I'm the Owner of the Pokémon Day Care In the World of Pokémon

Chapter 957: Secrets

Chapter 957: Secrets

As soon as Shadow Lugia was taken away, the dark mist on Jade Mountain dissipated not long after, and the affected wild Pokémon quickly returned to normal.

Due to the combined efforts of League Trainers and the residents of Town, the Jade Town remained unscathed by the invading wild Pokémon forces. There were no casualties or property damage.

However, as soon as Yuga and his group returned to Jade Town, they arrested the town's mayor. With Shadow Lugia has been taken away by Team Rocket, they had no intention of fighting with the mayor.

When the mayor learned that Shadow Lugia had been taken, he was devastated and nearly fell to his knees, expressing apologies to his ancestors.

Lance, however, was not concerned with these matters. Having served as an Investigator for so many years, even if he had become one of the Elite Four, he had seen all sorts of people. He immediately questioned the town's mayor.

Under intense interrogation by Yuga, the town's mayor eventually revealed the secret hidden in Jade Mountain.

Just as Lance had suspected, the majority of the town's residents were the descendants of the remenants of Darkness clan. The town's mayor was, in fact, their Clan leader.

However, the secrets of the Darkness clan had faded with time. Except for the oral traditions passed down by the past Clan leaders, most of the townspeople had forgotten. This was why the mayor had initially rejected Professor Oak and the others when they came, but the resident didn't reach much.

Just as the Dragon clan worshipes the Dragon God, the Darkness clan also worships a God, the Dark God.

However, unlike the Dragon clan, who remembered their God as Rayquaza, the Darkness clan had forgotten the true identity of their God.

What's more, the Darkness clan held an even more significant secret: they possessed the remains of the Dark God.

The remains of the Dark God were buried within the Jade Mountain Relic. The town's mayor had never seen them, and all he knew came from the traditions passed down by previous Clan leaders.

The secret reached his generation, but due to the passage of time, he only knew that the Jade Mountain Relic contained the remains of a God. What that God was, he did not know, and several generations of Clan leaders before him were equally ignorant.

They couldn't possibly dig out the remains of the God just to knoe what inside of it!

In ancient times, the People of the Wind worshiped Lugia. Back then, these early descendants were not yet referred to as "descendants." The People of the Wind prospered and had multiple Lugia to worship. It wasn't as difficult to see one as it is now.

However, the People of the Wind eventually encountered a special Lugia that was different from the others; it was black. Despite this difference, the People of the Wind did not mind and continued to worship this unique Lugia equally because Lugia was their God, and their faith was unwavering.

As time passed, the Lugia gradually disappeared, and the People of the Wind declined earlier than other early descendant clans. They were left with only that black Lugia.

When the Darkness clan, which was still relatively strong, set its sights on the People of the Wind to prevent their God from disappearing completely, they sought to seize the only remaining black Lugia from the People of the Wind.

By that time, there were very few members of the People of the Wind remaining, and they stood no chance against the Darkness clan's conspiracy. The black Lugia never expected humans to target it, and it fell victim to the Darkness clan's scheme.

Before Lugia's eyes, the Darkness clan annihilated all of the People of the Wind.

The Darkness clan kept their actions discreet, ensuring that no one else would know about it. Even to this day, people believe that the People of the Wind naturally faded away.

It was also after these events that the black Lugia started emitting the black fog that disrupts one's consciousness.

But history doesn't stop for the small schemes of the Darkness clan. The world underwent massive changes and no longer required so many deities. That's why these Legendary Pokemon started slowly disappearing, some died, while others went into hiding.

Before long, just like the People of the Wind's God, the Darkness clan's God also began to fade. The clan also started declining, and when the last God fell before the Darkness clan, they turned their attention to the black Lugia.

By that time, Shadow Lugia had already been imprisoned for who knows how many years, and its last bit of sanity had faded away.

They sealed black Lugia and performed a ritual to transfer its divinity onto the remains of the Dark God. They attempted to resurrect their own God.

However, they waited and waited, through countless generations, and their long-anticipated God never returned. Eventually, most of the clan forgot the purpose of the ritual. Nevertheless, the ritual itself was passed down from generation to generation.

The place where Lugia was sealed was what is now known as the Jade Mountain Relic. Descendants of the Darkness clan have lived near Jade Mountain, guarding this secret.

Even though the location was remote and far from prosperous, they never left. Only the lineage of the Clan leader remembered the mission to revive the God.

Around a decade ago, the son of the Jade Mountain Town Mayor found out about this secret from his father. He knew that he was meant to inherit the position of Clan leader and continue to guard the secret.

However, he didn't want to, not at his young age. He had the prime years of his youth ahead of him and desired a free and unrestricted life, not one of guarding this almost-decayed secret throughout his lifetime.

In the end, he left Jade Mountain Town after a quarrel with his father and never returned.

But just over two months ago, the missing son of the Mayor suddenly returned. Only the Mayor knew about this; the other townsfolk had no idea. Some of the younger residents weren't even aware that the Mayor had a son.

When the son returned, he began subtly inquiring about Lugia. He disappeared again within days of returning, and not long after that, the Jade Mountain Relic experienced its recent trouble.

As joyful as the Mayor was when his son returned, he was equally furious now, knowing that his son was undoubtedly involved in the events surrounding Jade Mountain.

Listening to the Mayor's tearful recounting, Yuga and Lance were astonished to realize that Archer was, in fact, the Mayor's son.

It explained why Team Rocket's plan went so smoothly. They had help from a local.

When the Mayor reached out to Professor Oak and the others for help, he also quietly informed Sora of the clan's secret, hoping he would assist in protecting Jade Mountain's secret.

However, in reality, Sora was not a true descendant of the Darkness clan. He was found by his adoptive parents near Jade Mountain Town.

The Mayor knew this fact but never told Sora, and Sora's adoptive parents had long since passed away.

Upon learning of the enormous secret from the Mayor's words, Sora felt the burden of reviving the Darkness clan weighing on his shoulders, along with the guilt of hiding the truth from Yuga and the others, creating a deep inner turmoil.

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