I'm the Owner of the Pokémon Day Care In the World of Pokémon

Chapter 1043: Going To Pacifidlog Town

Chapter 1043: Going To Pacifidlog Town

Because YoYo Day Care has made several big moves in succession, Yuga was busy for several days before finally having some free time. So he dialed the contact number left by Reggie before he left, which was the contact information for the archery master he mentioned.

This archery master's name is Genzo. Although Reggie referred to him as a master, Yuga actually hadn't heard anything about him before. But according to Reggie, he's a master who lives in seclusion, so he doesn't have much reputation outside. However, his archery moves are indeed extraordinary, as Reggie has witnessed it with his own eyes.

Since Reggie said so, Yuga naturally believed him.

Before Yuga contacted Mr. Genzo, Reggie had already greeted him, so when Yuga called him, Mr. Genzo's response was not surprising.

However, it wasn't Mr. Genzo who spoke with Yuga, but a very young voice, even childish. The person claimed to be Mr. Genzo's granddaughter.

In the call, Mr. Genzo's granddaughter said that her grandfather had agreed to meet Yuga, but whether or not he would teach Yuga archery would have to wait until they met in person.

Mr. Genzo lives near the Pacifidlog Town in Hoenn Region, so Yuga and Mr. Genzo's granddaughter agreed to meet in Pacifidlog Town a week later.

After ending the call with Mr. Genzo's granddaughter, Strawberry from the Paradise Hotel came over to say that the trainers who had reserved Pokémon for this month had arrived at the hotel and asked if Yuga wanted to meet them.

Yuga thought since they were here, he should meet them quickly. Presumably, they were also eager to meet their future Pokémon.

Yuga didn't meet them at the store but he personally took the Pokémon to the Pokémon Paradise. The meeting place was set in the small park in the center of the Pokémon paradise.

This small park was advocated by his uncle after he took over the management of the Pokémon Paradise. Since then, every month, the trainers who reserved Pokémon in his Day Care would spent their time with their future Pokémon in this park in Verdanturf Town.

When Yuga arrived at the small park, he saw that there were already two people sitting on the benches by the pond, and Strawberry was standing on the side talking to them.

When Strawberry saw Yuga coming over, he didn't know what he said to the two people, but he saw the two of them awkwardly stand up from the bench.

Yuga walked up to the two of them and greeted them first, "Hello, welcome to Verdanturf Town. One of you is called Ogata, and the other is called Momota, right?"

"Y-yes... I'm Ogata," one of them replied nervously.

Ogata had seen Yuga before when he lived in Verdanturf Town, but they had never spoken. At that time, Yuga was still an introverted otaku, so it's natural that Yuga wouldn't remember Ogata.

"I'm Momota," the other one reported his identity shortly after.

Ogata and Momota came to Verdanturf Town together. Momota is from the Sinnoh region, and when he came to Hoenn, the plane landed in Ever Grande City, so when he diverted to Verdanturf Town, he met Ogata on the plane.

They didn't expect to meet each other on the plane like this, so they decided to come to Verdanturf Town together.

After confirming the identities of the two, Yuga took out Poké Balls and said, "Let me show you the Pokémon you reserved this time. Ogata reserved a Togepi, and Momota reserved a Feebas, right?"

Yuga didn't expect Feebas to be sell out so smoothly in the first month. He had originally thought that now was the time of price fluctuations between Feebas and Magikarp, and the price of Feebas at YoYo Day Care was so high that no one would buy it for a while.

However, what Yuga didn't expect was that YoYo Day Care is now a well-known store. With its reputation, even if the price is a bit high, it's worth it in the eyes of most trainers because the quality is guaranteed.



Both of them said in unison, their excitement evident in their voices.

Yuga released Togepi first. This Togepi had been born for a while and was not opposed to the idea of having a trainer soon, so it curiously looked at Ogata and Momota.

"This is your future trainer, Ogata. Get along well with him during this time," Yuga pointed at Ogata and said.

Upon hearing Yuga's introduction, Togepi stopped looking at Momota and instead focused its gaze entirely on Ogata.

"Hello, Togepi... Nice to meet you. Please take care of me in the future," Ogata said nervously, his eyes filled with affection as he looked at Togepi. The little guy was truly adorable.

Togepi's first impression of Ogata was not bad, so it wobbled over to Ogata's side.

"Alright, Togepi's details are explained in detail on the official website, so I won't go into much detail here. You two get along well," Yuga smiled as he spoke to Ogata.

Because it was Togepi's first month on the shelves, Yuga specifically had Florges hand teach this Togepi Dazzling Gleam move, and it barely learned the move until the day before it went on sale.

For Fairy-type Pokémon, Dazzling Gleam is not a particularly difficult move to learn, but having this move as a foundation gives Togepi a presence. After all, Togepi is still young, and being able to learn Dazzling Gleam now shows that its intelligence and learning ability are not a problem.

After introducing Togepi to Ogata, Yuga went to the edge of the small pond in the park and released Feebas, saying to Momota, "This is your reserved Feebas."

Strictly speaking, the small pond in this small park is just a small pool dug after the park was built, the water is very shallow, no deeper than the knees, but very clear, you can see the bottom of the pool at a glance.

Feebas gently waved its tail at the edge of the water, its mouth bubbling, its grayish scales not looking ugly, unlike the usual Feebas, it seemed like the princess of Feebas.

"Our Feebas has been eating Beautie Pokéblock since birth. In addition to being able to evolve into Melotic, its appearance will also be greatly improved with long-term use of Beautie Pokéblock."

Momota looked at the water with great excitement. After hearing Yuga's words, he had more confidence in Feebas's evolution into Melotic.

He's a fan of Cynthia and has always hoped to raise the same type Pokémon like Cynthia, but most of the Pokémon in Cynthia's hands are rare.

Garchomp, Lucario, Togekiss, Spiritomb... These Pokémon are all ones that money can't buy, and so far he has only collected a few, like Glaceon, Shellos, and Roserade.

Now he's finally going to have a Melotic!

Originally, Momota's first choice was Togepi, but he was too slow, and the spots for Togepi were taken, so he only managed to get Feebas in the end.

Cynthia is very popular in Sinnoh, and many of her fans have the same idea as Momota. However, not everyone is as wealthy as Momota. Even Pokémon like Glaceon, Shellos, and Roserade are not easy for everyone to obtain. Except for Shellos, which is somewhat common in Sinnoh, Glaceon and Roserade are both rare Pokémon.

After handing Togepi and Feebas to Ogata and Momota, Yuga left the Pokémon Park.

For the next period of time, every morning, dedicated Pokémon would bring Feebas and Togepi to spend time with Ogata and Momota, and in the evening, they would be returned to the Ecopark. As long as people and Pokémon get along well within the specified period, they can officially take Feebas and Togepi away.

Leaving the supervision task of Ogata and Momota to his uncle, Yuga took Decidueye and went to Pacifidlog Town.

Pacifidlog Town is very close to Sootopolis City, so before going to Pacifidlog Town, Yuga first visited Luna in Sootopolis City and also visited the Sootopolis Gym.

After Rand left the Reserve camp to join the Ranger Union, Luna remained in the Reserve Camp to continue her studies.

This year, Luna is already twelve years old. Yuga asked her about her plans for the future, and she said she intends to apply to the Hoenn Investigation Bureau after graduating from the Reserve Camp.

Most of the children who graduate from the Reserve Camo choose to apply to the Investigation Bureau or the Prosecutor Bureau. The initial purpose of the League establishing this Youth Reserve Camp was to select talents for the Investigation Bureau and the Prosecutor Bureau.

However, Luna is still young. The Investigation Bureau does not have the same low age requirement as the Ranger Union, because of the high difficulty and danger of its missions. Therefore, the minimum age for applying to the Investigation Bureau is sixteen. Before that, Luna's task is to learn various skills, because the assessment of the Investigation Bureau is very difficult.

The Investigation Bureau is the front line team of the League and the riskiest of all League professions.

Of course, it is also the fastest way to accumulate achievements, otherwise there would not be so many champions or Elite Four members who have served in the Investigation Bureau before taking office.

At twelve years old, Luna's height reached Yuga's shoulders, which was considered tall for a girl, especially since Yuga himself was quite tall.

The last time Yuga had seen Luna was during the New Year's, and she hadn't stayed home for long then. So when Yuga came, he brought Luna a lot of things, including the ones entrusted by her aunt and uncle, as well as many items she could use like Pokéblocks, incense, and even two bottles of Innovation potion.

Since they only had this one child in their family, Yuga naturally couldn't skimp on her.

Regarding Pokémon, Yuga didn't prepare anything for Luna. Last year, when he returned for the New Year, he wanted to give Luna a Pokémon as a New Year's gift, but Luna declined.

The resources within the Youth Reserve Camp were abundant, including various Pokémon. As long as they performed well, they even had the chance to obtain Pokémon with blue quality.

Luna wanted to strive for the Pokémon she desired on her own, so she refused Yuga's offer.

Yuga was naturally pleased with Luna's mindset. After spending a few years in the camp, Luna, who used to be delicate, was gradually changing.

Yuga stayed in Sootopolis City for two or three days before departing for Pacifidlog Town.

Mr. Genzo's house was not in the town center of Pacifidlog Town but in the outskirts.

Upon arriving in Pacifidlog Town, Yuga went to the front of the largest hotel in town, as per the agreed location in the phone call. There, Yuga met Mr. Genzo's granddaughter.

"You're the Gym Leader Shimizu, right? I've seen you on TV, recognized you right away," Mr. Genzo's granddaughter immediately recognized Yuga standing at the hotel entrance. She arrived later than expected, so Yuga had waited for her for a while.

"Are you Starla, Mr. Genzo's granddaughter?" Yuga asked, surprised, as he looked at the young girl in front of him.

Starla was much younger than he had expected, probably about the same age as Luna, just a bit shorter than her. However, she seemed very lively.

After they introduced themselves, Yuga asked, "Shall we go visit Mr. Genzo now?"

Starla nodded. "Yes," she said, then took out a Poké Ball and released a Donphan. "By the way, do you have a Pokémon to ride? If not, you can ride Lily with me," she added, patting Donphan's sturdy back.

Lily... (_)

Watching the burly and rugged Donphan, Yuga found it difficult to associate such a cute name like Lily with it, but this Donphan was indeed female.


Donphan shook its long nose impatiently, letting out a loud snort, its gaze hostile as if saying, "If you dare to agree, I'll crush you with one foot!"

Glancing at Donphan's thumping thighs that pounded the ground, Yuga awkwardly waved his hand and said, "N-no need, I have one."

Yuga had brought Absol with him. It had just returned from the Distortion World with the Dragonite a few days ago and was currently with him.

Seeing Yuga's Absol, Starla's eyes immediately lit up as she exclaimed, "What a handsome Pokémon!"

Indeed, Yuga's Absol was exceptionally handsome. With its flowing white fur, cold sharp eyes, and well-proportioned physique, all were reflected Absol's charm.

Starla had never left Pacifidlog Town, so she was very curious about the outside world. She asked Yuga many questions about interesting things outside. When Yuga asked her why she was so interested, she said she and her grandfather lived alone, and if she left here, her grandfather would be left alone.

After riding Pokémon for about half an hour, Yuga saw a quaint house standing on a low hill from afar.

"Is that your house?" Yuga asked curiously, finding this architectural style uncommon in Hoenn, but quite common in Johto.

"Yes, it is. Isn't it big?" Starla proudly replied.

"Isn't it inconvenient for you to live so far from town? How do you manage to buy things?" Yuga asked, puzzled, as the house was indeed very large and didn't seem like a place for just two people.

Starla shook her head. "No, it's not. We have Taro-san here. He's the one who brings things for us."

"Taro-san? Who's Taro-san?" Didn't you say only two people live here?" Yuga asked.

"Taro-san is just Taro-san. He lives in town, but sometimes he comes here to learn archery with Grandpa," Starla casually replied.

Yuga nodded without saying anything more.

The two quickly arrived at the entrance of the house. Even before entering, Yuga heard the sound of a bowstring vibrating, followed by a satisfying "thunk."

"Grandpa, I'm back!" Starla exclaimed as she jumped off Donphan's back and ran into the house. Yuga followed closely behind, and upon entering, he saw a young man of about the same age as himself, standing tall with a bow and arrow, aiming at the target in the center of the courtyard.


The crisp and pleasant sound of the bowstring rang out again.

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