Step by Step Ascend to Immortality

Chapter 15 - 16 The Falling Sword of the Tears of Heaven

Chapter 15: Chapter 16 The Falling Sword of the Tears of Heaven

Gu Yinghua had always believed in Liu Suiyun's abilities, but she never expected what came next. With a swift motion of his silver sword, Liu Suiyun unleashed a serpent-like bolt of lightning, which quickly expanded into a massive electric net, crashing down on the tightly packed formation of Pang family warriors.

"Chaoyang Divine Thunder!" Gu Yinghua gasped, instantly recognizing the technique. It was one of the most formidable lightning-based spells among Qi Refinement cultivators. However, the version Liu Suiyun used seemed different—more powerful. The lightning serpent transformed into a wide-reaching electric web, wreaking havoc on the tightly clustered Pang family fighters.

Pang Tianming and his warriors had no time to react. The electric net, shimmering with streaks of silver, enveloped their formation. The precise, orderly ranks of over thirty warriors were shattered in an instant. More than half were struck down by the Chaoyang Divine Thunder, its destructive power magnified by the close quarters.

Pang Tianming, who stood at the forefront, was hit hardest. His once pristine white robes turned to charred tatters. Neither his perfected Bone Refinement cultivation, nor his decades of battle experience, nor even the protective purple aura surrounding him could withstand the thunder's wrath. All Gu Yinghua could hear was his anguished groan before his entire body was scorched black.

Pang Tianming, a master of Bone Refinement, was nearly obliterated by the thunder. But compared to the heavily armored warriors in the front lines, he was fortunate—if that could even be called luck.

The steel shields, armor, and silver helmets of the armored warriors became perfect conduits for the lightning. The electric serpents coursed through their ranks, electrocuting their bodies over and over again. Cries of pain echoed through the battlefield as one after another, they collapsed to the ground.

Those who survived desperately tried to remove their heavy helmets and armor, which weighed down on them like a death sentence. Their large shields were discarded across the battlefield, and they suffered the most casualties of any group. Although their black armor didn't change color under the lightning's assault, their spirits were utterly shattered.

The heavy-armored warriors were wiped out entirely.

The second line of fighters, armed with long spears, fared no better. Their weapons became lightning rods, drawing the deadly currents straight through them. In mere moments, two-thirds of them fell, leaving the survivors trembling in fear, dreading another strike of Chaoyang Divine Thunder.

Even the third row of warriors wasn't spared, with half of them decimated by the lightning.

Gu Yinghua watched in awe as Liu Suiyun's Chaoyang Divine Thunder wreaked havoc on the Pang family's once-solid formation. In a matter of seconds, more than half of the thirty-odd warriors were down, especially those in the front rows, who bore the brunt of the attack. Even those still standing were severely weakened, their fighting strength greatly diminished.

But wait—wasn't Liu Suiyun a martial artist? How could he wield such powerful Daoist techniques with such mastery?

She had no time to ponder, as Liu Suiyun let out a battle cry, "Kill!" He charged forward, alongside Fire Qianshu, who was brandishing his meteor hammer with deadly precision.

The Pang family warriors, still reeling from the lightning assault, were completely unprepared for this second wave of attacks. Liu Suiyun and Fire Qianshu tore through their ranks like a storm. Each swing of Fire Qianshu's meteor hammer brought forth a surge of blood, cutting down anyone in its path.

Pang Tianming, battered and burnt, was Liu Suiyun's primary target. The relentless assault of Liu Suiyun's blade left Pang feeling as though he was being trampled by a raging bull. Desperately, he tried to fend off the attacks with his jade whisk, pleading, "Brother Liu, what's going on? Didn't we agree? If you joined the Pang family, you'd have all the women, wealth, and..."

Liu Suiyun's attacks only grew fiercer. "Yes, but the problem is, I just killed your son, Pang Qinghui!"

For a moment, Pang Tianming froze in shock. Liu Suiyun was right. Yesterday, a young Qi Refinement cultivator named Pang Qinghui had been slain. He was Pang Tianming's cherished son, the one he had hoped would one day build a foundation, form a golden core, and achieve immortality. But now, that dream was dead, killed by Liu Suiyun.

All that careful nurturing, only to end in this tragic reversal—an old man burying his son.

"I'll never forgive you!" Pang Tianming roared, launching a frenzied assault. "Die, you dog!"

Under Pang Tianming's onslaught, Liu Suiyun was forced to retreat several steps. Seeing a glimmer of hope for revenge, Pang Tianming pressed forward, attacking with all his remaining strength. But just as he was about to land a decisive blow, Liu Suiyun deftly grasped his short sword, unleashing a yellow arc of light straight at Pang Tianming.

Pang Tianming couldn't dodge in time. The yellow light struck him in the chest, tearing through his body. Blood sprayed everywhere as one of the Pang family's most seasoned fighters fell.

Liu Suiyun barely had a moment to catch his breath. He noticed that Fire Qianshu's unstoppable advance had been halted. The remaining Pang family cultivator, a mid-stage Qi Refinement expert, was hiding behind a Bone Refinement warrior and two Tiger-Wrestling fighters, occasionally casting protective talismans.

Under normal circumstances, this combination would have spelled disaster for Fire Qianshu. While mid-stage Qi Refinement cultivators are generally only comparable to Bone Refinement warriors, they possess the power to turn the tide of battle with their Daoist techniques. Even a Yuanlong or Kaishan stage warrior could be gravely injured or killed by a well-timed spell.

But today, Liu Suiyun's mastery of the Chaoyang Divine Thunder had left the Qi Refinement cultivator so shaken that he prioritized his own safety, casting multiple protective spells around himself. These included barriers against weapons and spells, as well as an anti-arrow spell, all out of fear that Liu Suiyun might strike again with another terrifying attack.

As a result, the Qi Refinement cultivator's strength was severely diminished, barely able to muster half of his usual power. This allowed Fire Qianshu to hold his ground, albeit in a tense stalemate. Now, with Pang Tianming dead and Liu Suiyun free to act, the remaining Pang family fighters were overcome with fear. The cultivator shouted, "Retreat!"

He quickly activated a talisman, wrapping his legs in a red glow as he sprinted away, followed closely by the surviving Pang family members. Within moments, they had vanished from sight, though Liu Suiyun and Fire Qianshu managed to take down two more unlucky warriors in their retreat.

"Ha! That was exhilarating!" Fire Qianshu exclaimed, lowering his meteor hammer as he caught his breath. "Brother Liu, your Daoist techniques were nothing short of miraculous!"

"You flatter me, Brother Fire," Liu Suiyun replied, still calm and composed. "The real credit goes to Miss Gu for giving me the confidence to fight."

At the mention of Gu Yinghua, she hurried over, her eyes wide with curiosity. "Liu Suiyun, you need to tell me—how do you know Daoist techniques?"

Indeed, she had never imagined that Liu Suiyun was not only a master martial artist but also proficient in Daoist spells. His Chaoyang Divine Thunder and the modified Comet Strikes the Moon, though simplified versions, had been executed with perfect timing, turning the tide of battle.

But why had he never used these spells before?

Liu Suiyun smiled, unbuttoning his collar to let the mountain breeze cool him down. "Miss Gu, didn't I tell you when we first met? I'm Liu Suiyun, known for being the most devoted in love, the best at farming, third in Daoist techniques, and fourth in martial arts!"

"I'm Liu Suiyun, first in love, second in farming, third in Daoist arts, and fourth in martial skills!"

Gu Yinghua recalled him saying this before, more than once. But she still had more questions. "Then why haven't I seen you use any Daoist techniques before?"

"Because of my injury," Liu Suiyun explained with a radiant smile. "Thanks to your rare Fragrant Pill, I finally regained my spiritual energy. Without it, I wouldn't have had a single drop of power. But with that pill, I'm not afraid of any obstacle. For my woman, I'll carve a path through mountains of corpses and seas of blood!"

Gu Yinghua shot him a playful glare, both surprised and pleased by this turn of events. She appreciated having everything under control, but she still took Liu Suiyun's hand once more. "You should rest now. There's no second Fragrant Pill."

"Thank you," Liu Suiyun said, coughing lightly as his face flushed red. Using those powerful spells had taken a heavy toll.

He introduced himself again, "Miss Gu, don't forget—I'm Liu Suiyun, first in love, second in farming, third in Daoist arts, and fourth in martial skills! For the woman I love, I would face any danger without hesitation!"

Gu Yinghua remembered Liu Suiyun's words this time, smiling as she held his hand. Her smile was radiant, full of grace. "I believe you now. It seems

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