Adventures Of A Goblin

Chapter 220 Suggestion About Evolution

"hmm..... Evolution; believe me, we would also like to evolve as soon as possible, but that is just not possible. It is not something we can rush".

Without even being told, the Wyvern pack also desired for evolution, but it is not an event that they have control over.

They had all gone far on their racial evolution path, and now reached a threshold where going any further would prove very difficult for them to accomplish.

Each of them are in need of a certain amount of kill count, a ridiculous number at that, if they want to evolve into an higher form under their racial specie.

They have been trying all this while to achieve that threshold, but so far, none of them have been able to get there.

"i am well aware of that, and that is why, I am going to help you all evolve".

If Orun wants to create the monster empire like he had claimed, he needs to have by his side, allies with strong roots as its foundation.

Monsters pride themselves heavily on strength, and would not be willing to come under beings who are any weaker than they are.

Orun on one side, is currently a being whose match is hard to come by, but the the same cannot be said for the Wyvern pack.

They are the first monster kind he met with after coming out from the dungeon, he wants them to be the foundation with which the empire will be built upon, that is how he feels about them.

If that is to be so, he needs them stronger than their current self, strong enough to not fall back when faced against another monster kind.

Strong enough to show any monster with interest on joining him, that they have enough manpower to bring their claim to life.

"we really do appreciate the thought Orun, but how do you plan on helping us evolve at a faster pace? What methods do you have in mind".

The Wyvern leader has concerns on the way Orun has been processing his thoughts lately.

He is always taking things too extreme, going into things that are supposed to be impossible, and setting them as his end goal to place in the realm of possible.

There is only one way for one to raise their level, and that is through killing other race, or monster kind alike. It could be any race as long as it has life in it.

There is no known method that the Wyvern pack have not tried to make sure that they evolve, but so far, they have not had much luck on that.

The only method they have yet to give a trial chance to, is going up against monsters higher than them.

This will enable them to accumulate experience faster than hunting normal monsters, but the risk involved is far too great for them to even consider trying it.

Besides, stronger monsters do not just sprout out from nowhere. The Wyvern pack are already strong enough for them to have a hard time finding other monsters stronger than they are.

"through naming. I am going to evolve you all by giving you a name".

The Wyvern leader's expression carried a lot of mixed feelings, with most of it being hesitation.

"Orun, do you know what it means for a monster to be named".

Orun is a monster who already has a name, so surely, he is aware of what it means for monsters to be named.

The Wyvern leader is aware of this, but she still asked him nonetheless, because she wanted to be sure he knew what he was talking about.

"i do. By naming you, I will relinquish a part of my mana core, transferring it to you for the naming process".

"then do you know what will happen if the core of a monster is transferred into the core of another monster".

Orun could not understand what the Wyvern leader was asking. He wanted to say; you get named, but he couldn't, because he knew that wasn't the answer she wanted to hear.

When he was named by miss dragon, his body was partly unconscious with Oracle taking over it.

His consciousness was trapped in a white space where miss dragon did the naming on him, or rather, she said a name, saying it was his real name, so that was sort of a reminder for what his name was, and not her naming him.

Realizing this, Orun figured, that he was never named by miss dragon, but reminded him of what his name was.

He had never really gone through a naming ritual, and does not know what it entails, or how it is done.

'wait, I named that bear I found in the cave'.

Orun remembering that he had once given a name to a baby monster, replayed the scene of what happened after the naming.

He tried, but could not remember anything significantly different from what he had just told the Wyvern leader.

He lost a small part of his mana core after the naming, resulting in the total amount of mana he could store in his core being diminished.

'Oracle, is there something I am missing'.

Orun thoroughly thought it through, but there was nothing he could come up with.

The reaction of the Wyvern leader, suggested that there was something important that he was not getting.

He asked Oracle for help, to clarify things for him, and make him aware of what he is not getting right.

[when a monster is named, a part of the namer's core is used to constitute the name into the named's core].

[in return for absorbing the core of another, the named monster will be psychologically linked to their namer].

[psychologically in this term, does not only refer to mental state, it means that Master will be able to view the status of whatever monster you name, and they will also be bound to you in a form of half-slavery contract].

Hearing what Oracle had said, Orun now finally understood what the look on the Wyvern leader's face meant.

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