Step by Step Ascend to Immortality

Chapter 6 - 6 Tianji Pang Family

Chapter 6: Chapter 6 Tianji Pang Family

As Du Yunlong rolled on the ground, trying to catch his breath, Liu Suiyun was several miles away, seated by a secluded pond. His bare feet dangled in the cool, emerald-green water, enjoying the warmth of the spring day.

But Liu Suiyun was in no condition to relax. His face was drenched with sweat, his simple hemp robe clinging to his body, half-soaked and half-dry. His complexion was pale, and his chest heaved as if a boulder had pressed down on it. His hand gripped his beloved two-foot short sword for support.

The relentless pursuit had reopened old wounds, leaving him in no state to fight. As he soaked his hands in the soothing pool, he rummaged through his bag for food. He found only half a packet of oiled beans and some snacks he had borrowed on credit from Aunt Zhang's shop. Chewing on a piece of snowflake cake, he muttered, "Miss Gu really isn't a generous employer. All this effort, and she still won't pay extra..."

Despite his complaints, a smirk tugged at his lips. His self-developed technique, "Eagle's Cry to the Heavens," had worked wonders, scaring the life out of the demon snake, Xuanshui Jun.

Years ago, during his journey deep into the Falling Star Mountains, Liu Suiyun had witnessed a fierce battle. Xuanshui Jun, along with a four-horned rhinoceros and a white-skinned tiger, had teamed up to fight a giant eagle. Despite their combined strength and unique abilities, the three demon beasts were soundly defeated by the eagle.

In that fight, Xuanshui Jun was practically useless. Though swift and capable of spewing toxic venom and strangling its prey, the snake was utterly outmatched by the eagle soaring above. Xuanshui Jun, with its chicken head and snake body, was naturally countered by the eagle, to the point where it fled in panic as the eagle let out its piercing cry.

Observing that battle had significantly advanced Liu Suiyun's martial arts. He integrated the eagle's flight technique into his own martial style, giving him the confidence to venture out into the martial world. He even mastered a variation of the Eagle's Cry. Though his version only had a fraction of the original's power, it was enough to terrify Xuanshui Jun today.

Reflecting on his success, Liu Suiyun dipped his sweat-soaked hand into the cool pool water. "Lucky I got away in time, or that battle would've been a real mess."

Even though he hadn't used his ultimate technique yet, facing Xuanshui Jun, one of the strongest demon beasts in the Falling Star Mountains, with his injuries, was a gamble. Who could say how it would have ended? Both he and the demon snake still had aces up their sleeves.

Shaking his head, Liu Suiyun thought about his ultimate technique—a move that would leave him with no way out. He sighed, "I need to earn that five hundred thousand coins first..."

But five hundred thousand coins were no small amount. Liu Suiyun was unaware that Miss Gu Yinghua was already planning something for him. Instead, his mind wandered to the past.

Compared to the treacherous humans he'd encountered, Xuanshui Jun seemed like an innocent little snake. Liu Suiyun had to admit, even if he could find someone like Gu Yinghua to hire him, saving up five hundred thousand coins was an impossible dream. He was the kind of person who would rather die than compromise his principles.

As the ripples in the pond danced, Liu Suiyun's reflection reminded him of his priorities. "Don't forget, you're a lover first, a farmer second, a Taoist third, and a warrior fourth... It's time to get moving!"

His robe, soaked with sweat, clung to his body uncomfortably. Liu Suiyun longed for a change of clothes. In his current state, a cold mountain breeze could be dangerous. His thoughts drifted to Gu Yinghua, Huo Qianshu, and the young men from Linjia Village.

Surely, they wouldn't leave him behind just because they encountered Xuanshui Jun? They should be waiting for him at the mountain peak he had mentioned, perhaps with a warm meal ready. He remembered a small lake near that peak where he could heat some water for a much-needed bath.

Miss Gu might be stingy, but surely she wouldn't deny him a hot bath? Even if she was tight-fisted, she wasn't that heartless, right?

The thought of dinner and a hot bath made Liu Suiyun's pain diminish. His breathing became easier. He slung the two-foot short sword onto his back and set off.

As familiar with the outer edges of the Falling Star Mountains as he was, Liu Suiyun's spirits lifted. He stopped worrying about the five hundred thousand coins and picked up his pace, despite the discomfort of his sweat-soaked robe. He could almost smell the food in the air, eager for a proper meal.

Along the way, even when he encountered fierce beasts or demon creatures, Liu Suiyun easily avoided them. Xuanshui Jun's unexpected appearance in the area had already scared away the most dangerous beasts and predators.

"Hopefully, there's some braised pork for dinner... and maybe some mushroom egg soup..."

Just one more mountain peak to cross, and Liu Suiyun would reunite with Gu Yinghua and the others. The thought alone seemed to make his old injuries vanish. He was already imagining the feast awaiting him.

No matter the pressure, life had to go on. Just as Liu Suiyun had this epiphany, he froze.


Shouts and the sounds of fighting reached Liu Suiyun from the peak where he had told them to wait. Like a rabbit caught in a snare, he realized his dinner had vanished. Gripping his short sword, his eyes blazed as he rushed toward the sounds. "Damn it, who dares take my hot bath and dinner!"

His steps were agile, his breathing perfectly synced with his movements, and he quickly reached the peak, taking in the scene below.

The first sight that met his eyes was Huo Qianshu, a towering figure wielding his meteor hammer with such force that the air itself seemed to tear. Several men in black were attacking him. Nearby, a few blurry figures fought desperately to protect Gu Yinghua, but they were severely outnumbered, surrounded on all sides. Even the two pots of food Liu Suiyun had brought from Linjia Village had been overturned!

Several figures lay on the ground, blood pooling around them, their fate unknown. These were Liu Suiyun's closest friends and fellow villagers. As for Gu Yinghua, the usually composed young lady seemed paralyzed by the terrifying scene before her, unable to react.

Furious, Liu Suiyun felt these attackers were even more hateful than ten Xuanshui Juns. He brandished his short sword and charged toward the peak. "Hold on! I'm back!"

"Suiyun is back!"

"Old Suiyun's here!"

"Xuanshui Jun couldn't take down Suiyun, and you lot don't stand a chance!"

The young men from Linjia Village, who had been on the brink of defeat, found renewed courage at Liu Suiyun's shout. But their enemies still outnumbered them, and among them were skilled fighters, including a few experts at the Bone Refinement stage. Fortunately, Huo Qianshu's meteor hammer had kept the strongest enemies at bay, allowing them to hold out this long. Even with this newfound courage, the battle was still one-sided, and men continued to fall.

Huo Qianshu, hearing Liu Suiyun's voice, swung his meteor hammer with renewed vigor. As Liu Suiyun had said, mastering such a weapon was no small feat. Huo Qianshu had spent twenty years perfecting his technique, to the point where he could wield the hammer with his eyes closed. This was how he had managed to keep the strongest opponents at bay.

He felt a glimmer of hope, but he knew Liu Suiyun had left earlier that morning to lure away Xuanshui Jun. Even if Liu Suiyun hadn't fought the demon snake directly, it must have taken a toll on him. How much strength could he have left?

As for Gu Yinghua, she had already pinned her hopes on Liu Suiyun. Imagining the horrors she might face if captured, she clenched her fists and silently prayed, "If we make it out of this alive, I'll get you a Xuan Yun Jade Cauldron Pill. I swear, I won't go back on my word."

To her, giving up a Xuan Yun Jade Cauldron Pill wasn't a big deal. Since when did these small-time warriors have the nerve to challenge her?

But as she watched Liu Suiyun's slender figure in the wind, worry crept in. She called out, "If you didn't kill Xuanshui Jun, forget about the extra pay! Just get back to Linjia Village! Now!"

The attackers, seeing reinforcements arrive, shouted, "That's Liu Suiyun, the wounded warrior at the Tiger Confrontation level!"

Upon hearing this, the Tianyi Gang members grew cautious. Someone immediately called out, "Tianyi Gang business, Liu Suiyun, stay out of it!"

The name of the Tianyi Gang made the young men from Linjia Village hesitate. Everyone knew the Tianyi Gang was the biggest faction in Linjiang County, not someone they could afford to offend. But Liu Suiyun's momentum didn't slow. "I took Miss Gu's money, so I'm finishing the job!"

Hearing his shout, the Tianyi Gang members had no choice but to

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