God of Internet

Chapter 62: Very useful spells!

"This is Luna Nyx, a Master Mage who has been studying music-focused magic for a few years and is probably the mage with the most experience in magic and music in all of Arcantor." Jaina explained as she pointed to Luna.

Looking at her, her blue hair, blue eyes, and even the blue iMonster snake around her neck made her youthful appearance very unique and distinctive.

Something that made me curious, as she reminded me a lot of a virtual singer from my previous world.

"Hello Lord Athenos, Archmage Jaina told me about the new app that the God of the Internet has created. Do you need anything from me?" She asked excitedly.

I could tell that she realized the potential of [Mystic Melody].

"Hello, Lady Luna." I smiled at her politely as I nodded. "Yes, the God of the Internet created an app that focused on songs, but he thought it would be more interesting for mortals if these songs were filled in by mortals themselves. So I told Jaina about it and she told me about you."

Listening to my explanation, Luna became more and more excited.

"That's amazing Lord Athenos, but you don't have to call me Lady Luna, just call me Luna, I feel more comfortable that way." She said a little embarrassed.

"Sure, then you can just call me Athenos." I said smiling as I nodded. "Can you explain to me what your understanding of music is and what you do?"

Luna nodded quickly at my question. "Yes, yes. First of all, my family are musicians and artists who perform all over Arcantor, my father is even the director of the Arcantor Opera. Since I grew up in a family that was interested in music, when my magical talent was discovered, my first thought was how I could use magic in music..."

Nodding my head, I kept looking at her, waiting for the rest of her explanation.

"From my path as an apprentice mage, to now that I'm a master mage, I've always tried to think about how I could use magic with music. And lately, I've started to get satisfactory results." She said as she put her hand to her throat.

Her hand then began to glow in a white light, so that when she spoke, her voice sounded much louder than it had originally! "That was one of the spells I created that I called 'Amplify.'"

She had invented a spell to make a speaker!

With magic like that, even without the electricity and speaker of my previous world, it would be possible to hold concerts for thousands of people!

As I imagined the live concert scene in this world, a smile appeared on my face.

As I smiled, I noticed that Luna, who had been worried about my reaction, became animated by the smile and began to explain even more excitedly the other spell she had developed.

"The 'Amplify' spell was the first spell I ever made." She said, keeping her hand close to her neck, but this time with the color changing from white to yellow. "The other spell I did, which I call 'Influence,' as the number suggests, manages to use magic to influence people to feel what I want them to feel... which I use to make people happier when they listen to my songs."

If the previous spell was surprising, this new one was shocking!

I myself felt the effects of this spell from Luna and knew that the effect was very weak, if someone wanted to resist it, with just a little intention they could, even normal commoners, but considering that Luna might use little mana, if she overloaded this spell with mana at an Archmage level, it would be devastating!

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Thinking about this, I turned to Jaina and noticed that even she was shocked by this.

Seeing our reaction, Luna became worried and quickly cancelled the spell. "I only used it for my songs... I just wanted to make people happy by listening to happy songs..." She said as she started to apologize while lowering her head.

Seeing her reaction, I was speechless.

"This spell is amazing, Luna! How about showing me how you use it in one of your songs?" I asked curiously.

Surprised, Luna raised her head in shock and looked at me with wide eyes.

When she saw my smile, she started to smile too, before she turned to Jaina and saw her still with her frozen expression, but she gave her a nod.

With this confirmation, Luna quickly began to get ready and started singing for us.

Her voice was very good...and all without any voice filters, digital correction or even auto-tune, something to be commended!

The biggest problem for me was the song she was singing, an opera song, which I could recognize the musical quality of, but I couldn't like it.

And like me, I believe that even the commoners couldn't understand and enjoy that kind of music.

The advantage of this was her magic, which even though I didn't like this style of music, made me happy just to hear her sing.

When she finished, I stood up and started applauding, making the young mage look embarrassed and red-faced.

Even Jaina joined in and applauded Luna as well, making her smile even bigger.

"Luna, even without your 'Influence' spell, your voice is incredible and your talent would already be highly valued in [Mystic Melody], but I believe that with your magic, it's really possible for it to reach a level that no one could have imagined..." I said with a smile.

"One of the features of [Mystic Melody] is that in order to listen to a song, the listener has to buy access to it for 1 Internet Coin, which is split 50/50 between the app and the author or singer of the song, which means that if millions of people buy your songs, you'll get hundreds of thousands of Internet Coins!" I said as I started designing a cake for her.

Fortunately, the Internet Coin was still relatively useful in the eyes of the people, especially the mages who saw the magic books as very valuable, but I knew that this alone might not mean much, so I thought of something while looking at the delicate blue snake on Luna's shoulder.

"Not to mention that in the future, Internet Coin could be converted to Premium Internet Coin, so that could mean more cookies for your iMonster on your shoulder." I said smiling.

Hearing this, Luna's eyes widened.

She knew that more cookies for her iMonster meant that her iMonster could level up and become stronger, giving her a real advantage in terms of security!

"Could I really record songs for the Internet, Lord Athenos?" She asked excitedly.

"Yes, the God of the Internet allowed me to choose the mortal singers to participate in [Mystic Melody], and I'm sure you'd fit right in, Luna. We'll just have to adjust your repertoire a bit. I said, because having her sing only opera would be a huge waste of her talents.

If she sang songs that the commoners could relate to, wouldn't that greatly increase the commoners' usage time?

And since they were the vast majority of the netizens, my focus was mainly on them!

"Don't worry, Lord Athenos, whatever you ask me to adjust, I'll do it without a second thought!" She said in a serious voice, raising her hand to her forehead in greeting.

Smiling at her behavior, I just shook my head and began to explain my plan, how I wanted the songs and the lyrics to work.

At first she was sceptical, as he had never heard songs like this before, but then I sang her a romantic song from my previous world and Luna's eyes began to shine even brighter as she looked in my direction.

If I didn't know better, I might even think that she fell in love with me when she heard me sing that song, but with how excited she was about writing the new songs in this style, I knew that her focus was only on a new form of music that she didn't know.

In the end, it was decided that she would try to develop new songs in this style and even talk to her family to help her.

When I left the Arcantor Magic School, I realized that I was practically creating an idol, an idol who could influence millions of people in any way I wanted, which would be extremely useful to me.

Were people afraid? Luna could release a soothing song and people would be more at peace for several hours.

Was the birth rate of the country low? Luna could release a romantic song and make more couples.

Mortals going to war? A battle and duty song to recruit people for the army would be a great help.

Having an artist under my control would be a great help to my future, and I was excited to see what a singer with such a useful spell could accomplish.

Even more so with the blessing of creativity I put into it, I was excited to see what it could produce.

With that decided, my focus returned to the invasion of Valoria, and a huge smile appeared on my face as I saw how it was going.

Looking at the edge of Valoria, I wondered when I would be able to cross it and finish my confrontation with Zack...

Just then, I received a message from one of my emissaries that the royal family of Valoria wanted to contact me.

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