A Proud Man Called Himself A Medicinal God!

Chapter 1282: Demonic Power Storm

Chapter 1282: Demonic Power Storm

While running, Shen Xiang was also calculating how long it would take him to copy twenty Holy Beast Fruits.

"According to the speed at which the medicinal materials for Hunyuan Pill are produced, I can make it in a month!" Shen Xiang thought to himself. There are two main medicinal materials for Hunyuan Pill, and he can make ten portions of each in a month.

If nothing goes wrong, the creative divine liquid he condenses in a month should be enough to copy twenty holy beast fruits.

"Don't use this excuse to cheat me into eating the fruit. If you dare to lie to me, I will spank you hard." Shen Xiang said. Now he could only choose this method.

As long as he enters the Tianniu Immortal Palace without being discovered, he can get the immortal crystals inside and then leave the Tianniu Immortal Palace. Then he will be able to rest easy.

"Hmph, I'm already so familiar with you, but you still don't trust me." Long Xueyi snorted.

Shen Xiang left the Tianniu Immortal Palace and came to a forest beside a big river. He hid inside to condense the Divine Liquid of Creation and get some Holy Beast Fruit for Long Xueyi to eat.

"I wonder if it's possible to make a Holy Beast Fruit with two hearts? How would the effect compare to twenty Holy Beast Fruits?" Shen Xiang asked Su Meiyao.

"It's hard to say. When I was refining pills before, I only used the holy beast fruit with one heart. I have never seen the holy beast fruit with two hearts. Only those forces that specialize in raising fairy beasts will have this kind of thing." Su Meiyao said.

"You don't need to use two-hearted ones, one-hearted ones will do. I've calculated it, and you can eat twenty of them this way. With two-hearted ones, you can only eat one. It's not cost-effective and it can't satisfy your craving at all." Long Xueyi shouted in a delicate voice.

In order to satisfy Long Xueyi's appetite, Shen Xiang temporarily stopped bothering with the two Holy Beast Fruits. He spent a month to copy twenty Holy Beast Fruits. Long Xueyi ate one almost every other day, and finally ate the rest in one go.

"Wait for me to sleep for two days, then I will be able to break through." Long Xueyi said something to Shen Xiang, then went to sleep.

Being able to break through just by sleeping made Shen Xiang extremely envious. This little dragon improved his strength by eating, drinking, defecating, urinating and sleeping all day long. Even so, the speed at which his strength improved was extremely fast. Now he was even stronger than him, which made people very jealous.

Shen Xiang has not been idle these two days, and has continued to condense the Divine Liquid of Creation. Now the medicinal materials he wants to copy are all high-grade, and a lot of Divine Liquid of Creation is needed, so whenever he has time, or when he is on the road, he will condense the Divine Liquid of Creation, otherwise he will have to wait for many days when he needs it.

Long Xueyi woke up, yawned, and said, "Okay, you can go to Tianniu Palace now. I promise those heavenly dogs won't find you."

"What if they find me?" Although Shen Xiang asked this, he had already started running towards the Tianniu Immortal Palace.

"If you are discovered, you can spank me as much as you want." Long Xueyi said confidently.

"How did you do it?" Shen Xiang was very curious: "What realm has your soul reached now?"

"The third stage of the superb skill. The first stage is called the power of divine law. You are in this stage now. The second stage is called the transformation of spirit into Gang. This is my previous stage. You already know it. The third stage is the boundless divine law, which is also the last stage of the superb skill." Long Xueyi said: "As for how powerful it is, you will know when you have it. I can't explain it to you clearly now."

Shen Xiang scratched his head and said, "Little Fart Dragon, how come you are improving so fast? It is difficult for me to improve my current Divine Dao cultivation."

Long Xueyi smiled proudly and said, "This is called racial talent, which cannot be forced. As a human being, you have only spent such a short time to reach this level. You should be content. I am the Heavenly Dragon Emperor, you can't compare with me."

Chen Xiang muttered in his heart: "So what? I don't care what kind of emperor you are. You will be mine from now on!"


A group of demons suddenly came to the Tianniu Fairy Palace, and some powerful demon fairies were also hiding here. They all came for the soul-stealing spell. Especially the Motian side, they were almost in chaos. The soul-stealing spell had been lost for countless years, and now it finally appeared, causing many powerful demons to use a large amount of fairy crystals to send a group of people to investigate.

And the brain-dead celestial dog that Shen Xiang had killed with the soul-scattering spell had now become a treasure. Many powerful people who came to confirm the soul-capturing spell had to spend a lot of fairy crystals to carefully examine the scattered seven souls and six spirits in the celestial dog's body.

Although the specific method of practicing the Soul-Stealing Spell has been lost, some related situations after being hit by the Soul-Stealing Spell have been passed down. For example, some people can see from the Tengu that it was hit by the Soul-Dispersing Spell.

The mysterious man who used the soul-stealing spell disappeared outside the Tianniu Fairy Palace. He had previously killed the prince of the Shenfeng Fairy Kingdom, and he was a person who had just ascended to heaven. The attacking weapon he used was also a magic weapon with a strong evil aura. Everyone speculated that this person should be a practitioner of magic.

Shen Xiang came to Tianniu Immortal Palace again and wandered outside the wall of that area. He already knew that Motian had sent many masters to investigate the matter of the soul-stealing curse.

"Sister Youyou, what you said is so accurate. It really caused quite a stir." Shen Xiang said.

"That's for sure. The soul-stealing spell has been lost for a long time. Although I mastered it back then, I seldom used it. Only a few powerful people knew that I understood this magical skill, and in those people's eyes, I was already dead." Bai Youyou said.

"See, those celestial dogs didn't chase us. I reached the realm of boundless divine power and used the peerless magical power that only the Dragon Emperor could use to help you hide the slightest smell that could be smelled by the celestial dogs." Long Xueyi laughed proudly.

Shen Xiang ignored her. He was thinking about how to enter that heavenly realm. The pass required 10,000 immortal crystals to purchase, and he also had to eat and live inside. Especially the transmission fee, which must be frighteningly high.

When he first arrived at the Tianniu Fairy Palace, Chang Jiancai first took him to a place where he could find work and earn fairy crystals by selling his labor.

Shen Xiang couldn't think of any good solution for the moment, so he could only come here and take a look. When he came to a more prosperous street, he found a six-story wooden tower.

There are many people here who are waiting for a good job to earn immortal crystals. They are lazy and only want to earn the most immortal crystals by putting in the least effort to do the simplest things.

The walls of the hall here are covered with papers describing jobs that can earn fairy crystals.

Shen Xiang took a look and found that there were quite a few jobs that could earn a lot of fairy crystals, but they were very dangerous and would take a long time to complete.

"But hunting down beasts at the Beast King level, isn't that courting death? No!" Su Meiyao said.

"This is even more outrageous. He wants someone to take an egg from the Beast King for just one million fairy crystals. I'll give him double the price and ask him to get two for me!" Bai Youyou said.

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