I'm the Owner of the Pokémon Day Care In the World of Pokémon

Chapter 1020: Strange Incident

Chapter 1020: Strange Incident

Due to the situation with the Heaven organization, Yuga was delayed in Dewford Town for a few days. Meanwhile, May was entrusted to Drew's mother and stayed temporarily at Drew's family estate.

The ambiance at Drew's family flower planting base was delightful, and May enjoyed spending time there. In leisure moments, Drew would take her to see the beautiful flower fields and the graceful dancing of Beautifly or Vivillon.

Gradually, the depression that May felt due to the kidnapping incident dissipated.

In addition to this, Drew dedicated himself to training with his Quilava every day at the estate. When May felt a bit bored, she'd sit aside, watching them train.

Observing Drew and his Quilava, May would involuntarily think about her own Swablu. Even though she knew from Yuga that Swablu was safely back to the Day Care, May couldn't help but worry.

Seeing Drew's hard work in training, May would occasionally contemplate her own future. After spending these days with Drew, May learned that Drew was only a year older than her but he had a clear idea of the path he wanted to take in the future.

How about herself?

May had never pondered this question before, and her parents never pressured her too. But with her tenth birthday nearing...

The kidnapping incident this time had a significant impact on May. When in danger, her mind went blank, leaving no time for many thoughts. Now that it was over, she felt a myriad of emotions.

What path would she take in the future? Would she become a Gym Leader like her father? Or would she follow a coordinator's path like Drew? Or perhaps become a researcher like Uncle Birch?

Seated on the steps in front of the estate, her chin resting on her hands, May's thoughts drifted.

Just then, Yuga descended on his Charizard in front of her.

Spotting Yuga dismounting from Charizard, May exclaimed with joy, "Big brother Yuga, you're back! Is everything done?"

Yuga returned Charizard to its Poké Ball and smiled at May, saying, "It's all finished. Today, we'll return to Verdanturf Town!"

May's eyes sparkled upon hearing this. "That's fantastic!" These days, she missed her mom and Max dearly.

Yuga ruffled May's head affectionately and accompanied her to bid farewell to Drew and Drew's mother.

With the Heaven organization's matters resolved, there was nothing left for him to worry about as a Gym Leader. A specialized team from the Investigation Bureau was already handling the investigation concerning the Heaven organization.

Yuga didn't linger on the island much longer. After bidding farewell to Drew and Drew's mother, he swiftly departed with May to Verdanturf Town.

During the journey, Yuga noticed May's prolonged silence and asked her about the reason. After a short silence, May revealed her concerns about her future over the last two days to Yuga.

Hearing May worry, Yuga unexpectedly becoming a confidant, he gave May reasured smiled like a big brother, and said: "Your situation is not uncommon. Figuring out the future, dreams, it's not something you easily find or clarify.

Everyone's experiences are different. You're still young and have time to figure things out. There's no need to rush for answers right now.

You're almost turning ten, right? When that time comes, you could choose to travel, continue studies, and who knows, one day you might find a goal. Or maybe tomorrow you'll have it all figured out. There's absolutely no need to worry about this matter."

After Yuga's comforting words, May felt a sudden relief in her heart. Yes, she had plenty of time to think things through slowly, and there was no need to rush.

Seeing May able to find clarity so quickly, Yuga nodded contentedly. It seemed that after experiencing the kidnapping, May had also grown.

Although Yuga believed May didn't need to worry about her future, it was a positive sign that May could recognize this. Conscious thinking and aimless pondering were entirely different.

Dewford Town wasn't far from Verdanturf Town. Yuga and May quickly returned to the YoYo Day Care.

Upon seeing May, Aunt Caroline was yet to react when little Max rushed over and dove into May's arms, crying loudly.

Although Max often bickered with May, they had a strong bond. During May's absence, Max mentioned his big sister many times a day, and playing with friends didn't have its usual excitement.

Aunt Caroline had tears in her eyes at the moment she saw May safely return, but she couldn't match Max's speed – even before her tears could fall, Max was already wailing.


Observing Max crying profusely, Aunt Caroline suddenly felt less distressed.

Upon learning of Yuga's return, Ilima paid a visit specifically to express gratitude for Yuga's rescue. Ilima left the very day he was saved and had been staying in Verdanturf Town these days.

On the third day after Yuga and May returned to Verdanturf Town, Aunt Caroline took May and Max back to Petalburg City. After enduring fear and worry for several days, Aunt Caroline found it hard to stay in Verdanturf Town any longer.

Time flew by, and several months passed. Autumn slowly settled in, and during these days, Yuga had been preparing for the Potential' potion matters. Since he had decided to treat this as a business, he made sure to prepare in advance.

However, the potion's business was of big matters, so Yuga reported his preparations to his master, Mr. Kuni'o.

Initially Yuga intending to run this business independently. However, Mr. Kuni'o advised Yuga to collaborate with the League. This way, not only could he gain the League's strongest protection, but it would also alleviate some minor conflicts that arose previously between him and the League.

Considering the amount of information Yuga had concealed about Rayquaza, although the League had no evidence to cause him trouble, there was a lingering feeling of resentment towards Yuga.

By voluntarily cooperating with the League, Yuga could offer the League an opportunity to overcome this resentment, thereby increasing his influence within the League.

After he though for long time, Yuga decided to follow his master's advice.

He understood that his master had dealt with the League for a long time due to his own situation. Although he was highly esteemed within the Hoenn League, his master couldn't act as he pleased.

If the relationship between his master and other high level leaders of the League becomes tense because of he blindly protecting himself, Yuga will definitely not want to see it.

Although the master is still healthy now, he is getting older after all. Yuga hoped his master could enjoy his later years in peace and not be burdened by his affairs.

Once he made his decision, Yuga proactively contacted Steven, conveying his intention to collaborate with the League.

Steven was left speechless upon learning about the Potential potion in Yuga's possession. Although Steven was friends with Wallace, he had a basic sense of confidentiality and didn't casually share Yuga's situation just because of their good relationship.

Soon, the League sent someone to Verdanturf Town to discuss the collaboration with Yuga.

The League's representative was Yagi, the League's Minister of Commerce, a man in his forties with a kind demeanor and a slightly chubby figure, yet what caught Yuga's attention the most was his sparkling Mediterranean.

As far as Yuga knew, the League stores were under the responsibility of the League's Commerce Department.

Yagi showed a lot of enthusiasm towards Yuga. At first sight, he seemed eager to be on familiar terms with Yuga. It was almost unbearable to watch.

However, Yuga later discovered that anyone holding the position of the League's Minister of Commerce had a decisive and tough character.

After warm pleasantries and mutual business praise, Yagi and Yuga start to discussed about the Potential' potion. Once the conversation began, Yagi immediately inquired about the potion's manufacturing method, completely abandoning his previously kind demeanor. This irked Yuga significantly.

Yuga was determined not to disclose the potion's manufacturing method. His collaboration with the League involved only the sales process; the production details remained firmly within his control.

Yagi anticipated Yuga's refusal regarding the potion's production method. Upon witnessing Yuga's unwavering stance, he smiled faintly and stopped mentioning the potion's manufacturing details.

Then, the two delved into negotiations about the method of cooperation, profit distribution, and a series of other matters.

Once in negotiation mode, Yagi's demeanor changed entirely. His words were riddled with traps, demanding Yuga's utmost attention.

After an entire day of negotiation, they managed to reach a general consensus.

The League wouldn't intervene in the manufacturing of the Potential potion but would have complete authority over its sales. The League would take a twenty-five percent cut of the profits.

Apart from the fixed portion supplied to League stores, there would be an additional portion of Potential potion in the League's internal awards for meritorious Trainers, that supplied separately.

As this wasn't an external sale, there wouldn't be monetary profit, so the League would compensate Yuga with Merit Points.

Merit Points were crucial for any Trainer within the League. Recording Merit Points affected a Trainer's rank within the League and allowed for the exchange of various resources at League stores.

Finally, there was the most important reward.

As part of the reward for collaborating with the League regarding the Potential potion, the Verdanturf Gym would be designated as an 'Established Gym' from then on.

An 'Established Gym' designation didn't indicate the gym's age but rather granted Yuga the authority to freely appoint the next Gym Leader of Verdanturf Gym. The gym wouldn't have to worry about arbitrary closure in the future.

From this point on, within the League, the Verdanturf Gym would have the same status as the Lavaridge Gym or the Sootopolis Gym. You must know that even Mr. Norman's Petalburg Gym was still just an ordinary gym.

Regarding the collaboration about the Potential potion, Yuga only discussed the basics with Yagi; the remaining details required further discussion.

After seeing Yagi off, Beidou suddenly ran over to inform Yuga there's a problem with the Pokémon in the new Ecopark.

When Yuga arrived at the entrance of the new Ecopark, he found Druddigon sleeping soundly, appearing not at all like there was a problem. However, upon entering the Ecopark, he discovered only Druddigon that was unaffected by the chaos.

The entire Ecopark was in disarray. Water-type Pokémon were restlessly climbing onto the shore, flying-type Pokémon were darting around aimlessly, and ground-type Pokémon were moving about frantically.

Frowning deeply at the scene, Yuga wondered: What's happening here? Is there an impending earthquake or some major disaster about to occur?

He quickly intercepted a Skiploom to inquire about the situation. Unfortunately, Skiploom had no idea what was happening, feeling extremely unsettled, panicked, and sensing something calling to it.

Listening to Skiploom's description, Yuga was at a loss. He then proceeded to stop other Pokémon and asked for their experiences, but all gave similar vague descriptions. No one could explain what exactly was happening.

"Could it truly be an impending earthquake?"

Understandably frustrated, Yuga attempted to awaken Druddigon, but the Duddrigon looked utterly confuse and bewildered after waming up, not comprehending the situation at all.

Yuga even kicked it twice out of annoyance, but Druddigon, thick-skinned, so its didn't feel anything.

Upon leaving the new Ecopark, Yuga realized that it wasn't just his Pokémon affected but also the Pokémon from other residences in town.

However, oddly enough, Audino weren't affected at all and still continued its works in shops, but its little friend Wigglytuff couldn't avoid the situation.

If there's any difference between Druddigon and Audino or other Pokémon, it was their level.

Yuga releasing his main Pokémon, and confirmed Yuga's suspicion. The Elite level and above Pokémon were unaffected, while others exhibited varying degrees of effect.

Additionally, the Sub-Ecopark's Pokémon remained unaffected.

Yuga found himself confused by this situation.

This issue significantly affected the townsfolk, who appeared anxious, fearing potential negative impacts.

Subsequently, after the problem reported on the news. It turn out, it wasn't just in Verdanturf but almost the entire Hoenn region had encountered similar unsettling behaviors among Pokémon.

However, as fast as the situation emerged, the next day all Pokémon returned to normal, and strangely, all news reports regarding the incident vanished without a trace, as if it never occurred.

The swift erasure of this event from the news indicated the League intervention.

For several days, the residents of Verdanturf were troubled by this event, fearing the worst.

Mayor Ishida had to appease the public daily. The League directly instructed mayors and officials to calm the populace and refrain them from spreading rumors.

As time passed, it seemed as though nothing actually happened, allowing the people of Hoenn to gradually relax.

It was only a week after the incident that Yuga finally learned the truth from his mentor.

It turns out, the issue didn't come from Hoenn but its Kanto region, where someone had been targeted the Legendary Birds Trio, which is leading to the wrath of the Sea Guardian, Lugia.

Hoenn region felt the impact due to its close distance with Kanto region.

However, Hoenn's case was relatively minor compared to Kanto and Johto, where Pokémon chaos was widespread. The League had to put in significant efforts to quell the situation, aiming to avoid panic.

Fortunately, aside from Kanto, Johto, and Hoenn, no other regions were affected, sparing the League for further chaos.

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