Step by Step Ascend to Immortality

Chapter 1 - 1 First encounter

Chapter 1: Chapter 1 First encounter

The first time Wang Zihan laid eyes on Du Yunlong, he was perched on the roof of his own house, carefully replacing old, broken tiles with new ones he had salvaged from an abandoned estate. The work required patience and precision, and Du Yunlong was fully absorbed in the task when he noticed her presence.

Wang Zihan was an ethereal beauty, even though she was wrapped in a black cloak that obscured most of her figure. Her striking features were hard to miss, though she seemed slightly too curvaceous and had a faint frown on her face. Despite these details, Du Yunlong couldn't help but think she was the most stunning woman he had ever seen.

Accompanying Wang Zihan was a local official, who eagerly began to sing Du Yunlong's praises. "Miss Wang, this is Du Yunlong, the most skilled fighter in the surrounding villages. At seventeen, he had already bested every opponent within a hundred miles. He ventured out into the world, returning with some scars but also with unmatched martial skills. He's even taken down several tigers with his bare hands!"

Though there was some exaggeration in the official's words, Du Yunlong couldn't deny the truth in them. His years of wandering had indeed been perilous, filled with countless battles and near encounters with the path to immortality. However, out of respect for the official's efforts to promote him, Du Yunlong decided to make an impression. He set down a tile, lightly pushed off the roof, and landed gracefully in the courtyard below, bowing respectfully to Wang Zihan.

Unfortunately, the display triggered an old injury, causing him to cough softly while pressing a hand to his chest. Beads of sweat appeared on his forehead. The large man accompanying Wang Zihan stepped forward, towering over Du Yunlong. "Brother, that was an impressive move. Have you reached the Tiger Combat Stage?"

Though Du Yunlong had once brushed against the world of immortals, in the realm of martial artists, the Tiger Combat Stage was a critical milestone. Those who reached this stage were no longer considered ordinary people. They moved with the agility of a monkey and the swiftness of a hare, embodying the so-called "Escaping Hare" stage, comparable to the initial stages of a cultivator's Qi Refinement.

Du Yunlong studied the giant man before him, who was over two heads taller than himself, with a dark, iron-like complexion, broad shoulders, and a waist as thick as Du Yunlong's. The man wielded a pair of heavy meteor hammers. Judging by his physique and demeanor, Du Yunlong estimated that this man was at least one or two stages above him. "Brother, you have a discerning eye. I am indeed at the Tiger Combat Stage. May I ask for your name?"

The man answered immediately, "I am Huo Qianshu, and this is my lady, Wang Zihan."

Du Yunlong noticed that a group of familiar young men from the nearby village had gathered behind Wang Zihan, their eyes gleaming with anticipation as they looked at him. However, Du Yunlong turned his attention away from Huo Qianshu and focused on Wang Zihan, who wore a proud expression. "Greetings, Miss Wang, Brother Huo. If you don't mind, could we make this brief? I need to finish the roof before nightfall and then head over to help Granny Wang."

It was the truth. Even someone as skilled as Du Yunlong wouldn't risk working on a roof after dark. A single misstep could be fatal. He had already promised to assist Granny Wang, a widow in the village with no family to help her.

Wang Zihan, well-accustomed to the intensity of Du Yunlong's gaze, gave a quick signal to Huo Qianshu, who stepped forward with his hammers. "My lady needs to make a trip to Falling Star Mountain in Yuan Province. The mountain is known for its fierce beasts and dangerous creatures. We were hoping you could accompany us."

The local young men began to chime in eagerly, "Brother Du, we need you to lead us through Falling Star Mountain!"

"Yeah! You crossed that mountain alone when you were seventeen. This should be a walk in the park for you!"

"We don't dare cross the mountain without you leading the way."

"Miss Wang has agreed to pay one hundred coins a day, with an additional three hundred coins when we reach Yuan Province!"

It was a generous offer. In these parts, a hundred coins could buy a full bushel of rice. Earning that much in a single day was a rare opportunity for someone living in the countryside.

Huo Qianshu, sensing a negotiation, kept his eyes on Du Yunlong, assessing him. Du Yunlong's occasional cough hinted at an old injury, yet his skills were undeniable. The neatly stacked tiles at his feet, organized with precision, and the carefully maintained courtyard all indicated a man with considerable talents, even if his modest vegetable garden suggested financial struggles.

"The offer is fair," Du Yunlong began, "but if I leave now, not only will my house leak like a sieve in the rain, but I'll also break my promise to Granny Wang. I'm grateful for Miss Wang and Brother Huo's consideration, but I must decline."

Huo Qianshu, thinking this was merely a bargaining tactic, was about to speak when Wang Zihan interrupted, "Chief Yin, find a roofer!"

The official, knowing Wang Zihan's wealth and influence, quickly agreed. "Of course! I'll bring Su the Roofer. He's the best in the area, and Du Yunlong learned his skills from him!"

Although this was only half-true—Du Yunlong had indeed learned from Su, but only for five days before setting out on his own—Wang Zihan didn't care about the details. She smiled confidently, "Name your price. I can afford it."

Inwardly, she bristled at the situation. In the past, she could have easily summoned a master martial artist or even a mid-stage Qi Refinement cultivator with a mere wave of her hand. She never expected to be haggling with someone like Du Yunlong. But this time, she needed his help. The dangers of Falling Star Mountain were too great for Huo Qianshu alone to handle, and she was prepared to pay a steep price.

When Du Yunlong finally spoke, everyone was stunned.

"One thousand coins per day, and three thousand more upon reaching Yuan Province."

The official nearly jumped out of his skin at the exorbitant demand. How could Du Yunlong ask for such an outrageous sum? But as a mediator, he had to try to smooth things over. "Brother Du, Su the Roofer will charge a bit, too. Maybe you could lower your price a little?"

The young men were equally shocked. They had never expected Du Yunlong to ask for such a high fee. It wasn't just a high price—it was practically extortion!

A thousand coins a day could buy sixty to seventy bushels of rice, enough for Du Yunlong to live comfortably for two or three years. A master at the Tiger Combat Stage could indeed command high wages, but this was far beyond what anyone had anticipated.

Huo Qianshu, enraged, swung his hammers, creating a menacing whistling sound. "You must be joking! You're asking for a thousand coins a day? Do you even know your worth?"

Du Yunlong remained calm, unfazed by the threat. "A thousand coins a day is fair. I guarantee my services are worth every coin. Miss Wang, Brother Huo, the decision is yours."

All eyes turned to Wang Zihan, awaiting her response. Would she really agree to such an exorbitant price?

Wang Zihan spoke up.

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