Adventures Of A Goblin

Chapter 247 An Underground Cave

"I hereby bestow upon you the name Travon".

Orun with his hand placed on the Troll Chief kneeled before him, named him and he instantly fell asleep right on the spot with his body tumbling down.

"that is all of them".

Orun breathed a sigh of relief after he finally got to name the Troll Chief who was the last remaining Troll.

He accepted Theron's and the Troll Chief's oath to serve him as their master by licking the blood on their palm as a sign of acceptance.

An ancestoral tradition of the Trolls when they want to commit themselves to a master, or so he is told.

When he was done accepting their oath, they all went back Inside the cave where Orun finally got to name the Troll Chief by the name Travon.

"Monryck, Theron. I need you guys to stick closer to the sleeping Trolls".

Orun was about to activate the teleportation magic that would transport them all to the desert.

He instructed Monryck and Theron to stand close to the sleeping Trolls so he would not have to create a separate circle for them when activated.

Monryck and Theron did as Orun had instructed and moved themselves closer, standing at the edge of the sleeping Trolls.

Orun stood in front of them all and had his eyes closed with his two hands stretched out in their direction.

"instant teleportation!".

Orun casted the skill's name and below the ground they were all stepping on, came a bright light circling around the path that was occupied by all things living.

The light shined brighter and swallowed them all into its belly, removing any traces of them away from the cave.

When they came to, Monryck, Theron and Orun who were the only ones still awake, found themselves inside another cave, a cave built with sand unlike the one they had teleported away from that was built with the earth.

The sand slowly dropping down in small quantities like a low budget waterfall, made it obvious that they were below a quicklime kind of sand with an unstable roof that could collapse at any moment.

"where is this".

Monryck expected Orun to teleport them to the desert, but the cave they are in, is one he has never seen before in the desert, granted he has yet to explore the desert as a whole.

"we are at the entrance of the forest desert, below it actually".

Orun answered him while keeping his hands busy with movements that could show that he was instructing a construction site.

"i am using the sand above to create an underground cave so the Trolls can continue their evolutionary sleep without being interrupted".

If Orun had made the mistake of teleporting the sleeping Trolls directly above the desert ground, no doubt they would have been instantly turned to stone when exposed to the high temperature of the sun raining down on the desert.

To prevent that from happening, Orun made the choice of building an underground cave during the activation moment of the teleportation circle.

He activated the circle first, and made their destination below the desert ground.

How did he do that when he has yet to see below the desert ground which condescends the rules of teleportation that states and I quote; teleportation circle can only be activated or used under the condition that the user has a mental imagery of where they are going to teleport to.

Orun depended on his speed and Oracle's processing.

When the teleportation circle had gotten them to the desert, he was quick to dive into the ground by himself to craft an image of it in his head, all the while he still kept the circle activated by moving it with him.

It was a process that would not have been possible without Orun's speed and Oracle's ability to keep up with his speed and time the teleportation circle process.

He had to roughly build up the cave due to the time limit on when the teleportation circle can be maintained.

The circle should have carried out its effect of teleporting them all and dissipated when it got to the destination, but Oracle was able to shift the time limit a little, to buy Orun enough time to roughly make out the shape of a cave underneath the desert.

If the time limit had not been shifted, the sleeping Trolls would have all been teleported and scattered inside the sand.

Orun's mistake, was that he hurried the process when he should have first teleported to the desert to build the cave below the desert, then use the teleportation to come back for the sleeping Trolls to teleport them all into the cave.

His hastiness to have the Trolls in the desert so he can go out to recruit more monster specie got the best of him.

Orun moved his hand around building the cave in a more appropriate position and making sure the sand are well stabled to avoid a sudden case of cave collapse.

He solidified the sand acting as the ground, turning the sand into hard stoned sand and the roof that is still leaking was immediately patched up by modifying the sand's constitution into clay and cementing it.

When Orun was done with that, he seemed to further the extension of the cave by making it wider and larger to act as the temporary settlement for the Troll kind and if possible as a permanent resident, depending on what choice the Trolls decide to go with.

They can either choose to live above ground in the desert or continue their lifestyle inside the cave with a choice to go above it whenever they feel like.

Orun stretched his two hands sideways and in response to his actions, the sand that were acting as walls were pushed further in, freeing up space and extending their distance from Orun.

From the hands being sideways, Orun slowly raised them up, while still keeping the hands apart.

The sand responded to Orun's actions by having some of the already solidified sand acting as the ground to change back to its sand watery state.

Not all areas of the solidified sand turned back into sand, but only some parts of it.

Orun controlled the parts that changed back into its initial form, raising it up and using it to build several Pillars that held the roof to stop it from collapsing.

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