Adventures Of A Goblin

Chapter 171 Elsa Needs To Hurry


From the tent he was in, Blake heard the ruckus going on outside, and hurriedly rushed out with the other two that was in the tent with him.

Getting outside, he saw the hasty movements of soldiers running out of their tents, trying to get themselves together, and Elsa hastily giving out commands to the soldiers who have managed to bring themselves together amidst the chaos.

He rushed himself over to his Captain Elsa to ask her what was going on, but he was met with an immediate order from her before he could say more.

"Blake, I need you to gather as many aerial combatant as you can, we have aggressive company coming from the sky".

Aerial combatants are soldiers capable of attacking in the sky from ground level. Mostly involving mage class soldiers who can launch attacks like fire balls and so on at enemies spotted in the sky.

Blake did as he was ordered with less questioning, as he swiftly moves himself to go and coordinate the aerial combatants and prepare them for a battle in the sky.

"captain, the sky".

With a panicked and worn-out voice, one of the guard closer to Elsa called out her attention to what was going on in the sky.

"damn it. It must be Cardinal Caius's doing. Everybody, take cover right now".

When she looked up at the sky, what she saw is a rain of fire falling from above and about to collide with them. Elsa guessed that Caius was behind it due to him being a fire spirit contractor, and immediately instructed her men to find something to shade themselves with from the rain.

"he could have informed us beforehand that he was going to be releasing an attack like that".

Elsa unlike the rest of her troops, was capable of evading the rain of fire without having a single drop touch her, by using her sleek movements.

She wasn't only dodging, but was also looking out for the rest of her troops who haven't found themselves a good place to hide.

"at this rate, we will only be sitting ducks here and never get the chance to attack back".

Elsa's concern is on the Wyvern that are on their way to attack. Her men are too busy hiding from the rain of fire to properly make time to counter the Wyverns. At this rate, nothing is going to be stopping them from releasing their breathe on them.

Caius who they should be counting on, appears to be busy dealing with a problem of his own.

"all forces are to scatter and rendezvous Northwest from this location".

She only gave out the order after checking which of the surrounding is rain fire free for her men to be in.


"a little busy here Blake, and I expect you to be as well".

"Captain, it's urgent".

Blake comes running toward Elsa to deliver to her the latest discovery he has about the Wyverns movement.

"what is it".

"we have a problem captain. The Wyverns, they are not attacking us, but moving past us".

Elsa was too occupied with giving out orders, and evading the rain of fire to see what next move the Wyverns are on the verge of making. It wasn't until Blake came running to her that she raised her head up to see he was right.

"isn't that good news? We will have one less thing to worry about".

Elsa couldn't understand why Blake would consider them not being attacked by the Wyverns as a problem.

If anything, the Wyverns not attacking as of current, will give her troops the time they need to reorganize, and prepare for retaliation against the Wyverns.

"It should be, but the location they are flying toward, is in the direction the city is in".

Elsa hearing what Blake said, left all that she was busy with, and focused mainly on observing the Wyverns movement.

She found out that what Blake said was true, the Wyverns are not even bothering themselves with her forces, and instead all flocking over to the town's direction.

This was bad news for Elsa and her forces. The city does have more men than they do, and Elsa is certain that they can protect themselves from the Wyvern monsters, but it isn't without them getting any damage.

Wyverns are monsters adept in air combat, fast and agile in it. And the city itself is equipped with air weapon the city uses to defend itself from sky type monsters, located at the top most layer of every wall surrounding the city.

The issue is, that before the weapons can bring down a single Wyvern, there is no doubt that a lot of damage would have been accumulated from them pouring down their breathe, or worse, they could even destroy the weapons.

If one also put into consideration the amount of time it will take for the City's aerial forces to get themselves prepared to defend against the Wyverns attack, too much damage will have been done to the city.

"we have to do whatever it takes to stop them from getting anywhere near the city".

Elsa stamps her sword to the ground, and began to take off her heavy armor, revealing only her inner wear.

When she was done, she picks the sword back up, and ran toward the direction where the horses are situated.

"but captain, what about Cardinal Caius".

"i am sure he can fend for himself, we have problems of our own to deal with".

Blake's intention by calling Caius's name is to know when he would be coming to help them, if possible, stop the Wyverns before they can reach the city.

Elsa knew Caius had no time of his own to spare helping them, she was present when he took off to the sky, going after the monsters.

Elsa was quick to assume that he was already faced with a different enemy of his own, because his reasons for taking off, was to stop the Wyverns advancement.

Seeing as how he hadn't done that, she came to the conclusion that the enemy he is faced with, is not an easy one he could have easily taken down upon contact.

He had probably made contact with the monster he was after from the start. Is what Elsa decided to conclude her thoughts on.

"Blake, I am giving you full authority here while I go after the Wyverns".

"but Captain, they are up in the sky, there is not much you can do to stop that".

"then do you suggest I just sit and wait as they get to the city and wreck as much havoc as they desire?".

Elsa on her horse, left Blake standing there and took off abruptly, going after the Wyvern monsters.

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