Starforce Warriors

Chapter 9: Changes In The Gang

Chapter 9: Changes In The Gang

“Come in,” Li Xiaofei said, looking towards the door.

A chubby boy rushed in hurriedly. “Brother Xiaofei, something terrible has happened!”

The chubby boy's name was Yang Cheng. He had been one of Li Xiaofei’s trusted confidants in the Cloudy Sky Gang.

“Calm down and explain. What happened?” asked Li Xiaofei.

“The old president is severely injured and can barely hold on. Hurry, we need to go to headquarters. The old president... he’s holding on with his last breath, waiting for you to return and take over as president,” replied Yang Cheng.

“What?” Li Xiaofei was shocked.

The slums of Liuhua Base City were home to seven major gangs: the Cloudy Sky Gang, the Blackblood Gang, the Moon Manor Gang, the Sewage Plant Gang, the Little Knife Gang, the Thunderfire Gang, and the Dragon Fang Gang.

Li Xiaofei belonged to the Cloudy Sky Gang, which had six main halls and over a hundred members. They were ranked second to last among the seven gangs, since they were only slightly larger than the Dragon Fang Gang, which was mainly composed of undocumented adventurers.

However, thanks to the old president Zhong Yuanshan, a master at the peak of the fifth stage and the second most powerful figure in the slums, the Cloudy Sky Gang's overall strength ranked third among the seven gangs.

It was no exaggeration to say that Zhong Yuanshan, also known as the Swift Sword, single-handedly supported the entire Cloudy Sky Gang. Without him, the gang was likely to disband. Zhong Yuanshan was an upright person, a rare kind-hearted leader in the slums. But more importantly, he was Li Xiaofei’s mentor.

The previous Li Xiaofei had risen from a powerless, impoverished youth to become one of the six Hall Masters of Cloudy Sky Gang all due to Zhong Yuanshan’s dedicated mentorship. But this benefactor of his had been gravely injured?

“What happened?” Li Xiaofei’s heart sank, and he hurriedly asked, “Who injured the old president?”

“It was Dugu Que from the Blackblood Gang. He challenged the old president this morning and defeated him with three strikes in the ring,” Yang Cheng quickly explained.

Dugu Que? The son of Blackblood Gang’s leader, Dugu Yilong?

That didn’t make sense. According to this body's memories, that guy was a wastrel who indulged in all sorts of vices from a young age and constantly caused trouble. Rumor had it that he hadn’t even started cultivating starforce. But that supposed wastrel had defeated Zhong Yuanshan, the second most powerful figure in the slums, with just three strikes in the ring?

“It's unbelievable, but everyone saw it with their own eyes,” Yang Cheng said, his face showing the same disbelief. It was like he had seen a ghost. “Dugu Que has suddenly become a master, and he sent the old president flying with just three strikes. Before leaving, Dugu Que declared that we must surrender unconditionally within three days, or he would exterminate us.”

“Why didn’t you notify me earlier?” asked Li Xiaofei.

“We couldn’t reach you...” replied Yang Cheng.

“Let’s go to headquarters,” Li Xiaofei said, immediately putting on his clothes. He couldn’t ignore the debt of gratitude that he owed to his current body’s mentor.

The heavy motorcycle roared to life under his hands in the courtyard. Li Xiaofei couldn’t wait any longer and sped off.

Yang Cheng stood there, stunned, waving his arms frantically. “Hall Master, I haven’t gotten on the bike yet! I haven’t gotten on!” He panted heavily as he chased after him.


At the same time, at the headquarters of the Cloudy Sky Gang.  

The headquarters had been converted from an abandoned elementary school, making it a notable landmark in the slums. It was usually bustling with people, but now it was eerily quiet. The front yard housed a training ground, an office hall, an armory, and a parking lot. The backyard served as the private residence of the old president Zhong Yuanshan and his family.

Cries could be heard from the inner room. Inside, the old president Zhong Yuanshan lay on a large bed, his face as pale as gold leaf and his breathing weak. His eldest daughter Zhong Ling, his adopted son Zhong Yang, the gang's First Hall Master Zhong Yuanbo, and several Cloudy Sky Gang leaders were all gathered around the bed, their faces full of concern.

“Father, if there's anything you need to say, say it now,” Zhong Yang, the adopted son, urged, showing little sign of grief. “The gang can't be leaderless for even a day.”

“Wait... Wait for Xiaofei to return,” Zhong Yuanshan barely managed to whisper as he clung to life. His eyes remained fixed on the door, waiting for the young man he had chosen.

“Father, are you really planning to hand the gang over to that outsider?” Zhong Yang cried out in exasperation. “I am your son, how can you do this to me?”

“Shut up!” Zhong Yuanshan roared weakly. “He is your senior brother, and will be your future brother-in-law. Who said he’s an outsider?! Cough cough cough.” His rage at his useless son caused a fit of coughing, exacerbating his injuries and causing him to spit out a mouthful of blood that stained the bed sheets.

“Little Yang, can you please be quiet and let father rest for a while?” his daughter, Zhong Ling, urgently pleaded.

First Hall Master Zhong Yuanbo also chimed in, “Yes, Little Yang, what are you saying? Apologize and let the president rest. Everything will be discussed when Hall Master Li Xiaofei returns.” He gave Zhong Yang a meaningful look.

Understanding the signal, Zhong Yang quickly said, “I’m sorry, Father, I was wrong.”

Zhong Yuanshan's heaving chest gradually calmed when he heard that. “I’m doing this for your own good. You don't have the ability to support this gang.”

Zhong Yang grew impatient. He glanced at the other leaders in the room and said, “Alright, my father needs to rest. Everyone, please leave and wait outside.” The leaders exchanged looks, sighed collectively, and then turned to leave.


The door closed behind them. Zhong Yuanshan’s face showed a hint of helplessness as he slowly looked at his eldest daughter, Zhong Ling, and gently raised his hand to caress her hair.

This old man, who had spent half his life navigating the complexities of the slums in Liuhe Base City, was most worried about his daughter. He had sent Zhong Ling out of the slums to the civilian district since she was a child to be educated in the rule-of-law district. She had lived a life of comfort and was ignorant of how harsh reality could be. Without his protection, she could easily fall into a dire situation.

Looking at his daughter with a kind expression, Zhong Yuanshan solemnly instructed, “Little Ling, I fear I won’t make it through today. From now on, Li Xiaofei is your fiance. Once you graduate, you must marry him immediately. Do you understand?”

Zhong Ling, feeling wronged, replied, “Father, I’ve always seen Li Xiaofei as a brother. I... I don't have feelings for him.”

Zhong Yuanshan shook his head weakly, “I know about the friends you’ve made, but they are unreliable... Trust me, I won’t lead you astray.”

Zhong Ling pouted, choosing to remain silent in defiance.

Zhong Yuanshan continued, “I’ve arranged everything. When Li Xiaofei returns, I will transfer the position of gang president to him. At that time...”

But before he could finish his sentence...


A steel blade was thrust into Zhong Yuanshan’s chest.

This chapter upload first at NovelBin.Com

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