I'm the Owner of the Pokémon Day Care In the World of Pokémon

Chapter 54: Swablu

Chapter 54: Swablu

After having lunch with Robert at noon, Yuga was preparing to return to the shop to continue managing it. However, as soon as he opened the shop door, he saw the hurriedly fluttering Chimecho fly up to him, continuously making a "ring, ring, ring" sound.

Seeing Chimecho urgent demeanor, Yuga curiously asked, "What's wrong, Chimecho? Is something the matter?"

Seeing that Yuga didn't seem to understand, Chimecho stopped chirping and instead pulled Yuga towards the direction of the stairs leading to the second floor.

"Do you want me to go upstairs?"

Seeing that Yuga understood, Chimecho nodded happily.

Following Chimecho lead, Yuga went upstairs, wondering, "What happened on the second floor? Did something occur?"

Just as Yuga arrived on the second floor after coming out of the staircase entrance, he suddenly saw a blue little ball rushing towards him.

Before Yuga could clearly see what was rushing towards him, the object crashed directly into his arms, causing Yuga to feel like his insides were about to shatter.

Taking the object out of his arms to have a look, Yuga saw a pair of shiny black eyes staring back at him.

It turned out to be a Swablu.

The human and the Pokémon stared at each other for a while, and finally, Swablu couldn't help but peck Yuga chin with its tender beak, ending the staring contest.

Looking at the chaotic room and the presence of Houndour, Murkrow, and Vulpix huddled to the side, Yuga felt a headache coming on.

What exactly had happened? How did his room end up like this? Also, where did this Swablu come from? Thankfully, he had taken Floette and Absol out when he left, or his house might have been turned upside down!

Staring at the mess before him, Yuga shouted, "Explain yourselves! What exactly happened? Did you decide to go wild while I was away?"

All three Pokémon shrunk back, not daring to make a sound. Finally, it was Vulpix who nodded towards the spot where Yuga kept the Pokémon Eggs.

With suspicion, Yuga walked over, reaching the Pokémon Eggs. Upon reaching them, he realized that out of the 32 eggs, only 31 were left.

These eggs were the ones with genetic defects. Since they required daily gene treatment, they weren't convenient to keep on the first floor. Thus, Yuga had moved them to his second-floor room. He didn't expect that one would finally hatch today.

As expected, Director Mond words were true. These Pokémon Eggs were all rare ones, and the first to hatch was the elusive Swablu.

After all, the evolved form of Swablu was the rare Dragon-type Pokémon, Altaria. Dragon-type Pokémon weren't just synonymous with rarity but also with power.

Yuga used his skillful Insight ability to inspect Swablu.


Type: Normal/Flying

Gender: Male

Ability: Natural Cure

Qualification: Green

Level: ?

Skills: ?

Indeed, just as the system had said, the genetic treatment could cure these defective eggs.

There was no way to tell that Swablu before him had hatched from a genetically defective egg.

However, Yuga also noticed a flaw in his Insight ability—it couldn't reveal the level and skills of newly hatched Pokémon.

He wasn't sure whether inherited skills were also invisible. Neither Rand Blitzle nor this Swablu showed any inherited skills, leaving Yuga uncertain if they originally lacked those skills or if they were just invisible.

Due to the Pokémon Egg hatching, Yuga mood improved, so he didn't blame Vulpix and the others too much for the messy room.

In reality, the messy room couldn't be entirely blamed on them.

After Yuga left, Chimecho in the room noticed that one of the eggs was emitting a continuous glow. Out of curiosity, it called over the other companions.

The four Pokémon gathered around the egg.

Thus, Swablu was greeted with eight round, curious eyes as soon as it hatched. This startled it, causing it to start darting around the room.

Even Vulpix and the others were taken aback by Swablu behavior. After realizing what was happening, they began frantically trying to calm it down.

However, the actions of these inexperienced little ones only made Swablu even more panicked. Consequently, the bird began flying around the room in a frenzy, with the other four Pokémon chasing after it.

Chimecho realized that things were getting out of control and attempted to find Yuga, only to find him returning just as she reached the door.

As Yuga climbed the stairs, he was met with the chaotic scene.

Seeing the fear in Swablu eyes and its trembling body, Yuga knew it had been scared but fortunately wasn't injured.

"Chimecho, use Heal Bell!"

Chimecho nodded, and its pleasant chime resounded. A pink wave of energy spread from Chimecho body to the surroundings.

Gradually, Swablu panicked expression began to calm under the influence of Chimecho Heal Bell. Even Vulpix and the others became mesmerized by Chimecho calming effect.

Honestly, Chimecho Heal Bell was truly pleasant to hear. Yuga himself felt like his cells were celebrating, and all his mental fatigue disappeared.

Yuga didn't know about the Heal Bells of other Pokémon, but Chimecho was undoubtedly excellent.

Perhaps it had to do with the fact that it only has three auxiliary moves: Heal Pulse, Heal Bell, and Gravity.

Ignoring the mess that had been made of the room, Yuga carried the freshly hatched Swablu downstairs. Vulpix and the others followed Yuga down the stairs.

Yuga poured some Moomoo Milk into a small bowl from the kitchen and placed it in front of Swablu on the table, saying softly, "Here, Swablu, have some milk. It's really delicious."

He had bought this Moomoo Milk for himself, and there wasn't much left, to begin with.

Moomoo Milk was quite expensive, and Yuga rarely bought it.

Since Hoenn wasn't the original source of Moomoo Milk and its shelf life was short, the milk was pricey in Hoenn region.

Perhaps due to all the commotion upstairs, Swablu was genuinely hungry. Seeing the Moomoo Milk in front of it, it didn't hesitate and started drinking right away.

Seeing Swablu happily drinking, Yuga knew it was satisfied with the food.

Taking advantage of Swablu mealtime, Yuga found some pieces of cloth around the house and fashioned a small nest for it, placing it on the Climatree alongside Floette and Murkrow.

After placing the nest, Yuga returned to find Swablu already asleep on the table after finishing the milk.

Yuga thought, "It must have used up a lot of energy flying around upstairs for so long. Combined with being newly hatched and fragile, it got exhausted."

Yuga shook his head, gently picked up the slumbering Swablu, and placed it into the nest he had made.

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