The Youngest Daughter, Chang Le

Chapter 25: Unwarranted Outsider

Chapter 25

Qiuli lowered his head and looked at his sleeve being grabbed, experiencing the novelty of being dragged by someone. Normally he disliked people getting too close, but he felt no resistance this time.

Perhaps it was because the person in front of him acted so naturally.

After running out of the post station, Zhu Changle stopped, hands on his hips dramatically panting, "Luckily we ran fast enough, or we'd be nagged again."

Over the past two days, Dingding had come to realize that his little companion was truly pampered at home. He noticed that even the way the Zhu family walked had a certain elegance, not to mention their speech and conduct. Whenever they were together, Dingding didn't know if he was sitting, standing, or behaving properly. It was hard to imagine little Zhu was born into such a family.

But then again, how could the master have accepted her as a disciple if she wasn't extraordinary?

"Having an extra person means we're no longer so passive," Zhu Changle got down to business. "I've asked Aunt Feng to scout ahead so they can't set up an ambush for us. Dingding, you take the lead. I'll be at the rear. Qiuli, you cover the middle."

Qiuli raised an eyebrow at the clear arrangement, was this not treating him a little too familiarly?

Zhu Changle chuckled, "Since you have a history with the Zhu family, you might as well help us to the end. Once we've delivered the Buddha statue to the west, I'll properly thank you."

So that's how one could use the phrase 'have a history.' Qiuli nodded and walked ahead, hands behind his back.

"Hehe." Zhu Changle pushed Dingding forward. "Pack up and let's go."

Before entering the gate, Dingding glanced at the man who did not stop walking. "Aren't you worried he'll run away?"

"Can't you tell? His intention is to wait for us up ahead."

"You've only known each other for a short while, yet you almost seem like a parasite in his gut." Dingding felt a tinge of distaste. They had known each other for so many years, yet she had never understood him this well. How heartless!

"Do you know what I'm thinking?"

"There's no need to think about it. Just curse me out."

Zhu Changle burst into laughter. "Your brain is as tiny as a pine nut. You curse me when you can't beat me, and you curse me when you can't curse me enough. Of course I know you!"

Dingding was rendered speechless, having been seen through completely.

Zhu Changle shook her head and sighed deeply, patting Dingding's head with a profound sense of pity. "Child, it's time for you to show some achievement."

"Zhu Changle, you're dead!" Dingding chased after the person who had finished speaking and fled into the courtyard. Seeing her shamelessly hide behind her mother, Dingding's raised fist drooped back down.

Lady Zhang didn't even turn around, but deftly slapped her daughter's head. "Always bullying Ziming."

"Mother, you're being so unfair! Why did I run? Wasn't it to avoid getting hit? But in the end, he didn't hit me, you did. So in the end, I still got hit, didn't I? I'm the one losing out here!"

"Oh no, the little Zhu Changle who falls asleep at the sight of books has learned to keep accounts." Zhu Changwang, supported by Zuo Qing, emerged from the room, his steps small and his body almost entirely leaning on Zuo Qing. But even so, he did not miss the chance to tease his youngest sister.

"Keeping accounts is a basic skill," retorted Zhu Changle, scurrying over to push Zhu Changwang's wheelchair to the steps. As soon as her elder brother sat down, she immediately began assisting him while chattering non-stop, "Elder brother, you don't know, when you're out there, it doesn't matter if you can't write. But if you can't keep accounts, you'll just get scammed. Dingding would definitely be the first to scam me."

"Zhu Changle, you tell me honestly, between us, who has scammed who more?"

"That's only because you couldn't scam me. But you answer me honestly, if you had the chance, would you scam me?"

There was no need to say it out loud - of course he would scam! Dingding cleared his throat and went to help carry the luggage. Some things, it was enough for both parties to know, no need to spell it out and ruin the fun.

The Zhu family smiled fondly as they watched the two bicker. They even hoped the pair would bicker more, to learn how Changle lived when they couldn't see, because from the glimpses they caught, it seemed to be a lively and eventful life.

Just then, Xu Hanmei, bundled up tightly, emerged supported by Lady Qin. The laughter and commotion inside had ceased as soon as she came out, giving her a sense of being an outsider. She lowered her gaze deferentially to greet the elders.

"There's no need for such formalities when we're traveling," Lady Zhang dismissed with a wave. "You weren't even able to properly recuperate after childbirth. We'll hire a doctor to help you recuperate properly once we reach our destination."

"Thank you, Mother."

"Let's board the carriage. Lady Qin, secure all the curtains on that carriage. Don't let Hanmei get any wind. Keep her well covered."

"Yes." Lady Qin hurried out, and Zhu Changning came to support his wife.

From the corner of her eye, Xu Hanmei noticed her young sister-in-law escorting the elderly matriarch out without even greeting her or waiting for her. She had wanted to exchange a few words to improve their relationship, but...

She looked at her husband aggrievedly. It wasn't that she didn't want to speak with her younger sister-in-law, but the latter clearly had no intention of giving her the chance.

Zhu Changning patted her shoulder. "Let's go."

Ahead, the grandmother and granddaughter were also whispering to each other. "I need to avoid the second sister-in-law, so she won't get upset if she sees me."

The old lady didn't tell her that avoiding her so openly would likely upset Lady Xu even more. The two had grown up in completely different environments, with vastly dissimilar temperaments, perspectives and mindsets. There was no need to force them to get along.

However, "No matter where we are, that place will be your home."

"Of course. If Second Brother dares to treat me like an outsider in the future, I'll beat him up!"

"Yes, beat him up." The old lady patted her hand with a smile. "Then you can burn incense for me, and I'll go sort him out in his dreams."

"Grandmother, I don't like hearing such talk." Zhu Changle linked arms with her grandmother, her mood dampening. Every time she returned home, she noticed her grandmother had more white hair. Each and every time, it saddened her. She knew it was natural and inevitable, but she still felt sad. She was terribly afraid of losing her grandmother.

"Silly child, do you think it won't happen if we don't talk about it?" The old lady caressed her granddaughter's hand soothingly. "No one can defy the cycle of life and death. Being born is coming, and dying is leaving. In a lifetime, one experiences so many comings and goings. The only difference with this departure is that there is no return, but there is no hunger, no glory or disgrace, no high or low, no filth - just think how joyful that would be."

"But you won't have me there," Zhu Changle nuzzled her grandmother longingly. "Doesn't matter, I want you to live a long, long life, longer than even me."

The old lady laughed. "Then you'll have to negotiate with King Yama and see if he'll make an exception for me."

"Hmph." Zhu Changle tossed her head and called out loudly, "Dingding, hurry up!"

"Coming." Dingding ran over from behind and helped Changle support the old lady into the carriage. Looking left and right, he didn't see Qiuli, so he leaned in and asked in a low voice, "Did that guy run off?"

"He can't run." Zhu Changle clapped her hands and went to help load her elder brother's wheelchair into the rear carriage. She truly wasn't worried that the man would leave. No matter how she looked at it, his purpose had not been achieved yet. She just hoped Little Lid could get there soon so their reinforcements wouldn't be missing half their strength by the time that man accomplished his goal and left.

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