Adventures Of A Goblin

Chapter 145 Hunting With The Pack

"here we are".

"here? Where, I see nothing".

Orun used his mind map to see the layout of where he was, but the map did not hlep him much as it was still showing empty images.

He stretched out his head from atop the Wyvern leader back to see if he could get some view of the ground, but he still saw nothing but blue skies hovering below him.

"we are still far off above, you won't see anything from this distance".

The Wyvern leader slowly spiraled down with the rest of the pack following behind her.

"oh wait, I think I see something".

Orun's eyes could see the ground level better after the Wyvern leader had moved further down. Straining it, he saw the greenery shadowing the floor, and when they got lower, he was able to see past the greenery and became closer to seeing the withered trees surrounding the swamp surface area below.

"what sort of monster would hide itself in a swampy den".

"the tasty kind of monster".

The distance separating the Wyvern pack from the ground keeps on shortening until their leader decided that it was enough, and they made their stop, floating in the air.

"now, we attack".

"what do you mean attack, there is nothing down there but swamp water".

"just stand by and watch".

"escodetuan maudendinis vistoh".

Orun just sat still at the back of the Wyvern leader, watching her spout out words that sounded like nonsense to him.

'i am guessing that is the Wyvern language?'.

The Wyvern pack followed the movement of their leader, staring down at the swamp, and in unison, followed the orders of their leader that says to release their breath attack into the swamp.


He said, as he found himself mesmerized by the sight of sixteen Wyvern pouring out breathe at the same time, giving glow to the dead land swamp.

The destruction done by the Wyverns breathe attack on the swamp, could be said to be tragic, resulting in the forestry around the swamp being wiped away, and the swamp itself getting overwhelmed by it.

"is your plan to destroy the forest or to actually find a prey, because I am confused".

The Wyvern leader was unable to answer Orun's curiosity due to the breathe still coming out of her mouth. He had no choice but to wait for them to finish their breathe attack before any explanation can be given to him.

Orun with no other options, could only watch as the Wyverns laced the ground level with their breathe, and eventuallytheir breathe attack caused a chain reaction of explosion, leading to a tree being ignited with fire, spreading over to the other trees surrounding it.

The Wyvern leader saw that she had achieved her aim, and stopped her breathe attack while the rest of the Wyvern pack still continued.

"you mind telling me what's going on now".

"wait for it".

The Wyvern leader says, floating in the air while the rest of her pack continued to rain their breathe on the swamp.

"seriously, what are we waiting for exactly? I need to know what it is we are dealing with here so I can be prepared for anything".

"don't worry, your help will not be needed here. I and my pack have the situation under control".

"by lighting the forest on fire".

Orun asked with a sarcastic tone, wondering what can be achieved with setting the greenery on fire.

"do you not notice anything odd about the fire's trajectory".


Orun stretched out his head downward to see if he could find anything odd about the fire like the Wyvern leader had pointed out, to see if it caused any other effect apart from the fact that it's burning the trees to ashes.


"do you see it now".

"i think I do".

After a thorough observation on the fire, Orun could see what the Wyvern leader wanted him to see. The fire's range isn't getting extended, but rather burning through a particular set of range.

The only parts that are affected by the fire, are the parts that are near the swamp. Looking at it from above, it's like using the fire to trap the swamp in a pot, with no way out.

The pack had stopped with their breathe attack, and like their leader, they waited while the fire they had ignited did its work.

"you want to tell me exactly what it is you are hunting that needs to be trapped by fire first before engaging".

From what he had seen, it was obvious that whatever it was the Wyverns plan on catching, wasn't outside of the swamp but inside of it.

He also knew that whatever was inside that swamp, is an extremely dangerous entity seeing as how the whole pack are putting in a lot of effort just to contain it before they can hunt it.

"have you ever heard of a monster called swamp snake".

"pretty sure I know what a snake is. Is that what you are hunting? A snake?".

Orun found it weird that they would put in so much work in hunting an ordinary snake when he, though with valiant effort put in, fought with a lizard residing in a lava ocean, and he did it unprepared.

Surely, there had to be something different fe the snake the Wyvern leader is talking about, like it's name just bearing a resemblance to the snakes he knows of, whereas the appearance of this said snake, is very much unlike the actual snake.

If that wasn't the case, Orun found it to be very, very disappointing that a whole sixteen of them had to gang up on a single snake before it is taken down.

"please, don't tell me all sixteen of you are gathered here to kill a single snake with the same shape as the one I remember on earth".


The Wyvern leader asked, sounding confused by the name Orun had just made mention of.

"yeah, its the place I came from, a world far different from this one".

"you know, you speak such confusing words sometimes".

"yeah I know. So, how is the hunting going? Will the snake be out soon or do we have to wait for it to come out".

"what the swamp snake hates more than anything, is being in the presence of heat. They detest being anywhere near heat, that is why they make sure whatever habitat they choose to stay in, it is always near water, or a place with a cold temperature".

"knowing what their weakness is, we deliberately lit the trees surrounding the swamp on fire so we can lure them out with it".

"i don't get it. They are inside a swamp, will they not just go deeper into it if they notice the upper part is getting hotter".

The Wyverns logic is great, luring out the swamp snake by turning its habitat into the exact thing it hates, but there is one thing about the Wyverns plan that bothered Orun deeply.

"unless they are stupid and dump, there is no way they would risk going to the swamp surface where the heat will be even worse, if it was me, what I will do is dive further down until the surface cools down".

Orun after seeing the Wyverns plan, takes into consideration what a swamp really is. When one get stuck in a swamp, they just keep going down until their whole body is buried in.

The swamp snake, hasn't shown its face since Orun had arrived there, and that was enough to tell him that the swamp snake has a very high tolerance to surviving inside the swamp for a long time before coming up for air.

If that is how the snake constitution is built, what is to stop it from going deeper into the swamp where it won't feel the heat, is what Orun is thinking.

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