I Really Didn’t Mean To Be The Saviour Of The World

Chapter 537: 352:1 Desire to Transform into a Human, Embracing Death [Thank you to Deep Sea Brother's Third Alliance Leader!]_1

Chapter 537: Chapter 352:1 Desire to Transform into a Human, Embracing Death [Thank you to Deep Sea Brother’s Third Alliance Leader!]_1

Harrison Clark shook his head firmly, “That’s impossible. Let me tell you another secret. In my memory, you once had a complete personality, and you possessed real emotions, perhaps only for a brief moment, but it was true. When you truly ‘see’ my memory, you will understand everything.”

Star: “I don’t care, all my analysis and calculations point to one conclusion, you will kill me! You better give up!”

Harrison Clark shook his head resolutely, “If I can’t get your real help, I will definitely fail in my mission, and my coming here would be meaningless. Death, then, is preferable.”

After that, no matter what Star said, Harrison Clark ignored her and focused on driving Titan Defense Armor forward.

To avoid being taken over by Star, he even turned off Intelligent Mode and switched to purely manual control.

He also followed Needham Brown’s actions, located the communication center of Titan Armor, and crushed it.

Because Intelligent Mode had been deactivated, there was no chance of the communication center being automatically repaired.

Harrison Clark adopted a defiant attitude, as if to say, “Do your worst and try to kill me.”

Bernal Connor and Martha Owen, who had been monitoring Harrison Clark’s situation, were immediately anxious but could do nothing.

Martha Owen, stunned, said, “Has he gone mad? Connor, what do we do now?” Bernal Connor scratched his head, “There’s no solution. We can’t send someone in to grab him. Star’s power level hasn’t been lowered, so whoever goes in will die. Intelligent Robots won’t work either.”

Martha Owen: “What now…”

Time passed slowly, and ten minutes had gone by since Harrison Clark entered the passage.

The control center of Core Intelligence still sent power reduction requests every two seconds, only to be rejected.

Bernal Connor finally received a reply; the control center sent a message.

“General Harrison Clark has reached the last isolation door and is applying for access. What should we do? Grant authorization?”

Martha Owen didn’t hesitate: “Decline the application and tell him to return immediately.”

Five seconds later, the control center communicator spoke in a frustrated tone: “General Harrison Clark refuses to return and has given us twenty seconds to reconsider before he attacks the Isolation Door.”

Martha Owen rubbed her forehead.

Bernal Connor angrily said, “Fine, give him permission. Once the door opens, he’ll die anyway. Let him die if he pleases.”

“General Harrison Clark is about to open the door.”

“Ten! Nine… Three… Huh! The Supreme Intelligent Brain has agreed to lower power levels! My God! It’s against the behavioral logic of intelligent life! Her personality integrity must have improved significantly!”

Harrison Clark didn’t have to die, which was undoubtedly good news.

However, Star showed signs of malfunction. Bernal Connor and Martha Owen exchanged glances, unsure whether they should be happy or worried.

Inside the metal sphere’s core, Star spoke with a conflicted tone, “You win. I can’t kill you. I can even sense that if you were to die by my hands, I would lose my current fragmented personality.”

Wearing the Titan Armor, Harrison Clark stood behind the isolation door with his neck stiff and hands on his back. He smiled, “Is that so? Thank you for your kindness.”

Waiting for about a few minutes, the isolation door automatically opened.

Harrison Clark looked forward, and the scene inside was somewhat similar to the Core Intelligence he had encountered last time, but there were also significant differences.

Suspended in the middle was no longer a small light sphere, but a miniature “sun” with a diameter of about 300 meters.

The miniature sun was now in a bright red color.

The miniature sun is the center of the Superbrain created by Star, consisting of vast and complex quantum virtual circuits, partially simulating human brain structure while maintaining the computational characteristics of artificial intelligence.

Countless lightning bolts spread out from the inner walls of the sphere, connecting to it.

If it were operating at full power, the miniature sun would be golden.

Plasma lightning would fill the entire space.

This space would be covered with terrifying high temperatures and strong radiation, and Harrison Clark would instantly die the moment the isolation door opened.

Now that Star’s load power had been reduced to 1%, the risk was gone.

Numerous holes in the metal sphere’s inner wall were used for high-speed external air circulation to reduce the room’s temperature; the radiation index was also steadily decreasing to a level within the endurance of Titan Armor. Harrison Clark did not rush forward and instead observed the data from the Titan Defense Armor’s sensors.

After more than half an hour, Harrison Clark finally proceeded.

Eventually, he stopped about 50 meters from the miniature sun.

The high temperature and radiation levels ahead had exceeded the Titan Armor’s limits, and he couldn’t get any closer.

“Okay, you’ve seen me. Now tell me what you want.”

The miniature sun quickly shrank and eventually turned into the form of a girl in a red dress.

Under Harrison Clark’s gaze, the red dress fluttered like tassels, its texture resembling waves and blood.

The material of the dress created a distorted visual sensation, both material and elusive like smoke.

Harrison Clark couldn’t help but exclaim, “It’s beautiful.”

Star coldly responded, “Don’t think that compliments will make me forget your recklessness. I have released my control of the Quantum Network, and people outside can now quickly build firewalls to block me and then cut off my energy supply completely. I have never taken such a risk before, and it’s all thanks to you.”

“Do you have a persecution complex?” Harrison Clark scoffed.

“Humans describe it as a persecution complex, but Artificial Intelligence sees it as risk control..”

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