Rebooting the Arena

Chapter 23: Old Wounds

Chapter 23: Old Wounds

After the scrimmage against Astral Vanguard, the team had logged off for the night, exhausted but determined to improve. But Kai remained at their desk, staring at the lobby screen, unable to shake the lingering frustration from the loss. Facing Victor Harrington again had dredged up old memories—ones Kai had worked hard to bury.

The message pinged before Kai could log off.


Well, that went about as I expected.

Kai's jaw clenched as they saw the familiar username flash on their screen. They knew this conversation was inevitable, but they weren't prepared for how raw the emotions would feel.


You always did know how to pick apart a team, Victor.


And you always underestimated me, Kai. Just like old times. But then again, things haven't changed much, have they?

Kai could feel the weight of Victor's words settling in—words that were designed to cut deep. Their history was complicated, full of shared victories and bitter betrayals. And now, facing Victor again, those old wounds were being reopened.


You've always been good at getting under people's skin, Victor. What do you want?

There was a pause before Victor's response came through, and when it did, it carried a tone Kai hadn't heard in years—half taunting, half reflective.


It's funny, seeing you lead a team again. I remember when you were the one on top, Kai. You had everything—your own team, sponsorships, a shot at going pro. And now here you are, clawing your way back up with a bunch of amateurs. It must be humbling.

The words stung, but Kai wasn't going to give Victor the satisfaction of seeing them falter. They had faced the darkest part of their career and come out the other side. This time, they weren't going to let Victor twist the knife.


You always did like to twist things, didn't you? I didn't fall from grace, Victor—I chose a different path. One that didn't involve playing dirty or throwing my team under the bus every time things got hard.

Victor's reply came quickly, sharp and cold.


Is that how you remember it? Because from where I'm standing, it looks like you fell apart the moment things stopped going your way. You had everything, Kai, and you walked away. The only difference between you and me is that I'm willing to do what it takes to win.

Kai exhaled slowly, feeling the heat of the past threatening to rise up. The truth was, Victor wasn't entirely wrong. Kai's rise to the top had been meteoric, but the fall had been just as fast. Back when they were competing at the highest level, they had made a critical decision: they refused to compromise their ethics for victory. While Victor had leaned into his ruthless ambition, willing to cross any line to secure a win, Kai had chosen a different path.

And it had cost them everything.


I walked away because I wasn't willing to be like you, Victor. Winning at any cost wasn't worth it. I've seen what it's done to you—and it's not who I want to be.

Victor's response was immediate, and his words carried the same cutting tone.


And where did that leave you? You had it all, Kai. You could've been at the top with me. But you let your idealism get in the way, and now you're stuck rebuilding from scratch. Is that what you call integrity?

The memories came flooding back—the fallout, the moments where Kai had chosen to walk away rather than continue down the path Victor had set. Back then, Kai had felt like they had no choice, but it had still cost them their team, their reputation, and their shot at the professional scene.

But as much as it hurt to revisit those memories, Kai knew now, more than ever, that they had made the right decision.


Yeah, Victor, that's what I call integrity. You might think you've won because you're still climbing the ranks, but look at the cost. You've burned bridges, lost allies, and turned the game into a battlefield. Is that really winning?

There was a longer pause this time. When Victor finally responded, his words were more personal, cutting straight to the core of their shared history.


You never understood, Kai. The game isn't about who has the most friends—it's about who's willing to sacrifice the most. And that's why I'm here, leading a semi-pro team, and you're barely making waves in the amateur circuit. The difference is, I didn't hesitate. I didn't let people like you hold me back.

Kai clenched their fists, but they didn't let Victor's words shake them. They had been through this before, and while it had hurt to leave the professional scene, they had learned to rebuild from the ground up. Phoenix Reborn was a testament to that. They had found a new purpose—one that wasn't defined by ruthless ambition but by trust, growth, and teamwork.


You think the only way to win is to sacrifice everything. But I'm not playing your game anymore, Victor. I'm building something real, something that lasts. Phoenix Reborn is more than just a team to me—we're a family. We win together, and we lose together. And that's something you'll never understand.

Another pause followed, and when Victor replied, the tone was quieter, almost reflective, though still laced with bitterness.


You always were too soft, Kai. Maybe you've changed, maybe not. But let's see how long that family of yours lasts when the stakes get higher. We'll cross paths again, and when we do, you'll see that nothing's changed. The game is still the game. You either adapt or you get left behind.

Kai knew there was no point in arguing with Victor. They had seen firsthand the cost of his mindset, and they weren't going to fall into the same trap. Victor had chosen his path, and Kai had chosen theirs. The difference was, Kai was building something worth fighting for.


We'll see, Victor. But I'm not afraid of losing anymore. We'll see who's left standing when the dust settles.

Victor's final message came through, short and cold.


Good luck, Kai. You'll need it.

As the chat window closed, Kai sat back, exhaling deeply. The conversation had stirred up old wounds, but it had also deepened their resolve. Victor was right about one thing: they had fallen from grace, and it had been painful. But that fall had given Kai something Victor would never have—perspective.

Kai wasn't here to relive the past or to chase hollow victories. They were here to build something real, and Phoenix Reborn was the proof of that. Every scrimmage, every loss, every win—they were all steps toward something greater. Victor might have been ruthless, but Kai had something he didn't—a team that believed in each other, and a leader who believed in them.

The road ahead was long, and the challenges would keep coming. But Kai knew now, more than ever, that they were on the right path.

Old wounds still ached, but they were the foundation on which Kai's new strength was built.

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