Adventures Of A Goblin

Chapter 152 Guild Mates

Dexter holding unto Dana's hand, stood in front of the building with a signboard that says, Khamor Adventurers Guild, written boldly on it.

The size of the building is twice that of the guild's building located in Edevin, with a well refurbished plank used in the construction. A glance is all it takes for one to tell how much money was used to maintain the guild's building.

Surrounding the guild's building from all sides, are other commercial buildings, and private buildings, with people coming in and out of it.

Dexter steeled his heart for any surprise he might come across when he walks through the guild's door before going in.

He opened the door, and with Dana by his side, he walked past the entrance of the guild confidently.

"i am home ya fucking bastards".

Going in, those were the words that came out of Dexter's mouth, directed at the adventurers inside.

There were those who were drinking, and those who were playing a test of strength game, others were chatting amongst themselves. The inside of the guild was no doubt full of people who were busy with their own stuff.

They were all distracted by what they were doing, and their attention was instantly swept away by Dexter's loud voice ringing in their ears.

The adventurers all left whatever it is they were doing, and rushed themselves over to where Dexter was upon first sighting of him.

The adventurers with smiles on their faces, flocked themselves to Dexter, barraging him with questions after questions.

"dude, what happened to you? Look how thin you have become, is it just me or have you lost some of your muscles".

The adventurer standing beside Dexter and checking out his body, asked jokingly, knowing full well how much Dexter cares about his muscles staying in shape at all times.

"I heard from a friend on how aggressive the girls in Edevin are. They must have sucked the life out of him, his muscles included. ".

Another adventurer replied with a joke of his, tapping Dexter on the shoulder.

"buddy, is that true? Did you really get to nut over there".

The atmosphere the adventurers gave was joyful, and jubilant, quiet unlike what Dexter had expected it to be like.

He does not need to be told before he could discern the reasons why they are all giving out such an attitude toward him.

The adventurers knowing what kind of guy he is, must have come together to make sure they do not give off a brooding feeling in his presence, so he wouldn't feel awkward.

Dexter though grateful to them for taking into consideration how he feels, was even more mortified to have them acting like this.

Sure, he does not want them grieving over the loss of Riley and Caren, showing a sour mood and making the surrounding distasteful to stay in, but he also does not want a celebrating mood like this one.

The two people he consider as family just died, and this is the best they could come up with to console him with?

Dexter, found himself short of words on what to tell the adventurers, or how to reply the unending question from them.

He found it hard to blame them for not being considerate enough of his feelings. They are dudes whose jobs require them to be heartless most of the time, surrounded by killings and bloodshed, what more can he expect from them.

"hey, where did you get this little one from".

They did not notice Dana's presence in time, as their whole attention had gone over to Dexter. It wasn't until one of them saw her and asked, did the rest turn to look at her.

"Dexter, did you adopt her from somewhere".

Dexter's friends making up speculations on Dana's true identity and how she is connected to Dexter, all the while, she just kept mute with a blank face, watching the adventurers say whatever it is they wanted to.

"no, she is not my adopted daughter".

Dexter did not know what sort of reaction Dana would make with others calling her his adopted daughter, and so he quickly rejected the idea of it being true.

"so then what is she, and why did you bring her with you".

"she..... Is complicated".

Dexter had no idea of what he could say to satisfy the curiosity of his friends, and so he choose the route that will sum it up, while also giving them a clue to not disturb him on the matter again.

"the guild master, is he in".

He wanted as fast as possible to escape from the clutches of his mate and go up the stairs to report the event that took place in Edevin to the guild master, and also the loss of the two core members of the Dire Hammer.

There are also some things that needs to be discussed concerning the future of the Dire Hammer party.

Two members are dead, and he is the only one remaining. Even if it was the party he created together with Riley and Caren, the general ovverseer for adventurers party is managed legally by the guild.

In the case of Dexter who had lost two members, and is the last one standing, he would butt heads with the guild master of the guild he registered in, to discuss what to do with the party going forward, if it will be officially disbanded, or be reinstated by recruiting other members in it.

The name Dire Hammer is one that has been spread wide and beyond to the ears of the people from other kingdom outside the Bregogon kingdom with the amount of achievements they managed to accumulate over the years.

Disbanding the party itself simply because majority of its members are no longer available, will only seek to instill panic into the hearts of those who believed in the party's name.

Dexter knew the route that the guild master would want him to take from here, is to reinstate the Dire Hammer party by finding worthy adventurers to join him and keep the name alive.

He wouldn't have to look far to see members who would be willing to join Dexter's cause, the issue itself lies in how Dexter feels about letting others keep the name he and his friend had worked hard to build.

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