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13 hours ago
Three years after graduating from Hogwarts, Felix entered the school again, only this time as a... Read more Three years after graduating from Hogwarts, Felix entered the school again, only this time as a professor!What kind of sparks will come from the combination of Muggle wisdom and magic? Collapse Calm Protagonist, Fanfiction, Fantasy Creatures, Fantasy World, Genius Protagonist, Kingdoms, Leadership, Legends, Magic, Male Protagonist, Protagonist Strong from the Start, Reincarnated in Another World, Romantic Subplot, Strong to Stronger, Teachers, Witches, Wizards, Alchemy, Cheats, Fantasy Magic, Handsome Male Lead, Harry Potter First chapter author-san ba like, MC only watched a few viral vedios about Harry Potter. Meanwhile, auther-san the biggest HP nerd out there, he asks can you guess the name of the potion that the MC is using as a finishing move... It's boring Mc is stuck between the guy at top who doesn't do much and aaaaa...Well normal mc I guess... The world is full of paradoxes. Novels that seem to be the same, days that repeat themselves, the world that seems to end every day, but looks the same as the day before, I call that... Cliché. Aren't all teacher in hogwarts for magic?? Is there romance? who is the fl? It has another name you can find in the other comments.If I remember correctly the fl is Hermione There is no romance until the very end. I read this story on Webnovel a while ago. Harry Potter: A Certain Ancient Rune Professor of Hogwarts and this one are the same novel with a different name! Also, that one is completed.Edit: after comparing the chapters, this one has a much better translation. The other one is pretty much MTL, so take care of your brain cells! Even thought it copy paste, cover certainly sick I wasn't here, it's all a work of your imagination and schizophrenia! I have read this before with different name hereSpoilerJoin the ranobe discord, link in my profile Martial arts??