The Youngest Daughter, Chang Le

Chapter 2: Full of Vitality

Chapter 2

Lady Zhang, Madam Zhu, smiled as she watched her daughter twirl her father's mustache. Relationships between people are like this - some you see every day but feel only a faint connection, while others you think of constantly despite being far away, feeling uneasy if you don't think of them for even a moment.

However, the master's dignity still needed to be maintained. Lady Zhang pulled her daughter in front of her and tapped her forehead, saying, "You missed your Second Brother's wedding, and now he's about to become a father. How will you, as his sister, make up for this missed occasion?"

"That's fast, Second Brother is impressive!" Zhu Changle gave a thumbs up, which earned her a real scolding this time.

Lady Zhang slapped her arm hard, her eyes full of warning. These years away hadn't left her without some bad habits, and her unrestrained way of speaking often gave people headaches.

Zhu Changle grimaced and smiled apologetically at her mother, "I just spoke without thinking. I was wrong, I was wrong. It's all Dingding's fault for corrupting me. I'll bring him back in a while so you can scold him, Mom!"

Thousands of miles away, Dingding was sleeping soundly in the sunshine when he was suddenly awakened by a sneeze. He muttered that Changle must be cursing him, then rolled over and went back to sleep.

Dingding was someone the Zhu family had never met, but everyone knew of his existence. Every time Changle came back, he was always mentioned among the people she talked about. They fought together, got into trouble together, got beaten together, and often took the blame for each other. In the times when family was absent, it was he who accompanied Changle as she grew up. Just hearing his name made everyone feel familiar with him. Of course, they thought his name was Dingding.

Lady Zhang glared at her again, "When you're away, no one manages you, but back in the Capital City, you must be careful. Some people may not have other skills, but they're naturally gifted at being annoying."

"I know, I know. I'm at home now, aren't I?" Zhu Changle pouted and acted coy, fully embracing her role as the youngest daughter.

Zhu Maonian lightly coughed and changed the subject, "How long can you stay at home this time?"

"As long as I want. Master is in seclusion and doesn't have time to manage me for now. I'm just one move away from mastering the sword technique. Master said this can't be rushed - it might take a lifetime to perfect, or I might have an epiphany in just three to five days. She told me to let nature take its course."

This was Zhu Changle's pride and joy. She felt she was incredibly skilled and explained to her family, with gestures and all, how remarkable it was for someone her age to have achieved such mastery.

The three of them watched her speak with animated expressions. That kind of vibrancy and zest for life was something that people confined to the Capital City would never have in their lifetime, regardless of whether they were men or women. So even though Changle was of marriageable age, the whole family tacitly agreed not to mention this matter. They knew all too well what life was like in the inner courts of noble houses. They couldn't bear to see Changle trapped there, losing her vitality as she was ground down. They had even thought that if Changle met someone of like mind while she was away, they wouldn't stand in her way.

After showing off enough, Zhu Changle took the tea her elder brother handed her and drank it in one gulp. "I'm going to pay my respects to Grandmother."

"Yes, hurry and go," Lady Zhang reminded her. "Your grandmother hasn't left her courtyard for half a month now. She doesn't usually let us go pay our respects. See if you can coax her out."

"Yes, ma'am," Zhu Changle bounced towards the door. Soon she came back, opening her bag and taking out a greenish stone while saying, "I almost forgot the gifts. Dad, trust me, this is definitely a top-quality jade stone. When it's cut, it can be made into a set of jewelry to please Mom."

"..." Was this really meant for him? Zhu Maonian didn't even want to reach out and take it.

"There's enough left over for you to make a small ornament too."

Zhu Maonian snorted and accepted it. At least he got something this time. It was better than the last time she came back and fobbed him off with some accessory made of who-knows-what kind of bone.

Changle then took out a small box and mysteriously placed it in her mother's hands. "Mom, Mom, you'll definitely like this."

Lady Zhang smiled at her and opened the box to see a large pearl inside. It was a rare black pearl with a good luster and large size. It seemed that in the two years she'd been on the island, she hadn't stopped causing trouble in the surrounding areas.

"How is it? Do you like it? I opened many shells to find this one!"

Faced with her daughter's expectant gaze, Lady Zhang smiled and nodded, "Mom likes it very much."

Satisfied, Zhu Changle grinned and took out a jade pendant, putting it around her elder brother's neck without asking. Zhu Changwang didn't stop her, letting her do as she pleased.

"This jade pendant has some history. It absorbed the Buddha's incense for more than two years at the big monk's place. The big monk said this jade nurtures people. Big Brother, wear it close to your body and don't take it off."

Zhu Changwang held the pendant in his hand, looking down at the complex patterns on it, his eyes full of gentle smiles. "Alright, Big Brother won't take it off."

"I'm going to see Grandmother now." Zhu Changle grabbed her bag and ran out, then came back a second time. "Mom, I want to eat meat, lots and lots of meat!"

"Alright, alright, we'll eat meat," Lady Zhang couldn't help but laugh at her greedy look. "Should we make the table out of meat too?"

"If you really did that, I guarantee I wouldn't leave a single bit!" Zhu Changle was really craving meat. She swallowed and waved as she ran off, this time for real, not coming back again.

Lady Zhang walked to the door to watch her bouncing away. Zhu Maonian came to her side with his hands behind his back. "She's had her share of hardships."

"She probably doesn't think of it as hardship," Lady Zhang was both distressed and troubled. "She's left with nothing but white teeth. She's darker than all the other young ladies combined."

"She's not dark."

"If that's not dark, what is?"

"She's tanned."

"..." Lady Zhang's emotions were all pushed back by this blatant favoritism. She gave him a look and stepped over the threshold to go to the kitchen. Her daughter wanted meat, and she would certainly satisfy that craving.

Zhu Changwang held back his laughter and picked up the previous topic. "Changle came back at just the right time. Although I've never seen her in action, the only disciple of Zhong Ningmei can't be too bad."

Zhu Maonian stood with his hands behind his back, looking up. Today's sun was truly dazzling. "Tomorrow is the grand court assembly."

"Yes, tomorrow is the grand court assembly." Zhu Changwang moved his wheelchair next to his father. After tomorrow, the situation would become clear.

"Start making preparations." Patting his son's shoulder, Zhu Maonian walked out.

Looking at his father's back, Zhu Changwang let out a long sigh. It was fortunate that his father wasn't stubborn about this matter. Retreating to advance might be a good strategy. As long as the green hills remain, one need not worry about firewood.

Inside the Buddha hall, the incense curled upwards. The old lady who usually prayed in front of the Buddha at this time was now sitting on a prayer mat. Hearing movement, she looked up as the door opened slightly, meeting a pair of mischievous eyes.

Zhu Changle kicked off her dusty and dirty shoes outside, then ran over and gave the old lady a bear hug. "Grandmother, I'm back!"

"I heard that shout of yours."

"That's my 'voice arrives before the person' technique. Isn't it effective?"

The old lady's usually stern expression softened as she hugged back the soft child. "You were gone for quite a long time this time."

"It's Master's fault. She dumped me on an island and forced me to practice. She wouldn't let me come back until I mastered it. Next time you see her, help me scold her!"

"And then tell her it was Changle who asked me to scold her."

"Then let's not scold her." Zhu Changle was very adaptable and immediately took back her words. Looking at the white hair at her grandmother's temples, she felt sad for a moment, but quickly pushed it back down. She took out a string of pearls from her bosom and put it around her grandmother's neck, teasing with a grin: "You look so spirited, it seems the Capital City has been peaceful lately, with nothing to worry you."

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