I'm the Owner of the Pokémon Day Care In the World of Pokémon

Chapter 158: New Pokémon on Sale

Chapter 158: New Pokémon on Sale

After finishing the conversation with Mr. Kobayashi, Yuga called Windy to his side and said, "Starting today, we'll be selling another type of Pokémon."

Windy was aware that Yuga had captured quite a number of Clawitzer and Clauncher, so he had a hunch about what type of Pokémon Yuga was referring to.

"Is it the Clauncher?" Windy asked.

Yuga nodded and said, "Yes, but we have a relatively small number of Claunchers, so we can't offer one every month. Let's set it at one every three months."

"Understood," Windy replied, and then he opened his computer and modified the main interface, adding a fourth box for the new Pokémon.

"Are we starting sales this month?" After making the changes, Windy looked up and asked Yuga.

"Yes, starting this month. Here's the information for the Clauncher for this month." Yuga handed over a piece of paper with the Clauncher's information to Windy. "I'll have Linoone bring it over later. Take a picture of it and upload it to the website along with the information on this paper."

An hour later, Windy had everything ready. The photo and information for the Clauncher were uploaded to the website.

Although the YoYo Day Care's website was accessible to the entire Pokémon world, due to the shop's policies, the primary customer base was still from the Hoenn region.

After the Clauncher was put on sale, Yuga retreated to his room, took out his computer, and accessed the YoYo Day Care's website to see the reaction to the new addition.

Opening the website's discussion area, he found it to be quite lively. Yuga casually skimmed through the comments.

"Another rare Pokémon is up for sale. Gotta admit, YoYo Day Care sure knows how to do business."

"Another green-potential Pokémon, huh? Hurry up and snatch it, it won't be available if you're late!"

"The person above, by the time you posted that, you probably won't have a chance anymore!"

"The new Pokémon is called Clauncher? What kind of Pokémon is that?"

"The person above probably isn't even a real Trainer! Can't you read more books in your free time? Don't you know you can just search online and get 9102 results?"

"Allow me to educate you for free. Clauncher, a Water Gun Pokémon, Water type..."

"Why does the quantity of this Pokémon seem even scarcer than the other two? One every three months? When will those of us with bad luck ever get a chance?"

"The person above thinks high-potential Pokémon are all lambs to be slaughtered? After one batch is gone, there's always another."

"You think the YoYo Day Care's sales quota is just a gimmick? They probably decide who they're selling to in advance, that's why we can never get one no matter how hard we try."

"The person above must be nuts. What benefit do they get from spreading such conspiracy theories about others?"

"That's right, always resorting to conspiracy theories for everything."

"I advise you to be kind. What do you gain from smearing others?"


Reading these comments, Yuga found them quite interesting. While there were both positive and negative remarks, overall, the response was good. Pokémon had never been hard to sell for the YoYo Day Care.

In fact, recently, the YoYo Day Care had gained quite a bit of attention among a small group of Trainers, especially those specializing in Ground-type Pokémon.

The initial two flagship Pokémon that the YoYo Day Care showcased were both Ground-type Pokémon and, furthermore, extremely rare ones from that type. When these two Pokémon were confirmed as real, they immediately caught the attention of many Ground-type Trainers.

However, the YoYo Day Care's allocation of sales slots was extremely limited, so most people had no chance of obtaining them, and thus, it didn't really create much of an impact.

Later on, the YoYo Day Care introduced a Ground-type Pokéblock called "Heavies," which had an excellent effect and was very suitable for consumption by Ground-type Pokémon. After it was put on sale, anyone who bought it had nothing but positive feedback, which further solidified the YoYo Day Care's reputation among many Ground-type Trainers.

Hence, the YoYo Day Care had gained a certain level of popularity within this small niche community.

The response to the new Clauncher was quite positive after being put on sale. The only point that was widely criticized was the fact that it was offered only once every three months. Other than that, everything seemed to be in order.

However, most people understood this, as it was widely known that high-potential Pokémon were not easy to cultivate. That's why their prices were so high.

Trainers who were familiar with both Clauncher and Clawitzer knew that they were both exceptional Pokémon with relatively low cultivation difficulty. Therefore, Yuga wasn't worried about their sales.

Sure enough, not long after, Yuga received a message from Windy that the buyer for the first Clauncher had been confirmed.

Usually, once someone made a reservation at the YoYo Day Care, the available slots on the website would be removed. The slots would only be made available on the website again if the person who made the reservation wasn't suitable after Yuga or Suzuki Koen conducted an assessment.

As soon as the slots were taken down from the YoYo Day Care's website, there was a reaction in the discussion area.

"They're moving so fast! I hesitated for a moment and now it's gone!"

"Just as expected, YoYo Day Care is still YoYo Day Care. Their slots are always out of reach."

"The Pokémon is great and all, but making people go to their store... a bit..."

"The person above, if you don't want to go, there are plenty of people who do!"

"Missed out on it again. When will the goddess of luck favor me for once?"

"Ah, they used to say that YoYo Day Care selling Gligar and Trapinch was a scam. Now it's really attractive..."


Glancing through the comments, Yuga felt that the current reputation of YoYo Day Care was quite good. He closed his computer, called Windy over, and asked him to provide the customer information for the Clauncher reservation.

Yuga received the name of the customer from Windy, and he was taken aback. He didn't expect the customer for this reservation to be this person.

This individual was undoubtedly a well-known figure, practically a household name in the Hoenn region. Yuga hadn't expected that they would meet under these circumstances, and he found himself feeling somewhat excited.

However, Yuga also realized that given this person's status, it was surprising that they chose to purchase a Pokémon from a relatively unknown Day Care like YoYo Day Care.

Upon further thought, Yuga understood. There was likely only YoYo Day Care in the entire Hoenn region that had Clauncher. While this species wasn't incredibly rare in the Kalos region, finding a high-potential one wasn't easy.

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