I'm the Owner of the Pokémon Day Care In the World of Pokémon

Chapter 1023: The Discussion Is Started

Chapter 1023: The Discussion Is Started

After some passionate discussions, the crowd's emotions gradually settled, and at this moment, the journalist raised the question that was on everyone's mind.

Upon hearing the journalist's inquiry, Minister Yagi smiled slightly and responded, "Our sales approach is quite unique; we'll be conducting an online auction."

"An online auction?" Upon Minister Yagi's response, a question mark appeared in everyone's mind.

"What exactly is an online auction?" inquired the journalist who stood up to ask.

Without keeping anyone in suspense, Minister Yagi carefully explained what an "online auction" entailed to everyone present.

The so-called "online auction" is essentially a platform set up by the League online, functioning as an official site for the exclusive sale of the Innovation Potion, similar to an online store. Only registered users have the eligibility to purchase the Innovation Potion, and registration requires full and valid identification.

The crucial point is that each vial of the Innovation Potion available for sale on the website does not have a fixed price; it only has a minimum price, and prospective buyers can place bids below the potion, with the highest bidder within a certain period automatically acquiring the right to purchase the potion.

This is the origin of the term "auction."

In fact, the sales model of this "online auction" was a decision reached after much consideration by Yuga and Minister Yagi. The reason being the difficulty in pricing the Innovation Potion.

The potion can potentially elevate the potentials of Pokémon in red, orange, and yellow colors simultaneously, with varying success rates. However, setting a price at any stage seems inappropriate.

Furthermore, Pokémon with green potentials generally have approximate market prices. Although the Innovation Potion can upgrade a yellow potential Pokémon to green, should the potion be priced higher than the original green potential Pokémon? Or lower, making the much-touted new potion seem inexpensive and lacking prestige?

Most importantly, for some, the value of purchasing the Innovation Potion is not solely based on the potion's worth but rather their bond with their Pokémon.

For instance, a trainer's early companion might be a yellow potential Pokémon. As their strength grows and their team evolves, replacing the yellow potential Pokémon with a green potential one becomes common.

However, in terms of sentimental value, the relationship with the long-standing companion is much deeper.

If there's an opportunity to alter the potential of these old companions to continue fighting together, how much should a trainer spend for this bond?

Pokemon are sentient beings, and their emotional connections with humans are not constant.

For some trainers, their experiences with their Pokemon are not diffetent with their family, sometimes even more significant than their actual families, making them their most intimate companions.

At this moment, the value of this friendship with their old partners far exceeds that of a foreign green potential Pokemon.

So, how much money would they spend to change the destiny of their old partners?

The best way at this point is to have no set price, allowing individuals to measure the price of this bond themselves. Only a minimum price is set, based on the lowest market price of a green potential Pokemon, ensuring a profit margin for the Innovation Potion while allowing buyers to add value through a reasonable bid based on various factors.

Ultimately, whether the Innovation Potion is sold at the minimum price or at a higher price due to bidding, both Yuga and the League won't incur losses; it's just a difference in profit, ensuring gains in any case.

Moreover, exclusively selling online has an advantage—it allows direct sales to trainers worldwide. Retailing solely through physical stores could lead to issues and geographic restrictions.

The reason Yuga and Minister Yagi vetoed physical stores was the fear of the conspicuousness of the Innovation Potion, which might attract unlawful elements.

After Minister Yagi's explanation of the 'online auction,' everyone understood its benefits, especially the quick-thinking individuals like Professor Oak.

Following this, reporters began to ask Minister Yagi some other questions. At this point, a journalist suddenly turned the attention to Yuga, who had been quietly sitting there, nearly unnoticed due to Minister Yagi's leading presence.

"May I ask the developer of the Innovation Potion, Gym Leader Yuga, a few questions?" This journalist's query redirected everyone's focus onto Yuga, reminding them that the developer of the Innovation Potion was right there.

Yuga, who had been trying to diminish his presence, was surprised that someone noticed him despite his efforts. With a forced confidence, he replied into the microphone in front of him, "Certainly, please go ahead with your questions, sir."

"Could you tell us, as the developer of the Innovation Potion, what inspired you to create it? After all, you've been known primarily as a powerful trainer, and there's little information about your expertise in pharmaceuticals," the journalist inquired sharply, directly questioning Yuga's identity as the developer of the potion.

This journalist's remarks triggered a thought in the minds of many present: Could this renowned Gym Leader, Yuga, have opportunistically claimed credit for the research findings of some unknown researcher? Cases like this are widespread everywhere.

Upon hearing the journalist's question, Yuga immediately sensed the insinuation in the journalist's words. He gave the journalist a sharp glance, causing the journalist to involuntarily shiver, feeling a bead of sweat on their forehead, suddenly feeling uneasy.

Presently, Yuga's influence was growing stronger.

"The inspiration or my expertise isn't crucial. Today, I am seated here as the developer of the Innovation Potion. Should anyone feel that the developer's identity is dubious, they are welcome to investigate at any time," Yuga stated firmly, exuding confidence. His gaze, like piercing knives, was aimed directly at the journalist, as if saying, 'Causing trouble? Hmph...'

Indeed, he isn't the actual developer of the Innovation Potion, but as long as he claims himself to be, he is. As for the three Malamar, they will spend their entire lives confined in the Haunted Mansion Sub-Ecopark.

The importance of the Innovation Potion speaks for itself, and differing opinions at today's event wouldn't surprise Yuga at all.

Minister Yagi was also furious upon hearing the journalist's statement. Mr. Kuni'o assured the League that Yuga was the developer of the Innovation Potion, and it's not something any Tom, Dick, or Harry is qualified to doubt.

Did he prepare for this conference for it to be easy? This was a matter of face for the entire Hoenn League; he wouldn't allow anyone to cause trouble.

"As the League, we can guarantee that Gym Leader Yuga's status as the developer of the Innovation Potion has been confirmed," stated Minister Yagi, despite his aversion to the journalist. When he spoke, he maintained a smiling countenance, concealing his emotions entirely.

Hearing Minister Yagi's words, everyone in the audience silently thought, 'That's right. It's a business deal in cooperation with the League; they must have conducted thorough investigations. There won't be any cases of impersonation.'

The nervous journalist stuttered out, "That's... that's the end of my question."

As the journalist sat back down, Minister Yagi subtly signaled to an assistant standing behind him, who then bent down to hear a few words from the Minister. After nodding, the assistant quietly retreated backstage.

Following the inquisitive outburst by the blunt journalist, the remaining reporters were notably more cautious, particularly in the tone of their questions.

"Could you enlighten us, Gym Leader Yuga, if the Innovation Potion can be mass-produced? Will the price decrease in the future?"

"At present, mass production isn't on the cards, and the price fluctuations are market-dependent."

"Mr. Yuga, how do you anticipate the Innovation Potion impacting major Pokémon Day Care? Will it affect the relationship between your YoYo Day Care and other Pokémon Day Care?"

"There will undoubtedly be an impact, but the specifics of this effect are still open to discussion. As for the relationship between YoYo Day Care and other Pokémon Day Care, I believe it won't be affected."


Due to the first journalist's questioning, other media outlets bombarded Yuga with a host of questions, which he reluctantly fielded one by one.

Fine, playing it low-key is out of the question.

Today's conference was live-streamed to the entire Pokémon world, unintentionally garnering more attention for Yuga. He ended up in the spotlight again in front of the whole global audience.

Taking a lesson from the initial journalist's interrogation, the subsequent media outlets were more cautious in their questioning. The rest of the event proceeded without any further surprises and concluded successfully.

After the conclusion of the press conference, the trainers and media, guided by the staff, orderly exited the venue. However, representatives from various regions remained behind.

As soon as the journalist stepped out of the meeting, Liliana covertly had her people keep an eye on him.

Following the event, the regional representatives were escorted into another meeting room to discuss the supply of the Innovation Potion to various regions. The presence of representatives from all the regions was the reason for their gathering today.

Seated behind the grand conference table were representatives, with the representatives of the Hoenn League taking the forefront: Yuga, Steven, Wallace, Norman, and Phoebe. Minister Yagi was absent from this discussion due to other business, as there were no representatives from other regions's commerce departments.

The reason for the substantial presence of the Hoenn League representatives today was to bolster their presence. After all, the Hoenn League would face representatives from all other regional Leagues.

Each region had two representatives, except for Johto, which sent only one of its Elite Four, Karen.

However, today, the Kanto and Johto regions acted as a single entity, represented by Professor Oak, Lorelei, and Karen, who stood for the League Headquarters.

The Kanto and Johto regions' mainland territories were interconnected. They were originally a single league known as the Indigo League headquarters.

Even though they separated later, the league's location remained the same, situated on the Indigo Plateau at the boundary between present-day Johto and the Kanto.

Therefore, it wasn't surprising that Professor Oak, Lorelei, and Karen would represent the league headquarters at this conference and discussion. Even Lance currently served as both Kanto Elite Four and the Champion of Johto.

Seated next to Yuga was Cynthia. Yuga whispered to her, "Flint said he'd try to come as the representative from your area. But why did Aaron the one who show up now?"

Aaron was the Bug-type Elite Four from Sinnoh, and the only Bug-type Elite Four across all regions. Despite his youthful appearance and behavior, he was actually older than both Yuga and Cynthia. Among the Elite Four members of Sinnoh, apart from Grandma Bertha, Aaron had the longest tenure.

It's just that the Bugt-type Pokémon are very limited, so currently the highest ranked among the Sinnoh's Elite Four is Psychic-type Trainer Lucian, followed by Flint who just took office last year, and then the older Grandma Bertha and Aaron at the end.

Upon hearing this, Cynthia covered her mouth and giggled discreetly. "He was supposed to be here, but before the departure, he insisted on practicing with me. When I declined, he kept following me. Unexpectedly, he accidentally fell into the sewer and broke his leg. So, Aaron came in his place."

Yuga: ...

Thinking about Flint's aloof walking style, it's not surprising that he ended up in the sewers.

Flint always considered Cynthia as his rival and often sought to practice with her. But today, he finally reaped what he sowed. It seems even fate couldn't bear to watch.

As Yuga and Cynthia exchanged whispers, Steven, seated in the center at the top, spoke, "I'm glad that all of you could come to Hoenn for this press conference and the discussion meeting. On behalf of the Hoenn League, I express gratitude to our brother Leagues."

As soon as Steven finished speaking, the impatient Alder, who was busy teasing Lorelei, spoke up, "Let's skip the formalities. It's not easy for us to be here today. Let's get straight to how the shares of the Innovation Potion will be divided."

Most people present were aware of Alder's temperament, so nobody took offense at his tone. Steven, with a gracious demeanor, didn't let it bother him.

"Alright then. Many of you are my seniors, so I won't beat around the bush as a junior. The current sales method for the Innovation Potion, as mentioned by Minister Yagi at the press conference, is the online auction."

Before Steven could continue, Malva adjusted her glasses and interrupted, "Is Mr. Steven implying that all the benefits of the Innovation Potion will solely go to the Hoenn League?"

"The Innovation Potion is originally the property of the Hoenn League, so isn't it natural that they benefit from it?" Lorelei calmly replied.

Upon hearing Lorelei speak, Malva glared fiercely at her: "You again, why are you always at odds with me?"

Lorelei raised an eyebrow, ignoring Malva's anger, as it wasn't the first time this had occurred.

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