Rebooting the Arena

Chapter 1: The Final Preparation

Chapter 1: The Final Preparation

The tension in the air was palpable as Kai Ashford sat in the corner of the practice room, reviewing the team's strategy one last time. The screen in front of them displayed the familiar arena map for Ancient Arena Online (AAO), and each glowing pathway and choke point was burned into Kai's mind. They had spent weeks practicing for this match. It was a make-or-break moment for the team—a high-stakes tournament with national recognition on the line.

Kai glanced around the room, eyes settling on each of their teammates. Damon Steele was seated across the room, legs crossed and arms casually resting behind his head. He seemed relaxed, almost too relaxed. His dark hair was tousled in that effortless way that made him look perpetually confident, bordering on cocky. Frostfang, Damon's in-game persona, was known for its brutal efficiency—frost magic combined with devastating melee attacks that could freeze and crush opponents with ease.

"Everyone ready?" Kai asked, their voice steady but laced with the tension of someone who knew exactly how much was riding on this. As the team captain and primary shot-caller, the pressure weighed on them more than anyone else. Every victory, every loss, it all came back to them. It had always been like this.

"Yeah, we're good," Reyes said from the back of the room, his voice a casual drawl. His avatar, Grit, was their tank—a shield-bearing juggernaut who could absorb immense damage. Reyes wasn't the most passionate about the game, but he had always been reliable in clutch moments.

Livia, their main support, was busily adjusting her headset, her usual no-nonsense expression glued to her face. She was Ironheart in the game, a flame-based healer who kept the frontline alive through sheer will and regeneration. Livia was a quiet presence, but her healing always spoke volumes.

Then there was Sarai, their fiery DPS. Her avatar, Inferna, was all about high-damage, AoE fire attacks that could wipe an entire enemy team if positioned correctly. She stood near Damon, the two of them exchanging private smirks. It wasn't unusual for Sarai and Damon to be chummy, but today something felt... off. There was a strange energy between them, and Kai had noticed their whispered conversations earlier in the week. Still, they pushed the thought aside. This wasn't the time to be paranoid.

Kai returned their focus to the strategy board. "Alright. We're sticking to the plan. Livia, stay close to Reyes and keep him topped off. Sarai, your positioning is key here—we need those AoE strikes to land perfectly when Damon engages."

They paused, looking over to Damon. He hadn't said a word during the briefing, which was unusual. Kai expected at least a sarcastic comment or a joke about how easily he could carry the game. But nothing. Damon merely nodded, his eyes narrowing slightly as he met Kai's gaze.

"Damon, you're leading the charge. As always."

Damon's lips curled into a smirk. "Right. As always." He exchanged a brief glance with Sarai, and for a moment, Kai felt a pang of unease. Damon's tone had been dismissive, almost mocking. But why?

"We've practiced this a hundred times," Kai continued, shaking off the feeling. "You know how to handle the Arcane Dominion team. They're going to try to lock us down with their mages, but if we break through their frontline and get into their backline—"

"We win," Damon finished, cutting them off. "We know, Kai. Just say the word when it's time to execute. Easy."

Kai frowned but didn't press the issue. Damon had always been cocky, but his skill justified it. They needed him sharp today. Still, the dismissive tone gnawed at the back of Kai's mind. They had been through so much together as a team—Damon had always been the one who backed Kai up during the tough calls. So why did it feel like something was shifting?

With the plan finalized, Kai stood up, turning off the strategy screen. The room dimmed, casting soft shadows against the sleek equipment. "Alright. We go live in ten minutes. Everyone, take a breath. We've got this."

As the team scattered to their respective stations, Kai lingered, their mind racing with last-minute adjustments. They didn't notice Damon pulling Sarai aside, whispering something under his breath, a quiet exchange that only deepened the growing rift. Whatever was coming, Kai couldn't see it yet.

But Damon Steele had already made his move.

Kai's focus returned as the countdown to the match began. The Arena of Thaloria, one of the most prestigious arenas in the game, loaded up on their screens. Its towering spires and crystalline battlegrounds gleamed in the digital sunlight, a perfect stage for what should have been their team's greatest triumph.

And yet, an unsettling weight hung in the air. Kai brushed it off, fingers hovering over the keyboard. The plan was solid. The team was talented. And with Damon leading the charge, there was no reason they couldn't win.

But victory had never felt so fragile.

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