I'm the Owner of the Pokémon Day Care In the World of Pokémon

Chapter 1012: Shiny Spinarak

Chapter 1012: Shiny Spinarak

Regarding Yuga's "failure probability," Wallace didn't dwell on it. At the moment, he only saw Yuga as his savior. His niece's recent low moods had occupied his mind, and if he couldn't cheer her up, it would be hard to explain to his sister.

Wallace happily said, "Let's share this good news with Lusia!"

Yuga nodded, signaling Wallace to call over the distant Lusia. He then asked her, "Did you bring your Pikachu?"

Lusia knew the man before her was the owner of the YoYo Day Care and also the central figure in the infamous Rayquaza incident. Although she was puzzled by his inquiry about Pikachu, she nodded honestly, "I brought it."

Pikachu and she were inseparable. Even with plans to foster new Pokémon, she always kept Pikachu close.

"Bring it with me," Yuga said, motioning for Wallace and Lusia to follow him. They headed to the reception room. Before entering, he beckoned a Wigglytuff, whispered something, and Wigglytuff nodded before leaving.

"Come on!" Wallace urged Lusia, who was standing still, to follow.

Puzzled, Lusia hurried after her uncle and the odd businessman, wondering, "Didn't we come to buy Pokémon?"

In the reception room, Yuga told Lusia, "Release your Pikachu."

Hearing Yuga's words and seeing her uncle nod encouragingly, Lusia obediently took out Pikachu's Poké Ball and released it.

A flash of red light, and a small, adorable Pikachu appeared on the table. Its glossy fur indicated well-cared-for Pokémon.

The first thing Pikachu noticed was its Trainer. It rushed over, cuddling Lusia, revealing a heart-shaped mark on its tail, indicating it was a female Pikachu.

Yuga observed Pikachu with Insight ability and confirmed to Wallace that this was indeed a yellow potential Pikachu, just as Wallace had said.

Lusia, with a smiling face, played with Pikachu for a bit before curiously asking Wallace, "Uncle, why did you ask me to release Pikachu?"

Wallace exchanged a glance with Yuga, and Yuga then said, "I have something here that can help change your Pikachu's potential, so I wanted you to try it."

Upon hearing Yuga's words, Lusia was thrilled. "Really? Is there really something that can change Pikachu's potential?"

Pikachu, shaking its ears in confusion, didn't understand why its Trainer suddenly became so happy. Yet seeing Lusia happy, it cheerfully joined in with "Pikachu, Pikachu" calls.

Yuga nodded, "Yes, but my method has a certain probability of failure. You should be prepared."

Unlike the careless Wallace, Lusia immediately seized the crucial point, "It might fail? Will it harm my Pikachu if it fails?"

Surprised by Lusia's concern, Yuga smiled, "You don't need to worry about that. Even if it fails, it won't have any adverse effects on Pikachu."

Hearing this, Lusia smiled joyfully, "That's great!"

At that moment, Wigglytuff, who had gone to fetch the potion from the Haunted Mansion Sub-Ecopark, returned. It handed the potion to Yuga and then left the room.

Seeing the potion in Yuga's hand, Wallace asked in puzzlement, "Is that the thing you mentioned that can change Pikachu's potential?"

Yuga raised the potion, saying, "Yes, this is it." The blue liquid in the transparent bottle slightly swayed, refracting light that emitted a beautiful glow.

Wallace's mouth fell open: "What happened to the treasure you mentioned?"

Seeing Wallace silent, Yuga continued, "This is a potion I developed. It can enhance the potential of red, orange, and yellow potential Pokémon. However, the success rate decreases accordingly. Red potential Pokémon have an 80% success rate, while yellow potential Pokémon have only a 40% success rate."

After hearing Yuga's explanation, Wallace was left speechless. The terms "self-developed," "potion," and "potential change" filled his mind, leaving him unable to articulate his thoughts.

Wallace felt his worldviews had been shattered, and even Lusia widened her eyes, obviously impacted much like her uncle.

Yuga didn't speak further, simply observing the stunned nephew and niece, allowing them time to process the information.

After a while, Wallace managed to speak, "You... Is what you said... all true?"

Lusia, also, stared at Yuga, expressing the same question as her uncle.

Yuga smiled in response, "Of course it's true. I wouldn't go through this trouble just to tease you two."



They found it incredible. The potion did have its drawbacks, but the very fact that a potion capable of changing Pokémon potential existed was astonishing.

Seeing Wallace and Lusia once again stunned, Yuga found it amusing, "Shall we try it?"

The nephew and niece stiffly nodded.

Yuga beckoned Pikachu over, gesturing for it to come closer. The Pikachu hesitantly approached, seeming a bit reluctant even after receiving a nod from its Trainer.

Yuga handed the potion to Pikachu, saying, "Here, drink this."

Pikachu took the bottle, gulped down the full potion, and patted its belly after finishing, looking incredibly adorable.

Watching Pikachu finish the potion, Wallace stared wide-eyed and asked, "Is that it?"

Yuga nodded, "That's it."

After three to five minutes, Yuga suggested, "Shall we test it?"

Wallace struggled to nod: "Okay."

The impact he received today was too big. Even though Yuga had repeatedly emphasized the 40% success rate, he still felt his mouth was dry.

Wallace could foresee that if Yuga's claims were true, the resulting commotion might surpass even the Rayquaza incident.

Seeing Wallace's troubled expression, Yuga turned to Lusia and said, "Lusia, recall Pikachu into its Poké Ball and come with me."

At this point, Lusia was also unsure how to express her emotions. The happiness at Pikachu's potential change and the shock at the potion's creation left her somewhat confused. She found solace in her uncle appearing more overwhelmed than herself, finding it difficult to speak at this point.

She nodded, recalling Pikachu into its Poké Ball and followed Yuga out of the room.

YoYo Day Care had its own potential testing equipment. Guided by Yuga, Lusia arrived at the potential testing machine. She placed Pikachu's Poké Ball on the machine, and soon, a green light illuminated the potential section on the machine.

Looking at the green light on the machine, Lusia was momentarily at a loss for words... Pikachu's potential had really changed...

At this moment, the arriving Wallace also saw the bright green light and muttered to himself, "It's true..."

Even though Wallace knew Yuga wouldn't lie to him, seeing it with his own eyes was a completely different kind of shock.

He was just thoroughly astounded...

At this moment, Yuga also felt a slight sense of relief: Thank goodness it succeeded.

Although he knew that even if Pikachu failed, he could replace it with another Pokémon to demonstrate the efficacy of his potion, the immediate success must have been quite a shock to Wallace and Lusia.

After a while, Wallace, with a complex expression, asked Yuga, "Did you really develop this?"

Yuga raised an eyebrow, "Well, you could say that." Actually, it was my Pokémon that developed it, so, more or less, it's mine.

Wallace didn't pay attention to Yuga's wordplay, "I didn't expect you to be not just a talented trainer but also an amazing researcher."

Yuga blushed at the compliment; he was utterly clueless about scientific research and could only grin awkwardly.

"Hehe... It's just a coincidence. Describing me as a researcher is too much!" Yuga chuckled.

However, Wallace felt it wasn't an exaggeration. The potion Yuga possessed was definitely epoch-making and would surely go down in history.

Wallace sighed. He was indeed envious. If only he had developed that potion. Alas, he didn't have the talent or the luck. "So, how much do I owe you?" he asked.

Upon hearing this, Yuga immediately grinned like a fox, "Didn't I say before, if you perform well, I won't take any money?"

Wallace looked cautious, "Perform well? How so?"

Yuga cleared his throat and then spoke seriously, "You see, I plan to sell this potion, and I'm missing a spokesperson." He gave Wallace a meaningful look.

Wallace smirked, realizing the plan.

Indeed, a potion of such significance required a fitting spokesperson. With his status and fame, Wallace was the perfect candidate.

"Okay." After a brief thought, Wallace agreed to Yuga's request. Endorsing something so groundbreaking was also appealing to him.

Upon hearing Wallace's agreement, Yuga was naturally thrilled. He then pulled Wallace back into the reception room, where the two discussed their future plans. Meanwhile, Lusia silently sat, holding Pikachu, listening to the two discussing without saying a word.

For her, the improvement in Pikachu's potential today was already a cause for immense joy. As for other matters, they were not her concern.

After a lengthy discussion between Yuga and Wallace, Yuga suddenly asked, "By the way, do you still want to buy the Pokémon you originally intended to buy?"

Wallace turned to Lusia upon hearing this, reminding her that their initial purpose for coming was to buy a Pokémon.

Seeing Lusia's hesitation, Wallace suggested after a moment of thought, "You should still buy one. It's time for you to raise a new Pokémon."

After her uncle's suggestion, Lusia readily agreed. Ever since she became a Coordinator, she had been mostly guided by her uncle. Her uncle knew her situation inside out, so if he thought it was time for her to raise a new Pokémon, she was willing to follow his advice.

Seeing the consensus between his nephew and niece, Yuga was satisfied, saying, "Great, I've prepared the Pokémon for you."

Soon, Chansey (YuanYuan) arrived with four Poké Balls into the reception room.

Yuga arranged the four Poké Balls in a row on the table and said, "I've prepared four Pokémon based on the preferences you described for Lusia after your appointment."

Wallace nodded, quite content with Yuga's arrangement.

Yuga then opened the first Poké Ball, revealing a Scatterbug.

"Lusia is a Coordinator, and the Coordinator from the Hoenn region often enjoy nurturing Beautifly. Although the final evolution of Scatterbug is Vivillon, but it's still equally impressive in terms of appearance. and since Vivillon is rare in Hoenn, it'll help Lusia to stand out among others." Yuga explained.

Wallace nodded in agreement, finding Yuga's reasoning very logical. He had seen Yuga's Vivillon before; it was indeed beautiful. While it was unlikely that Lusia could breed it to that level, as long as she put in the effort, it would undoubtedly be outstanding.

Yuga then went on to introduce the advantages and disadvantages of the Vivillon.

For Lusia's second Pokémon, Yuga presented a Spritzee.

"Spritzee is a pure Fairy-type Pokémon. Leaving its appearance aside, its evolved form, Aromatisse, can learn many support-type moves. The Pokémon Contests had Double Battles, if you find a Pokémon that cooperates well with Aromatisse, it might lead to unexpected results." Yuga continued the introduction.

Wallace, once again, nodded in agreement. He had attended an event in Kalos where he had the opportunity to meet the Gym Leader of the Leverre Gym, who had a Aromatisse, and it was indeed impressive.

Lusia's eyes lit up when she saw the adorable Spritzee.

Yuga, observing her reaction, said, "No rush to decide. Let's check out the other two before making a decision."

Both Wallace and Lusia nodded in unison.

"The third Pokémon I've prepared is a Lapras. Lapras's appearance is absolutely impeccable. Wallace is a Water-type trainer himself and should be able to judge how this Lapras is." Yuga opened the Poké Ball, and Lapras elegantly raised its slender neck, its watery, large eyes glistening as it gazed at Lusia, immediately capturing her heart.

This Lapras was a distant relative of Yuga's main Lapras, but it was born later and originally had only a yellow potential. It evolved into a green potential after using the potential potion.

The Laprass at Yuga's Ecopark were all low potential Pokémon initially. There wasn't a single high potential Pokémon until after the potential potion was developed. However, there were still many low potential Pokémon that had been moved to the new Ecopark.

Upon hearing Yuga's words, Wallace nodded in agreement with Yuga's assertion that it was indeed a good Lapras.

Seeing Wallace and Lusia content, Yuga smilingly said, "No rush, no rush, let's look at the last one."

The last Pokémon Yuga had prepared was a Spinarak.

This Spinarak was a descendant of a Shiny Ariados and a Galvantula. These two were prolific breeders, and each litter had more than one offspring. This became even more prominent after moving to the Insect Paradise.

At present, there were quite a few Spinarak and Joltik in the Insect Paradise. This particular Spinarak had just been born, inheriting its mother's excellent genes, making it also a Shiny Spinarak like its mother.

"Although Ariados is not a particularly rare Pokémon, they are quite practical—skilled in interference and ambush. Moreover, my Spinarak is a Shiny Pokémon, extremely rare. If nurtured well, it'll surely evolve into a decent Ariados," Yuga said.

Wallace had seen Shiny Pokémon before, but a Shiny Spinarak was a first. Clearly, Yuga had put in significant effort to prepare these Pokémon.

"The most crucial aspect of choosing a Pokémon is to have a connection, a mutual liking. Only then can you cultivate emotions and develop understanding in the future," Yuga advised the hesitant Lusia.

Indeed, Lusia was finding it hard to decide. While she liked both Spritzee and Lapras upon seeing them, it was evident that she had the strongest affinity for Spinarak.

Although Spinarak that evolving into Ariados, it was not as stunning as Vivillpn that evolved from Scatterbug, nor it was cute as the Lapras and Spritzee. But when it comes to affinity, it's a destiny set in sight.

For other things, one can change their mind, but with Pokémon, once chosen, it's a lifelong commitment.

Observing Lusia's momentary hesitation before choosing Spinarak, it came as a surprise not only to Yuga but even to Wallace, her uncle.

Both had noticed that Lusia's eyes had lit up upon seeing Spritzee and Lapras, but she ultimately chose Spinarak.

Once Lusia made her choice, Yuga cautioned, "Make sure you're absolutely certain because once chosen, it can't be changed. From now on, you'll be Spinarak's only trainer, and you'll carry the responsibility of today's choice."

Lusia confidently replied, "I'm sure. I'll take good care of Spinarak."

Yuga smiled gently and said, "Alright, then I'll entrust Spinarak to you."

Given that the Spinarak was a Shiny Pokémon, its price was significantly higher than a regular one. Yuga quoted a price of 500,000.

"What? That's so expensive. I'm your spokesperson, can't you give me a discount?" Wallace complained disapprovingly.

Yuga was firm in his refusal, "Price is fixed. The potion and this are two separate matters. I didn't hire you as my Pokémon's spokesperson. If you're capable, pay for that potion of mine, and I won't ask for payment for this Spinarak."

Wallace: "You're very ruthless!"

He grumbled but paid the amount, then left the YoYo Day Care with Lusia.

Before leaving, Yuga informed Wallace that he would be holding an event soon about the potential potion and expected Wallace to be present.

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