Adventures Of A Goblin

Chapter 148 Training With The Pack 2

"alright, you can all come at me now".

On Orun's command, the Wyvern pack charged at him simultaneously.

One of the Wyvern got closer to him, and thrusted his wing like hand out from above, but Orun jumped up before the wing could get to him.

Orun up in the air and falling back down, spinned himself and changed his position to having his head facing down and his legs facing up.

Just like that, he spinned himself until he got closer to a Wyvern who already has its wings ready to attack.

Orun let his right fist take the lead, and used it to make contact with the Wyvern wing, shoving it away from him.

He moved further and landed on the Wyvern face, as he raised his fist up and punched straight at its head.

"one down, fifteen more to go".

Orun says, as he had knocked out the Wyvern, causing it to be temporarily unconscious.

He hurriedly came down from the head of the unconscious Wyvern, and moved further back, running from the other Wyverns that were coming after him.

Orun as he kept moving forward, had his face turned to the back, monitoring the Wyvern who were chasing after him.

Without looking in front of him, his instinct was able to warn him in time of an incoming attack coming from the front.

He finally turned his head forward just in time, and slide his body down under the wing's range, moments before it could touch him.

"you guys are going to have to try better than that".

Orun says, as he slides past the wing above him.

"we know, and that is what we did".

The Wyvern leader had already planned ahead of Orun, as she stationed herself at the back of the Wyvern Orun had evaded by sliding under.

When he had passed through the Wyvern, he met the Wyvern leader expecting him with a ready made breathe about to blast out from her mouth.

Orun's reaction to the Wyvern leader waiting for him at the front with a breathe attack in her mouth was quick, as he took to running to the sides.

"wow, you guys aren't kidding around, are you".

He says, after evading the Wyvern leader blast that almost made contact with him.

"i warned you, fighting against all sixteen of us with just your physical prowess isn't going to be enough".

The sides he decided to run to, had been blocked by other Wyverns who are also ready to attack with their breathe.


He raised his head, only to see that there are other Wyverns at the top waiting for him as well.

He had been completely trapped by them, with no way out except through them.

Going through them for Orun, isn't the main problem. With his speed, he could surely make his way past a single Wyvern by shoving it aside with brute strength.

Where the problem stems from, is getting hit by the Wyverns breathe before he can reach one of the Wyverns.

If he was up against four of the Wyverns, and he wasn't surrounded on all sides like he is now, he is certain he could make it to one of them without getting hit by their breathe, but with the way he is surrounded on all sides, there is no chance of making it in time without at least one breathe touching him.

Orun knows that the moment he attempts to make a move, is when they will release their breathe attack, and he can already envision how it's going to go.

The breathe will move towards him, in a ring shaped formation, and having him represent the center where it will all gather in.

The blast will cover all radius as it make its way towards him from above and below. The safe way out of this, is to accept his defeat against the Wyverns, but then that would be a dent on his pride.

He had boastfully told all sixteen Wyvern to come at him all at once, while showing them that he had what it takes to subdue them all.

Throwing the towel after emanating that much confidence in his physical prowess and only managing to take down one of them before being defeated.

"you know what you have to do to put an end to this".

"yes I do, I do".

This training exercise was initiated by Orun not only so he could help the Wyverns, but also to test himself.

He wanted to know just how far he can go using only his physical prowess, and now he knows, sixteen Wyverns all at once, is a number too much for him to handle with only physical prowess.

Fighting without his inferno skill, his soil skill, and his vine skill, really took a toll on him.

Maneuvering with just his body and fist against beings that looks like giant to him, is a very hard task to accomplish.

If he was making use of skill, Orun had ways he could have ended the fight in seconds other than using his vines to tie them down.

He could just as easily release his Inferno ability into the air, making it hotter until it becomes unbearable for the Wyverns to handle.

To make it worse, he would use his soil Manipulation Skill to disperse sand Into the surroundings enough dust to blind their vision with.

Once he is done with that, he could just start picking on them all one by one while they are occupied with finding their way out of the sand.

That is just one of the ways he can use to end this training exercise in an heartbeat. But if he took that way, then it wouldn't be of any help to the Wyverns, neither will it help him find out what his accomplishments through physical prowess alone can be like.

"i do wonder, what will it feel like if I were to get hit by your breathe? I have never been hit by a breathe attack before, and the mystery of what effect it will have on me, stays hidden".

Orun raised his two hands down, placing them at his sides and standing still while making intense eye contact with the Wyvern leader.

"there is only one way you are going to find that out".

She says, as she stared back at him, while preparing herself for any move he might make.

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