Adventures Of A Goblin

Chapter 176 Orun / Caius Iii

Caius was pissed off at Orun who he thought was mocking him by performing weird body gesture.

With obvious rage in his eyes, he launched himself in Orun's direction.

Caius knew that Orun was faster than he was, and would easily deflect any direct attack he made toward him, that's why he resorted to feint moves.

When he got in front of Orun, he thrust his fist toward him like he was going to aim for his eyes. Orun bought it, as he reflexively responded by stretching out his own hand in an attempt to catch Caius's fist.

Before Orun could get hold of Caius's fist, he immediately increased his speed and moved his hand backward from Orun, and disappeared in front of him, with only his shadow left behind.

In a blink of an eye, Caius reappeared again, but this time at Orun's back. He made his move again, coating his hand in flame and thrusting it in Orun's direction.

The hole they were both in, was very cramped, as it was made by Orun using Caius's body to dig through.

A spot is enough for only one man to fit in, and they had to choose between staying up or down.

Caius however, was able to ignore the tightness, despite how cramped it was, he was still able to use his skill to move at a rate that would almost be impossible for any to see through.

"no way!".

It came as an utter shock to Caius when his fist that was only a hair pinch away from Orun's face was evaded by Orun slightly moving his head backward, and thrusting out his hand to get a hold of Caius's fist.

He could not understand what had just happened, it all happened in a split of a second, and his eyes was able to follow through with the events, his body however was left hanging as it could not respond in time to any of Orun's action.

For a moment there, Caius was certain that Orun had stopped time to carry out the acts he just did. There was no other explanation he could think of except Orun capable of stopping time to surpass his own already amazing speed.

He was assured that was the only logical explanation, because if it wasn't, Caius was sure that he would have been able to move as well. Since he couldn't, he stuck to the stopping time logic.

"no Caius, you are thinking it all wrong!".

Ignatius was watching every of Caius's move from the tent it was in. Even though Caius refused to accept its help, does not mean it enjoys Caius being in danger.

It only left Caius alone before because it taught Caius could handle the situation alone, but the power gap that Orun had demonstrated, is far too wide for Caius alone to overcome in his current state.

So far, Orun had only been playing with Caius without even trying to take him seriously. All he had done, is catch his fist before it gets to him, or incapacitate Caius to stop him from making any further movements.

Ignatius watching the fight, and listening to Caius's thoughts, knew that Caius cannot win without it, and so it decided to come back, not to help, but to brag of its knowledge and show off a little so that Caius would beg it for its help.

"believe me Caius, he isn't using any skill, that is just his raw physical speed like yours".

Caius still has his hand held by Orun, and could not break free of his hold.

He wondered why Orun isn't going in for the finishing kill. His hand has been rendered immobile, and even if he attempts to moves his other hand, he knew that Orun would only end up catching it as well.

Any movements he can think of making right now, will all be proved useless with Orun's speed that far surpasses the rate at which he can move.

With him on the losing side, Orun is still making no attempts or showing any signs of wanting to end his life soon, it was like he was too deep in his thoughts on something to even think of taking Caius's life.

Unbeknownst to him, Orun is only thinking of ways he can communicate with Caius, to ask why he is being targeted by him, and also how he ended up finding him here.

He needs those questions answered, and when they are, it is only then that Orun will feel comfortable with eliminating Caius.

Orun got distracted from his thoughts with the appearance of Ignatius, a being with flames as a body.

The undaunted expression on Ignatius's face bothered Orun deeply, even more than Caius not getting a single Injury despite all he had been put through by Orun.

There was also an indescribable feeling of distaste Orun felt when his eyes spotted the presence of Ignatius.


[yes master, it is as you guessed. That is no ordinary fire, but one from an elemental. That, is the king of all fire spirit Elemental].

'no wonder I felt irk when I noticed it's presence around'.

Ignatius was not even trying, but Orun was already feeling threatened by its presence. It isn't the fear type of threatened, but the type that felt like his authority of the element was being challenged by another.

Orun's job, Inferno guardian, is originally a fire guardian job. As a fire guardian, it embodied all the known fire attributes, but as an inferno guardian, his job specification became more strict, relating only to the destructive side of fire.

Being an inferno guardian does not mean that his affinity with fire will be any less weaker than another with a fire type job specialization.

His job, throws down all advantages of fire, and only selects for itself a few, most of which are the combination of destruction.

Ignatius on the other hand, embraces every aspect relating to fire, and that is what gives it the authority over all that is fire.

A much more precise perspective, are two religious people standing together. Both are walking the same religious path, and one is an unfillial devoter to the religion, while the other, only walks that path because the rules of the religion benefits it, not because it is a devout follower of the religion.

They both might be in the same religion practice, their feelings however will not be mutual, as one only does it to benefit itself, while the other did it because it deemed it necessary to do so.

The two can be regarded as one under the same umbrella, while being treated as opposites contradicting one another, such is the feeling between Ignatius and Orun.

"come on Caius, just say the word, and I can get you out of the mess you are in before you even know what hits you".

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