Adventures Of A Goblin

Chapter 159 Ignatius On The Move

​ "soooo..... You single or you are taken? If you ask me, I would say a beautiful girl like you is way too precious to be committed to only one man".

"who said anything about me being interested in men".

She held the reign of her horse and kicked the sides, allowing her to gallop at a speed that slowly overtakes Caius.

Caius on his horse, sat their speechless as he watches Elsa's horse pass him by.

"no way, you are interested in women".

He asked, chasing after her figure.

"i am interested in anything that talks less and has it priorities more in taking actions".

She said her mind and left Caius at the back again.

"Caius, a word of advice from someone who has lived a lifetime to see various forms of wooing a girl. This girl, is not one bit interested in you".

Ignatius on Caius's head, warned him of the failure that lies beyond trying to get with Elsa.

"answer me this, in all those lifetimes you have lived, how many women have you scored against".

"You know I am a full spiritual entity, and as such, I have no need to mate with another, nor the desire to do so. If I had a womanizer nature like you, I would have all the girls in the world bowing at my feet and begging to lick my foot. That is how good I am with women".

Ignatius hovering in Caius's face and taking on different poses depicting its tiny figure.

"if you are so sure of yourself, why don't you go over to her and help me score a point".

"hmm..., what's in it for me if I help you out".

Ignatius was aware that Caius's dare was so he could trick it into getting the girl on his good side. It for sure is unbothered by that, and would very much love to help him out, with a reward of course.

The both can be very antagonistic with each other whenever they are not on the same side, this is Ignatius opportunity to use against Caius what he loves the most, and ask for what it wants.

"what do you want from me".

"i can't think of anything for now, so how about I just tell you what I want later when something comes to mind".

Ignatius has a lot of demands to ask of Caius, but it knew Caius will not be willing to go with its demands if it gets too much.

Ignatius asked for time so that it can narrow down what it will ask, and in case there is an emergency where the demand could prove useful to it.

"all you have to do, is promise me that you will keep to your word on whatever I ask, and no matter how weird it is alright".

Caius hesitated on answer Ignatius. He knows how childish Ignatius can be most of the time, and the unreasonable demands it could make on the spur of the moment.

Promising to bring to reality whatever it wants, is a hard decision for Caius to make, but one he is willing to accept for the sake of the beauty before his eyes.

"alright Ignatius, you got yourself a deal".

Caius was desperate to have Elsa laid on the bed and him on top of her, he wondered in his mind what sort of moans she will make when he starts ramming into her.

Its not everyday one comes across such a beauty, and he isn't ready to let such beauty slip away from his tips.

"okay, here I go".

Ignatius flew away from Caius and went to meet with Elsa who was at the front.


He called out, floating in front of her, within range of her face.

"lord spirit king, it is an honor to meet one dignified as you are".

Elemental Spirits are very well respected in the world, and are even worshipped by other race who considers them as the epitome of all elemental powers.

Being in contract with an elemental spirit, is akin to being favored by nature itself. Like a chosen one meant to represent the order of nature.

No matter what sort of rank the elemental is, they will always be given respect for what they are, unlike the demons who are scorned as the opposite of Elemental Spirits, and regarded as a necessary form of evil born only to cause the destruction of the world.

Elemental Spirits gives power to those who have none, aiding and guiding them to a position where they can stand on their own two feets.

Contracting with an elemental is nothing hard to do for one who is born into a race favored by Elementals. The hard part, is contracting with an higher level Elementals.

Their ranks are in this order.



●Highest tier

●Higher tier

●High tier

●Intermediate tier

●Low tier

●Lower tier

●Lowest tier


Starting from the lowest tier elementals to the low tier elementals, are the easiest and weakest types of Elementals to contract with. Their form are always inhumane, and far off from being animal likes. They take on shapes that describe them as odd and weird.

The intermediate tier elementals are not hard to contract, but they are also not so easy as the lowest to low tier elementals. They possess enough power to lead their contractors to living a fair good life, placing them amongst the good class.

They take on forms mostly akin to animals, ancient beasts passed down as legends from one generation to another.

High tier elementals to highest tier elementals are the hardest type elementals to contract, and can only be accessible mostly by the so called genius, or one who is very much loved by nature itself. Their form are always closer to human like creatures, having two hands and feet and standing on legs.

King tier elementals. The greatest and apex of all elementals, the creators of the highest, intermediate, and low tier elementals.

Without them in existence, Elemental creatures would never have existed. Getting into a contract with them is said to be impossible because summoning one requires the summoner having enough mana to rival the kings.

Any being would die of mana exhaustion from summoning a king tier elementals. The only condition where one can successfully summon a king tier elemental, is if the king willing compensate for the mana used in the summoning. And for a king to go that far, would mean the king has taken interest in the summoner.

King type elementals have different forms and shapes, they have the ability to change into whatever they want to be and however they want it.

Ignatius being an Elemental already earns it a spot In Elsa's heart. Not a spot as in a romantic way, but more in terms of a mighty entity deserving of praise and worship.

The fact that Ignatius isn't just any kind of Elemental, but the very king of a particular elemental spirit, takes it to the position equalling to the God's, and grants it the immense privilege of commanding all those who are in line with the teachings of nature itself, mostly the elves, humans, beastkins and so on.

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