Adventures Of A Goblin

Chapter 212 Sight Of A Monster

'he must be trying to use the Goblin as a cover up for his real race, to prevent a war between the sanctuary of the holy congregation, and his race as a whole'.

It goes without saying that whoever could manage to break into a supposedly impenetrable fortress, had to be someone belonging to the upper echelon ranks, in other words, it had to be someone that the sanctuary of the holy congregation is knowledgeable about.

A person like that, has every reasons to camouflage their identity so as to prevent the sanctuary of the holy congregation from knowing, because if they knew, no doubt that the Emissary who holds the authority of an entire race in his grasp, would give an immediate order for the sanctions of whoever did this.

"hmm..... Your heart rate says you don't believe what I said. I am lost on what part of it do you find hard to believe".

"do you seriously expect me to believe that a goblin has the necessary manpower to infiltrate the abode of the sanctuary of the holy congregation laced with all sorts of multiple barriers, including holy type barriers, that is known to be the natural enemies of all monster kind?"


Holy elemental, is the attribute given by the God's to the humans for the sole purpose of aiding them in their conquest against monster kind and other race, but especially dangerous against the monster kind.

It is sort of like an allergy, like how some of you are allergic to peanut butter? Yes like that.

If scratching and body coloring is what one gets from coming into contact with their allergies, you can think of the holy elemental effect on monster kinds as a more extreme side effects.

It not only destroys their skin beyond repair, it also cleanses their soul, totally disintegrating it into absolutely nothing.

What it means in a lay man's word, is that a monster that gets exposed to holy elemental, will forever seize to exist even after death, there will be no cycle of reincarnation to return to, because they have no soul to reincarnate.

There is, a plus to using holy elemental. The kind that wipes a monster clean of even their soul, can only be accessed by high level apostles of the Gods.

"i see. I must not be affected by this holy elemental because I am? Well... Different from other monster kind. But I am still a monster nonetheless".

His voice sounded sincere, like he was thrown off about the Emissary's confession on the holy elemental effect, making the Emissary wonder what sort of being would in his right state of mind, infiltrate a place without knowing what sorts of barrier has been placed in it.

It was nighttime, and the only source of illumination in the Emissary's office, is through the candle stick that was placed on the left side of his table.

From the back of where the Emissary was seated, he slowly made his way toward him, until his shadow could be carved out by the candle stick.

The Emissary, saw the shadow dipicting a humanoid shape, but with the exception of two horns protruding from his forehead, and his fangs reaching to his nose, with lots of hair tracing his bodyflow downward, totally disqualifying him as a human.

He briefly showed the Emissary a glimpse of his figure before he retreated back into the darkness, conveying his words through his solemn, relaxed vocal tone.

"now do you believe me".

The Emissary, gulped down a spoonful of his own saliva, at the thought that the Intruder was indeed a monster kind, and not just any monster, but a monster kind capable of infiltrating the sanctuary of the holy congregation, passing through the enormous amount of holy energy that the abode is surrounded by without being unscathed, or feeling any sorts of discomfort that could show his hastiness of wanting to leave early.

The monster, was far too relaxed and composed, that one could not detect if he was indeed suffering or not, and that thought, scared the hell out of the Emissary.

"monster or not, that is not why I am here. Or wait, it actually is why I am here".

He moved on from trying to prove to the Emissary what he was, and jumped right into what brought him to the Emissary.

"why are you here".

The Emissary had no choice but to dance to the monster's tune, to try and squeeze out what his endgame his.

"i am here regarding the human you sent after me and my kind".


The Emissary questioned, in deep thought on what the monster is saying.

He does not remember sending out any human to capture this monster, but he does remember giving Caius an investigative mission on finding what caused the destruction that happened in Edevin city.

"are you the one? The one that caused the destruction in Edevin city".

He kept quiet for a while, like he was thinking about something, or he does not understand the Emissary's question.

Orun knows that so far, he has only had two encounters with human kind, and neither of the two had anything to do with a town getting destroyed, at least from his own point of view.

The first encounter, was about killing two humans in a dungeon, sparing two kids and one adult, then when he went outside of the dungeon, he remembered accidentally killing more humans by only releasing his aura.

He was not there, nor was he aware of the disastrous moments his awakening caused, and the impact it had on Edevin city.

"i have no knowledge of this Edevin city that you speak of".

And here comes the seed of confusion sowing amongst the two of them.

The only human that the grand Emissary has sent out, is Caius, and the reason why he sent out Caius, is because of what happened in Edevin city.

If the monster claims that he has no knowledge of a city named Edevin, nor has he destroyed a city, then the Emissary, has no link to connect himself with the monster, which could in turn mean that the monster has him confused for someone else.

"if you had no business with Edevin, then you must have me mistaken for someone else".

The Emissary answered with certainty, after sorting out his thoughts to make sure nothing was left out.

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