Adventures Of A Goblin

Chapter 244 Forgotten Trolls

The Wyverns are carnivores, with their only source of survival is through feeding on meat.

The scarcity of meat produce in the desert has become a problem that needs immediate addressing for the Wyverns and Orun.

So far, they have relied on Orun to use his teleportation to whisk himself into human territory, hunt for food, and teleport both he and the food back to the desert.

The Wyverns would have gone to the human territory by themselves to hunt, but their size makes that hard to accomplish.

They would be spotted a mile away before they can even have the glory of attending to what they came for.

While they have been able to survive thus far thanks to Orun, it is not exactly the best option for them to hang unto, or decide to rely on forever.

It is an immediate issue that needs to be attended to at the moment, and Orun will do so, only after his recruitment process is done.

For some reason unknown to Wildria, Orun has been pushing the recruiting process too far, making it at the top of the list of his priorities when in actual fact, he is supposed to be paying more attention to what is already on ground.

It has now become almost like an obsession for Orun to see to it that he completes recruiting monster specie into the desert, filling it up with variable monsters.

While it is good that Orun is that motivated, Wildria worries that if the problems on ground are not attended to as early as possible, it could end up into something more catastrophic after he is done recruiting.

Imagine having a hoard of monsters filling the desert but with no way to feed each and every one of them?

If that were to happen, Orun and Wildria will have on their hands, a major monster outbreak full of hungry monsters. And that, is what Wildria is trying to avoid.

She has been trying, doing her best to convince Orun to focus less on recruiting other monsters into the desert, and more on advancing the desert and make it a place that monsters can thrive in without difficulties.

Orun's insistence to have his focus based only on the recrution, is frightening to Wildria and no matter what she says to try and change his mind, he still remains adamant on it.

She knew that Orun knows what he is doing, and that he is also aware of the problems that layed dormant without being told.

What she could not understand, is what sort of reason can be great enough to have Orun abandoning such problems and only drawing his attention over to recruiting all sorts of monster specie from the human territory?

Wildria at least wished for Orun to make her understand and see things from his point of view. Maybe then, she can come to reason with why he is basing his obsession in that direction.

"my kind feed on meat, and we are also adaptable to feeding on green".

The Troll Chief replied to Orun's question with his eyes still on the Troll that is currently undergoing his evolution.

"hmm...... So you are an omnivore specie?"

It was a relieve for Orun that the Trolls are not a specie dependent only on meat.

He could already start to visualize the kind of expression Wildria will have on her human like face when they get back home and tell her that the Trolls he recruited are interested in meat.

Now that he knows that meat is not the only thing they eat, he won't have to worry about the Trolls feeding condition as they can feast on any amount of forestry they want from the forest Orun created.

Orun went back to the Troll chief's seat to rest his body on, and wait for Monryck and the three Trolls to arrive with the other Trolls so he can start the naming process on them.

It took a long while after Orun had sat himself down on the chair before Monryck appeared from the entrance with the three Trolls and the others following right behind him.

"finally. I was starting to think you guys had forgotten what you were sent to get".

Orun got up from his seat and went ahead to meet with Monryck in his path.

"chief, I need your presence here".

He called out to the Troll Chief who did not even bother himself with his subordinates that had just arrived.

The chief in reply to Orun, had to move away from the Troll on the floor, and go over to where Orun stood.

"i need you to confirm with your subordinates about what they are going to go through".

The other Trolls have not been informed of why Orun and Monryck are here, or why they have been gathered.

Orun does not want a situation where they will be left in the dark of what is going on, that is why he opened up the floor for the Troll Chief to carry out with the explanation.

The Troll Chief, stood in front of the group and only said a few words concerning why Orun was here.

"they are ready. You can start naming them now".

When the Troll Chief finished with his words, he vacated the front and left it vacant for Orun while he makes his way back to the Troll laid on the ground, staring at him like he had been compelled by the sight.

Orun did not even want to ask if that was all he was going to say, and simply proceeded to the naming process.

"i want you all to arrange yourselves in an order, the males to the right, the females to the left, all lined according to your age, starting with the youngest at the front, and the oldest at the back".

The Trolls did not question Orun's command, and immediately moved themselves to do as he had ordered them to.

Just like the scene with the Wyverns, Orun moved in their midst, naming them one at a time until he got to the three Trolls that were close to the chief.

"i almost forgot. Can you wake those three up as well, they need to be named".

Orun, the three Trolls, Monryck, and the Troll Chief who could not be bothered with the affairs of his subordinates, had all forgotten about the existence of the three Trolls that Monryck had made unconscious when he first came in.

He moved his body, and hurriedly went closer to them, tapping their heads to wake them up.

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