Rebirth : The Alchemist's Path

Chapter 25: Power Restored

Chapter 25: Power Restored


After Muir consumed the pill, a wave of magical energy began to radiate from his body. The surrounding magic seemed to respond to the call, quickly gathering and flowing into him.

"It actually works?"

Teddy watched the scene in amazement.

At that moment, a magical storm erupted from Muir, and his aura rapidly intensified.

From magic apprentice to mage, to archmage...

In less than ten minutes, Muir's strength had returned to the level of a Nine-Star Archmage.


Another minute passed, and Muir's body trembled as he broke through once again, successfully reaching the One-Star Saint Mage level. The magical energy around him froze in place.

"He's already recovered?"

Everyone stared in disbelief at Muir, still seated on the ground.

He had just lost his powers moments ago, yet in less than a quarter of an hour, he had regained his rank as a One-Star Saint Mage.

"The feeling of having power again is amazing."

Muir opened his eyes, a complex expression in his gaze.

Before losing his power, he hadn't thought much of it. But now that he had lost it and regained it, he truly appreciated the success of his near-century of cultivation.

"Muir, are there any side effects?"

Teddy asked, looking at him closely.

Muir snapped out of his thoughts and quickly used his magic to examine his body, then shook his head.

"Master, after consuming the pill, there are no side effects. In fact, I feel like I'm about to break through to the Two-Star Saint Mage level."

"No side effects at all?"

Hearing this, Teddy sighed in relief.

As long as there were no side effects, no amount of money was too much to spend.

Without further hesitation, Teddy paid 700,000 magic crystals, and Meylan handed him a Nine-Star Treasure Pill.

After consuming the pill, it took less than ten minutes for Teddy's power to fully recover, returning him to the rank of a Nine-Star Archmage.

"Father, how do you feel?"

Corvin rushed to Teddy's side and asked quickly.

"Don't worry, I feel great. I even touched the barrier to break through to the Saint Mage level."

Teddy smiled again.

Even though he realized that Sylvus had manipulated them, he wasn't angry and didn't dare to be.

In fact, this whole ordeal had turned out to be a blessing in disguise.

He could feel that with a little more time, he would be able to break through to the rank of Saint Mage.

"Sylvus, we were wrong earlier. Please, don't hold it against us. Also, we'll buy the pill we talked about earlier. Do you have any other pills that would suit us? I'd like to purchase more."

Teddy spoke with a respectful bow toward Sylvus.

Ever since Corvin returned to the family with an eighth-tier magical beast, Teddy had questioned him about it, and Corvin told him everything about Sylvus's small shop.

Teddy had never heard of something like these pills before, so he came out of curiosity.

He thought that if these pills were as effective as they seemed, there might be an opportunity to collaborate with Sylvus. With the influence of the Steinway family, selling these pills in large quantities would be easy.

That's why he allowed Muir to test Sylvus's capabilities. The result was obvious.

He also realized that Sylvus was no ordinary person. Although he couldn't gauge his strength, the fact that even a Nine-Star Saint Mage was working as a shop assistant meant that Sylvus was undoubtedly more powerful.

With such a powerful figure, Teddy didn't dare to bring up cooperation. All he wanted now was to buy more pills and establish a good relationship with Sylvus.

"There are plenty of pills that would suit you. The eighth-tier 'Haiching Pill' can help you break through to the Saint Mage level, priced at three million magic crystals per pill. There's also..."

Sylvus listed a few more pills, each costing at least a million magic crystals.

This was where the financial power of the Steinway family became apparent—Teddy bought one of each pill.

By the time Teddy and his group left the shop, Sylvus had 12 million magic crystals stored in his system space.

"They're certainly rich, but compared to what that other guy promised me—several billion magic crystals—this is still lacking."

Sylvus looked at the magic crystals in his system space, his eyes gleaming.

With so many crystals, he would have enough points to buy more items when the system store refreshed next time.

"Boss, I have a question."

After Teddy and his group left, Meylan approached Sylvus with a sheepish grin.

"What is it?"

"Boss, how did you strip them of their powers earlier? Muir is a Saint Mage, after all."

Meylan asked curiously.

As a Nine-Star Saint Mage himself, Meylan had seen many things.

But he had never heard of a method like this. Even a Ruler Mage wouldn't be able to pull something like this off so easily.

"That was just a small spell I came up with two days ago when I was bored. Why do you ask?"

Sylvus responded casually.

A small spell he came up with when he was bored?

Hearing this, Meylan's lips twitched.

Sylvus is truly Sylvus.

A technique this powerful and unusual, and he calls it a small spell he created out of boredom.

*Why couldn't I come up with something like that when I was bored?*

"Boss, do you think you could teach me that spell? That way, I can help protect the shop."

Meylan asked eagerly, looking at Sylvus with anticipation.


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