Do You Want Me To Be The Villain Like That?? Open Your Eyes And See

Chapter 76: Meet and talk

Chapter 76: Meet and talk

A woman dressed in pure white emerged from the void, accompanied by three men who, despite their presence, could not overshadow her graceful and powerful demeanor. Jiang Yun observed her with scrutinizing eyes, but before he could say anything, she spoke in a soft yet chilling tone.

"Peering into others' private matters is quite rude, you know that, don't you?"

Jiang Yun smiled slightly, not responding to her words. However, internally, he was taken aback and thought to himself, "Damn you, system. Prepare for a fiery transformation, snail shell and all."

The system responded quickly, [Host, please calm down. This isn't my fault...]

"No, it is your fault," Jiang Yun insisted.

[Alright, alright... it's my fault, Host. I'm not good enough... But could I choose a different pattern?] the system pleaded.

"No," Jiang Yun cut off the conversation, ignoring the system's voice. He then turned his attention back to the four people in front of him.

"The most powerful force in the Tianyuan world, the Tianyuan Protection Alliance. What business do you have with me?" he asked, his voice calm and indifferent.

Shi Guang smiled slightly before speaking. "Are you interested in joining the Tianyuan Protection Alliance?"

Jiang Yun replied without hesitation, "No."

Huo Yan was not surprised by Jiang Yun's answer and asked further, "Won't you at least hear us out?"

"A waste of time," Jiang Yun responded dismissively.

Kong Ling, refusing to give up, continued, "Why not use your power to protect the Tianyuan world? To use your abilities for the greater good, to defend humanity from the invasions of other worlds?"

Jiang Yun's smile widened. "What would I gain from doing that? Praise? Resources for cultivation? Or what?" His tone was filled with mockery.

Yong Xuan responded firmly, "We do it without expecting anything in return. We simply wish to protect the Tianyuan world."

Jiang Yun laughed derisively. "This world? Are you all mad?"

Huo Yan took a deep breath, trying to maintain his composure before replying, "We've been invaded by 18 different worlds. Many comrades and like-minded individuals have sacrificed their lives. I just want to continue their mission."

Jiang Yun looked at the four with cold eyes and spoke with indifference, "I don't care."

The three felt a twinge of anger, clenching their teeth before one of them spoke, "What would you know about loss? You've probably never lost a comrade or someone dear to you, to speak so lightly."

Jiang Yun smiled faintly. "Something dear? I've never lost anything dear to me, not even once. And I don't waste my time on things that bring me no benefit."

Huo Yan narrowed his eyes. "The fact that you've been able to grow this strong is because of us sacrificing our blood to protect the Tianyuan world. Without us, your so-called dear ones, your family, siblings, parents, lovers, or whatever, would likely have perished. Or you might not have even been born."

Jiang Yun chuckled softly. "So what? Should I be grateful to you? Ha... Even if you hadn't done it, someone else would have. And as for something dear to me, apart from myself, I have nothing dear."

His words left the four in silence. Kong Ling tried to find the right words, then asked with a glimmer of hope, "Could you not protect this world?"

Jiang Yun's expression turned icy. "Protect this world? Ridiculous. Were you not listening to what I said earlier? And this filthy world, you want me to protect it? Have you spent too much time on the battlefield beyond this world? Didn't you see that just the mere announcement of an inheritance from a deceased Immortal Emperor—one who wished to leave a legacy for the younger generation to protect the Tianyuan world—led to people waging war and slaughtering others en masse to increase their chances of obtaining that inheritance and power?"

He paused before continuing, "Take, for example, the Clan of the Chaos Immortal Emperor, or the Cloud Immortal Emperor's clan, who once saved and protected this world. What happened to them when they died?"

Shi Guang remained silent, aware that the Chaos Immortal Emperor's clan had been massacred, and the Cloud Immortal Emperor's clan was rarely, if ever, heard of anymore.

"I..." He tried to say something, but Jiang Yun cut him off.

Jiang Yun extended his hand, and an image of the past appeared in the air, showing the day the Chaos Immortal Emperor's clan was slaughtered by fellow humans. Numerous clans participated in the massacre, looting and even killing innocent children. The brutality and greed were evident in the images, as was the once-glorious Cloud Immortal Emperor's clan, reduced from a powerful force with hundreds of millions of members to a mere hundred thousand, forced to live in hiding.

"Is this what the protectors of Tianyuan receive?" Jiang Yun spoke with a somber tone.

The four remained silent.

Kong Ling, sitting nearby, attempted to speak up, "There are still clans of Immortal Emperors that remain, like the Phoenix Immortal Emperor's Royal Clan, the Lin Immortal Emperor Clan, the Star Immortal Emperor's Sacred Land, the Wen Immortal Emperor Clan, and... and...."

Jiang Yun sneered, "That's it, isn't it?"

Yong Xuan tried to reason, "There are still some clans that survive, even if only a few."

Jiang Yun shook his head. "What about the other Immortal Emperors? How many of them fought—millions or hundreds of millions? You probably can't remember all of them, and their names fade away over time, deemed unimportant. There are no praises or statues of them, not even a trace, while their clans were annihilated."

Jiang Yun continued, "Besides, the forces you mentioned—their Immortal Emperors didn't die. Are you confused or something?"

The group fell silent again, feeling the harsh truth of Jiang Yun's words.

Jiang Yun took out some pills and tossed them onto the table, activating an image alongside them. The four looked on in shock, recognizing the energy of the Spirit Clan emanating from the pills and the images showing the Mu Clan capturing and offering humans, even their own, to the Spirit Clan.

Jiang Yun smiled and said, "Look at this—the people you're trying to protect. They're collaborating with your enemies, selling capable humans to other races in exchange for resources to strengthen themselves. Your fallen comrades would be so proud to see you defending these people."

His words weighed heavily on their hearts, like a blade of truth piercing deep. Some of them began to reconsider their beliefs.

Jiang Yun sighed lightly. "I've said what I needed to say. What you decide to do with it is up to you. Farewell." He finished his tea, then stood, preparing to leave.

Yong Xuan, who had been silent all this time, suddenly asked in a cold voice, "And if it were you, what would you do?"

Jiang Yun stopped walking, turned to look at her with unwavering eyes, and replied, "I would only protect my own people. As for those who oppose me, even if they are semi-divine... they must die."

His voice shifted from calm to icy, and his eyes were filled with determination.

He turned back and walked into the void, accompanied by the two Elder Guardians, leaving the four others lost in their own thoughts.

Shi Guang sat still, feeling that his efforts and beliefs had been shaken. A sense of futility and confusion overwhelmed him as he recalled the many comrades he had encountered on the battlefield...

"That's right. Why did we do all of this..." Kong Ling muttered softly.

Huo Yan, standing beside him, clenched his fists tightly, feeling the despair in the air. "We did it to protect the Tianyuan world..."

Yong Xuan sighed. "We came here looking for someone to help protect the Tianyuan world, but instead, we found someone who might just destroy the Tianyuan Alliance."

The atmosphere was thick with confusion as they began to question everything they had done so far. Their once-solid convictions began to waver.

Huo Yan looked up at the sky. "But if we don't do it, then who will protect this world..."

But that question was met with silence. It was as if the entire world was watching them with indifference.

In that silence, Kong Ling felt his heart being torn apart. The beliefs and ideals he had held onto for so long were beginning to crumble, and all he wanted now was to return to his family.

Shi Guang spoke with a trembling voice, "Has everything we've done... been in vain?"

Huo Yan placed a hand on Shi Guang's shoulder. "I don't think so. I still believe that what we've done has value. Even if no one sees it, I still want to continue doing it."

Kong Ling closed his eyes. "But the truth we saw today makes me feel like we've been used. Our efforts and those of our comrades have been trampled on, left in ruins."

The three of them fell silent. "..."

Yong Xuan looked in the direction where Jiang Yun had disappeared, reflecting on his words. She began to wonder if she needed to waste her time or sacrifice anything for this world. She thought of all the forces in the Tianyuan world and said,

"Maybe he's right... this world doesn't need us as much as we thought."

The three of them stood there in the silence, but inside, their hearts were filled with doubts and confusion. They began to realize that everything they had done might not be as meaningful as they once believed.

The voice of the Golden List echoed throughout the Tianyuan world once again.

"These rankings on the Golden List can change every month for the next three years, and in seven days, the top 20 geniuses under the age of 40 will be announced." The system's voice resonated across the world.

Amid the excitement and anticipation of the people, another voice rang out, "There has been a change in the 19th rank."

The crowd fell silent, eagerly waiting to hear the announcement.

[19th Place]

[Name: Mu Ling]

[Affiliation: Falling Heaven Blood Sect, Elder of Jade Peak]

[Cultivation: Peak Immortal Emperor]

[Reward: (Only the rank holder can see)]

"The Falling Heaven Blood Sect?" one of the leaders of the Immortal Emperor factions exclaimed in disbelief.

"Who are they? And why did Mu Ling join them?"

"Send someone to the Immortal Cloud Continent immediately."

"Mu Ling... has she really joined the Falling Heaven Blood Sect?" a concerned cultivator from the Mu Clan muttered in disbelief.

The fact that Mu Ling had changed her affiliation to the "Falling Heaven Blood Sect" caused unease among many. The sect had become notorious for its strength and ruthlessness over the past year. With someone as powerful as Mu Ling joining them, the sect's power was bound to increase even further.

Meanwhile, in the Spirit World, a place shrouded in bluish-gray light, a spirit sat on a high throne amidst a thin mist. The gaze of this spirit was calm and steady, though it lacked a tangible body. The aura it emanated created an overwhelming pressure on those around it.

Suddenly, the sound of hurried footsteps echoed through the wide hall. A small figure, seemingly a servant, rushed in with a panicked expression. "Master, it's terrible!" he stammered.

"The 24 Immortal Emperors we sent into the Tianyuan world... we've lost contact with them!"

The spirit slowly opened his eyes. His gaze was like a deep, bottomless pool, devoid of emotion, yet filled with an immense power that was impossible to measure. He said nothing, but in an instant, his form vanished from the throne, speeding out of the hall.

Upon emerging from the hall, the spirit's gaze locked onto the distant horizon. But what he saw made his unshakable heart tremble. The once-clear sky had turned ominously dark, as if a great storm was brewing. And as he looked on, he saw a massive circular object, as large as a small world, slowly descending from the sky.

At the same time, the spirits in the city below were struck with fear and confusion as they witnessed the darkening sky and the giant object falling from above. Whispered fears spread among them, but no one moved, for they believed that the Spirit Emperor could protect them.

The Spirit Emperor made a swift decision. He shattered a seal embedded in his spirit, and in an instant, 170 more Immortal Emperors appeared from the void. They hovered in the air, staring at the colossal object with bewilderment. "What in the world is that?" one of the Immortal Emperors asked in disbelief.

"I don't know, but I see three humans on it!" another shouted anxiously.

"Enough talk! Destroy them first!" another spirit ordered with a commanding voice.

Upon receiving the command, the 171 Immortal Emperors combined their powers, their energies merging into a tremendous force, which they then unleashed at the falling object.

However, as their combined power was about to strike the object, a void opened up and swallowed the massive attack from all 171 Immortal Emperors.

"The Law of Void!" one of the spirits exclaimed in panic, and they quickly attempted to flee when the void opened near them, releasing the attack they had just unleashed, this time turning it back on them.

"BOOM!" The sound of a powerful explosion reverberated through the Spirit World, the force of the blast sending shockwaves in all directions. The surrounding area was obliterated, and many spirits were instantly killed. As the shockwaves faded, the sky returned to its eerie calm, but the surviving spirits could only look on in fear. What had just happened was only the beginning of a catastrophe they could not have anticipated, as the small world continued to plummet with increasing speed.

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