Killer

Chapter 21: Episode 21 The Tang Group

Chapter 21: Episode 21 The Tang Group

In episode 21, when Li Tian woke up from the chaos, something strange happened, his chest was still stinging when he just lay down.

Now it doesn't hurt at all, and he quickly brushes aside the injury that looked at his chest.

The wound was still swollen just now, and although it is still a little red and swollen now, it doesn't hurt at all to the touch.

Li Tian sat up from the sofa with a grunt and pressed his chest hard with his hand, Hey, your mother is really good.

Li Tian was surprised and delighted, he didn't expect that he was seriously injured, and there was a stabbing pain in his chest inside, and he was fine after he fell asleep.

Oh my boy, this is also recovering too quickly.

Touching his injury, it was really good, how excited he was, what the hell was going on?

Li Tian couldn't help but think in his heart, and suddenly glanced at the broken book that he threw in the corner of the sofa, Li Tian quickly picked it up and looked at the broken book, could it be because of him, could it be that he really picked up a treasure?

Li Tian couldn't help but say, touching the old book in front of him that looked like an antique, as well as some weird characters in it that Li Tian couldn't understand at all.

It's just something weird tadpole-shaped, and Li Tian wonders, no matter what, this broken book is becoming more and more helpful to him.

Li Tian thought in his heart, so he quickly stuffed the book into his bag, took out a cigarette from his pocket, put it in his mouth and sucked it, and his mood was much more comfortable.

I thought that I was seriously injured, and after sleeping for a while, I went downstairs to find a small pharmacy to buy some anti-inflammatory drugs, and treat it first, but I didn't expect the injury to be suddenly healed, and I sat there, and my eyes inadvertently glimpsed the room where Fei Fei was asleep last night.

Li Tian immediately felt angry in his heart, and he also felt a huge sense of loss.

Fuck, it turns out that people are in a group, it turns out that I was fucked like a clown, Li Tian scolded in his mouth, no wonder that dead girl kept saying that she was rich.

It seems that he is really rich, eldest lady, eldest daughter, but he is a poor bastard with nothing, so he kicked next to him ridiculously.

Li Tian on the table kicked the table over, and with a click, the table fell to the ground, do you think Lao Tzu is a bully?

Li Tian scolded angrily.

But after thinking about it, Li Tian didn't get angry with that Fei Fei anymore, in her words, why should she be angry with others if she didn't deserve it.

The person is a 1000 gold lady, and the rich man himself is nothing at all, so why should he be angry with others.

Li Tian, who smiled bitterly, stopped thinking about those annoying things, walked into the bathroom, and washed his face with clean water.

He was about to welcome a new life, and he had come to the city of Kyoto by himself, and now it was time to start a new day, so he washed his face and prepared to look for a job.

There is no way, now Li Tian has two hundred and three hundred yuan left in his pocket, and if he doesn't look for a job, he will starve to death.

After going out, he bought a recruitment newspaper and began to look for jobs on the newspaper one by one using the public phone.

There are all kinds of positions recruited in the newspaper, there are KTV waiters, what food and accommodation are 3,000 a month, there are porters, and what security guards and the like, it can be described as a mess, everything.

Li Tian made a few phone calls, and the other party first asked him if he had any work experience, he has lived in Liaocheng since he was a child, and he is a coolie in addition to working in a restaurant, where has he ever done the profession of these KTV waiters.

So the other party politely refused, so that in the end, Li Tian held hope to call a place that recruited security guards with food and accommodation.

After the other party picked up the phone and casually asked about the situation, he told Li Tian to go to the gate of Tang's enterprise in the afternoon to accept the application.

If you are qualified, you can go directly to work and eat, and it is not bad to live for 1,800 yuan a month.

Li Tian felt that so he wrote down the address, and after that, Li Tian decided to apply for a small security guard, and the time of application was more than three o'clock in the afternoon, and Li Tian ate a bowl of five-yuan ramen in a small restaurant downstairs.

Then he went back to his lodgings, and lay down in his room, which was still filled with the scent of the previous night's Fifi.

Li Tian restrained himself from thinking about it, and then continued to take out the single volume of the Book of Heaven and began to read it.

This time he looked at it more carefully, one by one.

As he looked closer, he noticed that there was something in his body again, which seemed to be swimming.

And this time it was different from the last time, first the veins in the head began to swim one by one, then began to the chest and abdomen, and then extended to the limbs and the whole body, and even the feet seemed to feel the surge of the air current.

This made Li Tian very happy, because as these tadpoles swam in his body, he could feel that his whole body was full of strength.

And Li Tian before was just casually flipping through the book, so he could only feel a breath of energy in his abdomen.

But now, he was one by one, and after looking at it, he could suddenly feel that his whole body instantly had strength.

Although that momentum was very small, it was already an incredible thing for Li Tian.

Now Li Tian began to concentrate on reading the first Chapter, and the more he watched, the more fascinated he became, and the whole person completely entered those tadpole texts.

I don't know how long I have been watching, Li Tian suddenly looked at the old-fashioned clock hanging on the wall, and at 2:41, Li Tian, who was rolling up from the sofa alone, was suddenly depressed.

Nima, it's three o'clock, and I still have to go to the interview, can I make it?

Hurriedly cleaned up casually, rushed out of the door, and quickly went downstairs to the downstairs, at this moment Li Tian casually stopped a taxi.

So he sat down, and he didn't think it was too expensive to take a taxi at this time.

After getting in the car, the driver asked him, where to go, to the Tang Group, Li Tian still clearly remembered the address that the recruiter gave him.

When the driver heard that he was going to the Tang Group, he started the car, snorted, and drove towards the street.

Master, is it far away to the Tang Group?

Li Tian couldn't help but ask in the car.

After all, if you are really late for the first interview, I'm afraid it will not be good.

The driver smiled and said, hey, it's not far, rest assured, it's only ten minutes.

Hearing the driver say this, Li Tiancai finally put his mind at ease.

The Tang Group is in Kyoto City, and there may be no one who doesn't know about the Tang Group anymore.

Tang Group started as a real estate company, which has been listed on the NASDAQ in United States, and now focuses on real estate, and also doubles in the catering industry.

In Kyoto, two major hotel chains have shares in the Tang Group.

Of course, the boss behind the Tang Group is Tang Feifei's father, that is, the girl who played himself when Li Tiangang came to Kyoto City.

But Li Tian didn't know all this, and now he was about to rush to the Tang Group for an interview, and he was a little excited to be a little security guard.

Li Tian sat in the car, looked at the traffic outside the car, and after the driver turned a corner, he arrived at the commercial center and saw a huge building dozens of floors high in the distance.

Standing there, the outside is all dazzling blue glass, the shape of the entire floor is erected like a bullet, the front of the building is horizontally carved out of the four big characters of the dragon flying and the phoenix dancing, and in front of the Tang Group building is a huge circular square.

There is also a parking lot for the staff of the Tang Group, where a row of cars of different colors and brands are parked, and on the periphery of the square is a security room and a security room.

There were also two security guards standing there.

The car slowly stopped at the Tang Group.

When the driver said that Li Tian handed the driver the money, he got out of the car, looked at the Tang Group in front of him, and felt an indescribable nervousness, after all, he was still looking at the towering building in front of him with some pressure when he came to apply for the job for the first time.

As well as the bodyguard at the door of the Tang Group, Li Tian sighed lightly and walked towards the security guard in front.

Hello, I would like to ask where you are applying.

After Li Tian walked over, he smiled and asked a tall security guard wearing a blue uniform.

The security guard glanced at Li Tian, you are here to apply for a security guard.

Well, Li Tian hurriedly said, oh, in the front place, our captain is there.

As he spoke, he pointed to a security room near the parking lot.

Li Tian thanked the security guard, and then quickly ran towards the parking lot over there.

After arriving at the door of the security room, Li Tian stretched out his hand and knocked gently, and a middle-aged man's voice came in from the closed door.

Li Tian pushed open the door, and then saw a middle-aged man in his forties, also wearing a sky blue dress, sitting on a small stool, smoking a cigarette and looking at the newspaper The middle-aged man looked at Li Tian and said.

I'm here to apply for a security guard.

Oh, that's you.

The man in his forties suddenly understood, and Li Tian said embarrassedly, I'm sorry, there was a traffic jam on the road just now, so I came a little late.

Didn't the old security guard say anything about bringing an ID card?

After taking Li Tian and handing over his ID card, the old security guard took a look at it, then returned it to Li Tian, looked at him with a smile and said, have you ever been a security guard before?

Li Tian smiled embarrassedly, to be honest, he really hadn't been an old security guard and didn't say anything, he just came to Kyoto.

Well, Li Tian nodded, in fact, the job of a security guard is quite easy, that is, standing guard.

It's 1,080 a month here, and the overtime pay is calculated separately, so if you think it's okay, you'll come to work tomorrow.

Li Tian didn't expect the old security guard to let himself go to work so easily, and suddenly said happily, Okay, thank you so much.

The old security guard smiled slightly, hey, I've been working here for five or six years, now I'm a security captain, if you go to work tomorrow, just look at the parking lot first.

The job is very simple, which is to give the owners of the parking lot a command to park.

Some car owners may not pay attention when they just drive and reverse, so you have to help look at the back, and watch the car being scratched by those boring people, and the old security guard told Li Tian all the details.

Li Tiandu nodded, remember, my name is Yu Dahai, what about you?

The old security guard, who claimed to be Yu Dahai, looked at Li Tian and asked, My name is Li Tian, I am older than you, so I will call you Xiao Li in the future.

Yu Dahai showed a mouthful of squid, and excessive smoking gave Xi Huang a mouth full of teeth, and Li Tian also called Yu Dahai Brother Yu with a smile.

So Li Tian worked as a small security guard in Tang's enterprise, and the security guards here are all in charge of food and housing, and Li Tian himself is still renting a house outside.

After thinking about it, it was not cost-effective, so Li Tian returned to his residence and discussed with the owner of the rent, and after discussing for two hours, he broke his mouth.

In the end, the owner decided to return 500 yuan to Li Tian, and the other 500 yuan was deducted, which made Li Tian regret it, and spent 500 yuan on two days of staying, which was too dark.

Blame that dead girl for everything, if it weren't for the fact that I felt sorry for that girl in the first place, I wouldn't have bothered to rent this house.

Looking back now, Li Tian still hates Feifei's itchy teeth.

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