I'm the Owner of the Pokémon Day Care In the World of Pokémon

Chapter 1060: Ecopark Data Compilation

Chapter 1060: Ecopark Data Compilation

[ Main Ecopark ]:

Audino (Elite Four Level)

Great Flygon (Pseudo-Elite Four)


Meditite and Medicham family

Buneary and Lopunny family

Natu and Xatu family

Mr. Mime couple

Gardevoir (Female) and Gallade family

Gallade (Blue)

Gallade 2

Gardevoir 2

Gardevoir (Male)


[ Desert Sub-Ecopark ]:

Oasis 1:


Ursaring, Pangoro family

Pancham 2

Kecleon couple, Baby Kecleon

Oasis 2:

Gligar, Gliscor family

Oasis 3:

Pikachu, Raichu family

Spiritzee and Aromatisse family


[ Shallow Beach Sub-Ecopark ]:

In the Sea:

Lileep and Cradily

Cloyster 2

Kabuto and Kabutops


Corsola 2


Carvanha, Sharpedo family

Lapras family

Clauncher, Clawitzer family

Clamperl, Huntail, Gorebyss family


Remoraid, Mantyke and Mantine family

Lake Heart Island 1:

Greninja (Elite level)

Blastoise (Blue)

Milotic (Blue)

Gyarados (Pseudo-Elite level : Blue)

Feebas, Milotic family

Magikarp, Gyarados family



Poliwrath, Politoed

Lake Heart Island 2:

Oddish, Gloom, Vileplume, Bellossom family

Hoppip, Skiploom, Jumpluff family

Lake Heart Island 3:

Archeops (Champion Level)

Old Togekiss (Elite Level)

Vullaby, Mandibuzz family

Rufflet, Braviary family

Togepi, Togetic, Togekiss family


[ Flower Sea Sub-Park ]:

Masquerain 2

Sceptile 1 Blue+ 5 Green

Serperior 1 Blue+ 2 Green

Meganium 8

Petilil and Lilligant (Few)

Bounsweet, Steenee, Tsareena (Few)

Bellossom (Few)

Cacnea, Cacturne (Few)

Exeggcute, Exeggutor (Few)

Fomantis, Lurantis (Few)

Shroomish, Breloom (Few)

Skiddo, Gogoat family



Diglett, Dugtrio family


Flabébé, Floette, Florges family; Roserade


[ Grassland Sub-Ecopark ]:

Noctowl (Elite Level)

Chatot (Elite Level) → Hoothoot (Male)

Honchkrow (leader) and Swellow (leader) → Murkrow (Male), Taillow (Female)

Honchkrow; Taillow; Crobat; Pidgeot; Staraptor

Linoone and Mightyena Couple

Pachirisu family

Miltank family

Tauros family

Persian and Delcatry 3

Mareep 4

Liepard and Zoroaek couple ( Purloin and Zorua )

Swampert (1 Blue, 4 Green)

Ludicolo 4

Chansey 6 (MeiMei, YuanYuan, QiuQiu, TuanTuan, AiAi, PangPang) + 10 Chansey + 50 Chansey


[ Volcano Sub-Ecopark ]:

Volcarona (Elite Level), Vivillon

Ninetales (Leader: Blue) & Houndoom (Leader) → Ninetales (Blue)

Vulpix, Ninetales family; Houndour, Houndoom family; Litleo, Pyroar family

Cyndaquil, Quilava, Typhlosion family

Darumaka, Darmanitan family

Ponyta, Rapidash family

Eevee family:

Espeon (Female) & Umbreon (Blue:Male)

Jolteon (Blue: Male) & Sylveon (Female)

Vaporeon (Blue: Female) & Vaporeon (Male)

Leafeon: Female

Glaceon: Female

Flareon (Male) & Flareon (Female)

Arcanine (Elite Level: Blue) → Growlithe (Blue)

Torchic, Combusken, Blaziken family



[ Haunted House Sub-Ecoark ]:

Ghost Sea:

Jellicent (Male) Jellicent (Female) → Frilish (Male: Blue)

Dusknoir (Master Level)

Dhelmise (Elite Level)

Haunted House 1:

Litwick, Lampent, Chandelure Family

Haunted House 2:

Mismagus, Mismagus Family.

Gastly, Haunter, Gengar, Phantump, Trevenant, etc.

Haunted House 3:

Malamar 3

Meowstic (Male) and Meowstic (Female)


[ Mine Sub-Ecoark ]:

Steelix (Elite Level)

Aron, Lairon, Aggron family

Magnemite, Magneton

Larvitar, Pupitar, Tyranitar family


[ Insect Paradise Sub-Ecopark ]:

Ariados (Shiny) and Galvantula couple

Joltik, Galvantula family

Wurmple, Silcoon, Cascoon, Beautifly, Dustox family

Vespiquen (Pseudo-Elite Level) → Combee (Multiple)

Vespiquen No. 2 → Combee (Multiple), Cutiefly (Reserve)

Scatterbug, Spewpa, Vivillon family

Scyther family; Pinsir family

Beedrill 2


[ Dragon's Cave Sub-Ecopark ]:

Dragonite (Master Level)


Druddigon (Elite Level)

Salamence (Female) and Hydreigon (Male) couple

Bagon, Shelgon, Salamence family

Noivern (Female) and Aerodactyl (Male) couple

Swablu, Altaria family

Horsea, Seadra, Kingdra family (including one Green and one Blue Kingdra)

Trapinch, Vibrava, Flygon family

Jangmo-o and Kommo-o family

Ekans; Seviper


[ Notes ]:

1. High Potential Pokémon that was sold in YoYo Day Care are marked with (Few).

2. Entries marked with (Few) indicate insufficient quantity for individual sale, and will be sold collectively with other entries marked (Few).

3. "→" indicates offspring from the previous two Pokémon.

4. Groups separated by ";" can interbreed.

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