Step by Step Ascend to Immortality

Chapter 27 - 28 Choice

Chapter 27: Chapter 28 Choice

After receiving the Fourfold Heavenly Yuan Bean, a broad smile spread across Ma Qianjun's face. "Rest assured, Master Pang," he said confidently. "Leave everything to me!"

With the bean in hand, Ma Qianjun was confident he could break through to the Mountain-Cleaving Stage, potentially rivaling a Foundation Establishment cultivator. This breakthrough might even add ten years to his lifespan, giving him the strength to fully establish the Tianyi Gang as the leading force in Yunzhong County. "Master Pang, while your family's falcons and hounds are exceptional, they may not be of much use in Luoxing Mountain," Ma Qianjun cautioned.

Pang Tianshan frowned slightly. "Why is that?"

Ma Qianjun quickly explained, "This is Luoxing Mountain. Even the fiercest falcons and hounds are like mere rabbits in this treacherous wilderness. The beasts and creatures lurking here can annihilate even a Golden Core cultivator or a Three-Flower martial artist. What chance do a few falcons and hounds stand? If half of them return, it would be a miracle."

Pang Tianshan nodded thoughtfully as Ma Qianjun continued, "Furthermore, while hounds might be effective in tracking Liu Suiyun, that man is no ordinary prey. He traversed Luoxing Mountain alone at the age of fourteen as if it were his backyard!"

"He seems to possess a skill that allows him to evade hounds," Ma Qianjun suggested. "Otherwise, with so many hounds unleashed, we would have caught those two by now! We should deploy scouts along with the falcons and hounds, attacking them as soon as they're spotted. However, Liu Suiyun is both a martial artist and a cultivator, making him a formidable opponent."

Pang Tianshan had already formulated a plan. "You are right, Chief Ma. I underestimated the situation and allowed the opportunity to slip away. Jiao Long!" he called out.

He gave the order, "Distribute the Crimson Blood Essence Dragon Pills and the Annihilation Arrows to our warriors. And don't hold back on those talisman treasures we've kept in reserve. Use everything at our disposal!"

Ma Qianjun was taken aback. The Crimson Blood Essence Dragon Pill, with the word "Dragon" in its name, hinted at its potent effects. It's said that consuming just one pill could significantly enhance a martial artist's power, even doubling their strength, and might even push them to the next level without any side effects.

These pills were usually reserved for high-ranking martial artists. Despite years of accumulating resources, the Tianyi Gang had only managed to obtain two of them. Now, with Pang Tianshan's command, who knows how many of these precious pills would be distributed among the Pang family warriors.

As for the Annihilation Arrows, they were rare and powerful weapons. Originally crafted by a sect in a distant region to train Dao soldiers against cultivators, these arrows were eventually deemed ineffective against high-level cultivators and were abandoned. However, for ordinary martial families like the Pang family, the Annihilation Arrows were invaluable. They could pierce armor and shields with ease, making them a significant threat to Qi Refining and Foundation Establishment cultivators. A few skilled archers with strong bows could turn the tide of battle.

The talisman treasures were even more formidable. Crafted by Golden Core cultivators, these were powerful artifacts used in battle. Pang Tianshan was clearly putting everything on the line. Ma Qianjun's confidence grew. "This time, Gu Yinghua and Liu Suiyun won't have anywhere to run—they'll meet their end!"

Meanwhile, Liu Suiyun and Gu Yinghua were on the move again.

After Fire Qianshu's fall, Liu Suiyun had to abandon some of his belongings. Now, all he carried was Gu Yinghua, a few essential items, and his mother's memorial tablet. He also had a small pouch containing the last remnants of Fire Qianshu—a handful of his ashes.

This was all that remained of Fire Qianshu in the world. Liu Suiyun said nothing, walking silently through the rugged mountain path.

Although Liu Suiyun called it a path, there were no signs of any trail. Tall grass and thorny shrubs brushed against Gu Yinghua's neck as they passed, and they had to climb mist-covered cliffs and descend sheer rock faces, sometimes even swimming across pools of water. Despite the harsh journey, Liu Suiyun ensured that Gu Yinghua was safe and dry, along with his mother's tablet and Fire Qianshu's ashes. But his own condition was worsening—sweat poured from him, and the mosquitoes, sharp grass, jagged stones, and tough wood constantly inflicted small wounds. He would occasionally cough and tremble uncontrollably.

The Jing Essence Fragrance had not fully healed his injuries. Gu Yinghua, concerned, asked, "I'm fine, but my servant, don't you think you should rest a bit? I do care about my servants' well-being."

He couldn't imagine how the Pang family and Tianyi Gang could catch up to them in such a difficult environment. Unless their pursuers could fly, which, to her knowledge, even Pang Tianshan couldn't do.

Liu Suiyun, however, smiled. "We must not waste the time Fire Qianshu bought us. Every second counts."

"But I'm worried about you, my dear servant," Gu Yinghua replied. "I'm only paying you a thousand coins a day, no need to work so hard."

Liu Suiyun laughed. "I promised Fire Qianshu that I would take you to Yuanzhou. There, you can meet Gu Shanhe's unparalleled beauty, and I'll deliver Fire Qianshu's unspoken feelings to Yuanzhou."

"You're the best... no, the best servant I've ever had!" Gu Yinghua said proudly. "But remember, I'm only paying you a thousand coins a day. Don't overdo it!"

Her ears turned slightly red as she recalled Liu Suiyun's bold words earlier, "For the woman I love." Would he say it again? How should she respond if he did?

But Liu Suiyun didn't answer. He simply replied calmly, "You should know by now that I never leave debts unpaid—whether it's money, favors, or feelings. I am Liu Suiyun, and I settle all my debts."

Gu Yinghua felt a twinge of disappointment but quickly changed the subject. "Why are you still clinging to the Extreme Yuan Radiance Thunder Refinement Divine Record? You've absorbed so much blood and soul energy from powerful foes, yet you haven't broken through to the third level of Qi Refining. Isn't this 'quickest path to success' claim a bit exaggerated? Maybe it's time to return to the true path."

This was something Liu Suiyun had been thinking about as well. He smiled and said, "You're right. I'm still at the peak of the second level of Qi Refining, just a hair's breadth away from the third level. But that's what cultivation is about—building a solid foundation."

Liu Suiyun had absorbed the blood and soul energy of countless powerful foes, including martial artists and Qi Refining cultivators, not to mention beasts like the Blazing Bear and the Blue-Striped Water Tiger. By all accounts, he should have broken through to the third level of Qi Refining long ago. Yet, he remained at the peak of the second level, just short of a breakthrough.

"If I were practicing any ordinary demonic cultivation technique, I would have reached the third level by now. Especially with the 'quickest path to success' reputation of the Extreme Yuan Radiance Thunder Refinement Divine Record. But I have my own way," Liu Suiyun explained. "Miss Gu, I may be your servant, but I think salted soy milk is quite tasty. As for my cultivation, though I haven't reached the third level of Qi Refining yet..."

"I can break through to the third level anytime I want—even right now, if you wish."

Liu Suiyun then revealed the true power of this cultivation technique. "The key is that I've accumulated and refined enough Extreme Yuan Radiance Thunder energy to push directly to the fourth level of Qi Refining. Yes, the fourth level!"

"Which is just the early stage of Qi Refining!" Gu Yinghua scoffed. "So what if it's the early stage?"

"What's wrong with the early stage? It's still the early stage of Qi Refining!" Liu Suiyun retorted, though he knew Gu Yinghua had a point. "Just the early stage," indeed.

Though there's only a small gap between the fourth and fifth levels of Qi Refining, the difference in power is immense. The techniques of the early stage of Qi Refining, no matter how varied, are little more than tricks. It's only in the middle stage that true, powerful Daoist techniques emerge. Despite his current strength with the Tianlei Starfall Sword, which matches that of the fifth level, Liu Suiyun knew it wasn't the real deal—it was just borrowed power, far from genuine.

Gu Yinghua was right; it was "just the early stage of Qi Refining." Even with the help of the Tianlei Starfall Sword, Liu Suiyun's Daoist cultivation was still limited. It was far from the "Supreme Path" Gu Yinghua spoke of, but he had his own path. "Miss Gu, even if you offered to teach me the Supreme Path, I'd still prefer a bowl of sweet soy milk," Liu Suiyun joked.

"Who says so?" Gu Yinghua declared confidently, revealing her solution

In the depths of Falling Star Mountain, Du Yunlong hadn't had a proper rest in days. He hadn't even changed his clothes, and hot or cold soy milk was a distant luxury. All he could do was take a deep breath, pretending the air carried the scent of the soy milk he missed so much.

But in the next moment, Du Yunlong's eyes flashed with alarm. His entire demeanor shifted as he muttered, "Damn it!"

Wang Zihan, sensing the tension, quickly asked, "What's wrong? Is it the Pang family's hunters?"

She couldn't believe how fast they'd caught up. They'd been moving non-stop, crossing treacherous terrain without a moment's pause, and had only just taken a brief rest. Yet here they were, already being pursued.

Du Yunlong didn't have time to respond fully. His grip tightened around the sword and dagger in his hands as he spat out, "It's not them... It's that damned Xuan Shui Serpent!"

Xuan Shui Serpent? The memory of the enormous, terrifying snake they'd encountered before flooded Wang Zihan's mind. Its thick, tree-trunk-sized body, stretching over twenty feet, and the menacing crest on its head had left a lasting impression.

She didn't know how Du Yunlong had managed to escape the serpent last time, but his serious expression told her everything she needed to know. This was bad. "We need to get out of here! Don't worry about me!" Wang Zihan urged.

"Yes, we need to move!" Du Yunlong agreed. Even at his peak, he wasn't sure he could take on the Xuan Shui Serpent head-on. And now, despite being partially healed thanks to Wang Zihan's miracle incense, he was far from full strength. With the Pang family's elite hunters likely closing in from behind, he couldn't afford to waste energy on this monster.

He bolted to the left, heading for the nearest hill. His movements were swift and precise, every breath and step in perfect harmony. Even with Wang Zihan on his back, he didn't slow down. But after a hundred steps, still far from the hilltop, he heard the ominous "hissss" behind him—the Xuan Shui Serpent was gaining on them.

"Damn it!" Du Yunlong cursed again. "Zihan, the serpent's caught my scent!"

Serpents were known for their grudges, and this one was no different. The Xuan Shui Serpent had nearly been killed by Du Yunlong before and wasn't about to let him escape a second time. The moment it caught his scent, it coiled up, preparing to strike down the man who had wronged it—revenge burning in its cold eyes.

Du Yunlong quickened his pace, his breathing growing more ragged with the effort. He'd been running through the dense, mountainous forest for what felt like forever, but the serpent's hissing still echoed too close behind. Just as he pushed himself to run faster, Wang Zihan's urgent voice cut through the air, "Watch out!"

Before Du Yunlong could react, he heard the barking of hounds ahead and saw green-clad hunters, their bows drawn, ready to unleash a deadly volley.

Arrows sliced through the air.

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