I'm the Owner of the Pokémon Day Care In the World of Pokémon

Chapter 965: Righteousness

Chapter 965: Righteousness

"Mr. Frank, you are the guest, so you may go first."

Yuga finished reviewing the data on Togekiss and extended his hand toward Frank, indicating that Frank should make the first move.

Frank didn't refuse Yuga's offer and smiled, saying, "I won't hold back then! Togekiss, Air Slash!"

Togekiss, with its Serene Grace ability, was a perfect match for the move Air Slash, which had a high chance of causing flinching in the opponent. A wrong move in this situation could lead to a series of mistakes, and if Togekiss's Air Slash caused flinching in the opponent, it would put them at a severe disadvantage for the entire battle.

Upon receiving the trainer's command, Togekiss gracefully soared into the sky and then, from a high vantage point, released a massive, transparent air blade toward Kartana.

Compared to the colossal air blade, Kartana seemed almost insignificant.

Faced with the imposing air blade, both Yuga and Kartana remained surprisingly calm. Just as the air blade was about to strike Kartana, the tiny Pokémon folded its hands, conjuring a massive glowing sword.


With a swift motion, Kartana's glowing sword split the colossal air blade into two and slowly dissipated it in the air.

Sacred Sword!

This Sacred Sword move was a rare move that few Pokémon could learn. The difficulty was not in mastering the move but in meeting the prerequisites to learn it.

Legendary Pokémon known as the Unova region Sword of Justice, including Cobalion, Terrakion, Virizion, and Kaldeo, were typical representatives of Pokémon capable of learning Sacred Sword.

Before Togekiss could react in surprise, Kartana had already disappeared from its field of vision with a swish, moving as if it had teleported.


Without warning, Togekiss, caught off guard, was struck from behind by Kartana's Sacred Sword. It sent Togekiss tumbling to the ground, creating cracks in the surface. Togekiss, which had previously appeared elegant with pristine feathers, now looked quite disheveled.


Frank called out to Togekiss with a tone of concern. The incredible speed at which Kartana had struck from behind had left him baffled. He couldn't understand how Kartana had appeared behind Togekiss without him noticing.

Togekiss had no time to react as Kartana, positioned above, sent another air blade downward, employing the same move Togekiss use before, an Air Slash.

However, Kartana's special attack is very weak, and the Air Slash it uses is far inferior to the Elite level Togekis who is good at special attacks in terms of momentum and power.


Togekiss narrowly avoids Kartana's Air Slash by quickly kicked his legs, flapped his wings, and quickly rose into the air, and a slender gap was opened on the ground.

Togekis had just lost his breath after escaping the Air Slash of Kartana, and a purple spiritual blade slashed past its body.

Fortunately, it was highly concentrated at this time and turned slightly sideways when a Psycho Cut move struck, otherwise the attack would have hit his body.

If the Leaf Blade was used by Kartana just now, it would be resisted by the Flying-type Togekis, so even if it was hit, Togekis would only suffer limited damage, but Psycho Cut was different.

Although Kartana has the disadvantage of extremely weak special attack and special defense, its advantages are extremely high attack and extremely fast speed, which is why Togekis couldn't keep up with Kartana's movements just now.

So even though Kartana is just a squishie in front of Togekiss, as long as it is fast, Togekiss can't do anything with it. This is why Yuga feels that Kartana has a chance of winning against Elite level Togekiss.


Togekiss, who was trapped in a passive state, stretched out his wings, and a white and red heat wave rolled towards Kartana

This is the fire-type move Heat Wave, which is fatal to grass-type and steel-type Kartana. Moreover, the Heat Wave is a range-based move, covering a wide area. Under normal circumstances, it is difficult to avoid it no matter how fast it is.


The sword formed by the Sacred Sword move appeared again in the hands of Kartana, even larger than before, fitting surprisingly well in the petite hands of Kartana. Kartana swung the giant sword held in its hand with great force, enveloped the Heat Wave, sending it to the side, while Kartana remained undamaged.

The Heat Wave was deflected by the Sacred Sword, creating a vacuum zone between Kartana and Togekiss. Kartana swiftly reappeared in front of Togekiss, moving so quickly that the reactions of Togekiss and Frank couldn't keep up.

With a loud impact, Kartana's single-handed strike with the leaf blade hit Togekiss directly in the head, causing it to crash to the ground!

Swish! Swish! Swish! Once again, Kartana, positioned from a higher vantage point, swiftly swung three precise Psycho Cut. Although the increased quantity slightly diminished their power, each one accurately struck the downed Togekiss.

And in the end, Togekiss lost its ability to continue the battle!

The battle concluded, and Kartana's form flickered briefly before reappearing in front of Yuga. Yuga smiled and praised, "Well done, Kartana. You've worked hard."

This was the first time Kartana had officially engaged in a battle with someone outside since its birth, and it had performed excellently. With its pseudo-Elite level power,it had defeated the Elite level Togekiss.

It was truly deserving of its title as Ultra Beast!

"You're really strong Mr. Shimizu, just as the rumors say," commented Frank.

After examining Togekiss, he found that it wasn't seriously injured, and he couldn't help but feel amazed.

Despite the age difference, Frank had been in the Youth Training Camp and the Prosecutor Bureau for many years, so he understood that there were disparities between individuals. Most ordinary people looking at him now probably felt the same way he felt when he saw Yuga.

Yuga, unaware of the rumors about himself, modestly responded, "You're too kind. By the way, let me treat your Togekiss."

With that, Yuga knelt down, placed his hands on Togekiss, and a green light slowly enveloped Togekiss's body, healing it quickly.

As Yuga displayed his special abilities, Frank was quite impressed. For ordinary people like them, these special powers always seemed fascinating.

In the world of Pokémon, there were many individuals with extraordinary abilities. Frank had seen various talents during his time at the Prosecutor Bureau, such as psychics, Dragon Tamers, or those with the Viridian Power.

Togekiss's injuries weren't severe, and it didn't require the assistance of a healing-type Pokémon. Yuga swiftly healed it.

"Thank you," Frank expressed his gratitude.

Yuga replied with a slight smile, "You're welcome."

While Yuga was busy with the battle against Frank, Audino saw an opportunity to take Wigglytuff for a walk in the town. Compared to the past, Verdanturf Town had become much more bustling, with people bustling about the streets.

Most of the town's residents recognized Audino, the Pokemon of the YoYo Day Care, and both Audino and Wigglytuff received warm greetings from passersby.

Some even tried to offer them gifts, but Audino gracefully declined, noticing that Wigglytuff wasn't in high spirits. They had become accustomed to these interactions.

During their walk, Wigglytuff sensed that Audino had brought her out for a walk because he was concerned about her.

Wigglytuff was feeling quite sad and decided to tell the truth to Audino.

Its turn out the reason for her low spirits Is because in the early morning, while helping the Miltank distribute Pokeblock in the Flower Sea Sub-Ecopark, she encountered a Breloom that was trying to court her.

Despite being somewhat acquainted with this Breloom due to her frequent visits to the Flower Sea Sub-Ecopark, she hadn't expected it to express romantic interest in her.

She promptly turned down the Breloom's advances. However, her rejection brought back painful memories of her deceased husband, Granbull.

Granbull and Wigglytuff had grown up together and shared a deep bond. Even though Granbull had passed away several years ago, Wigglytuff couldn't forget him. Moreover, their anniversary was approaching, which added to her low mood.

After sharing her feelings with Audino, Wigglytuff felt relieved. Listening to her story, Audino was uncertain about how to console her. She hadn't experienced such emotions, and although she wanted to encourage Wigglytuff to move forward, she understood that it wasn't easy for her to let go of the past. Audino felt she was not qualified as a friend.

Just when Audino and Wigglytuff had their heartfelt conversation, they heard an argument not far from them.

"What are you all trying to do? Robbery?"

The voice speaking belonged to an elderly woman.

"Robbery? Not really. We just want to teach this clueless old lady a lesson," came a cheeky male voice.

"Yeah, that's right! You clueless old lady!"

"Why are you being so stubborn? You're the one suffering in the end!"

Two more male voices chimed in, echoing the sentiments of the first.

"I see," the female voice seemed to calm down suddenly.

Just as Audino and Wigglytuff arrived, they witnessed three young men surrounding a middle-aged woman carrying a basket.

If Yuga were here, he would undoubtedly recognize this woman as the director of the only orphanage in Verdanturf Town, the Forest House, Ms. Kawahara.

Audino wasn't familiar with Ms. Kawahara, but seeing three young men bullying a woman, Audino wouldn't stand by and do nothing.

At this moment, its mood was far from good!


Audino extended its arms to stand in front of Ms. Kawahara, wearing an angry expression as it faced the three individuals.

Since Wigglytuff had brought Audino here for a private conversation, they were in a secluded area, and there were no other pedestrians around.

Seeing Audino getting ready for a fight, Wigglytuff took a few steps back, understanding that it couldn't assist Audino in this situation. It knew Audino's capabilities and realized it could only be a bystander.

"Whose Pokémon are you? Don't mind me; you better leave quickly. They are not to be trifled with," Ms. Kawahara urgently said, looking at Audino, who stood in her defense.


Wigglytuff gently shook its head, indicating to Ms. Kawahara not to worry, and then it took a few steps back, pulling Ms. Kawahara with it.

Seeing the intimidating Audino, the apparent leader of the three young men, who had been digging his nose with his hand, grumbled, "Whose Pokémon is this, causing trouble? Ah! Whose Pokémon is it, get it back!"

After shouting several times with no one stepping forward to claim Audino and Wigglytuff, the leader became more arrogant.

"It seems no one wants these Pokémon. Since you want to meddle, don't blame me!"

Looking at the apron-wearing Audino and the well-cared-for Wigglytuff, the leader knew that they definitely belonged to someone, but what difference did that make? Their owners were not here.


The three men self-consciously made villainous laughter, and then they released several Pokémon from their Poké Balls.

These Pokémon were the henchmen raised by others. While they weren't powerful characters, they often acted domineeringly.

Looking at the Pokémon in front of them, Audino was unafraid. Although it hadn't received much training lately and its progress in strength wasn't as impressive as Greninja or Gyarados, it was still a pseudo-Elite Pokémon. Dealing with a few small fry wouldn't be an issue.


Three Mightyena roared as they used Bite to charge at Audino.


Seeing the situation, Audino took a deep breath and then let out a furious roar. It used Hyper Voice move,

The Hyper Voice move that created a sound wave instantly sent the three Mightyena flying and crashing into their trainers' feet.

Yuga's Audino was quite different from Steven's Audino who good at beating people. It was a typical support-type Pokémon, excelling in healing. While it had many offensive moves, its combat abilities were not as formidable as those of attack-type Pokémon.

However, it still possessed the strength to deal with a few small-time bullies.

However, dealing with these small fry was more than enough for Audino.

As the Mightyena attacked, the leader had already released a second Pokémon to try to sneak attack on Audino. However, he didn't anticipate that his own three Mightyena would be so ineffective, so any sneaky attack plans were futile.

The leader's second Pokémon was a Poison-type Swalot. It opened its mouth and spewed a series of sludge at Audino, but Audino managed to block it using its Protect move.


Audino once again used its Hyper Voice move.

But, unexpectedly, the opponent released two Explouds just in time. When Audino used Hyper Voice, the two Explouds also unleashed their Hyper Voices.

Although the two Explouds were not as strong as Audino individually, but their combined effort canceled out Audino's attack.

Seeing that its Hyper Voice had no effect, Audino grew angry and charged forward using its Double-Edge move.

The Swalot was caught off guard and sent flying, crashing into the two Explouds, and then Audino used Dazzling Gleam to cover its face with a dazzling light.

The three men still wanted to attack, but Audino swiftly appeared in front of them. It gave each of them a Pound move, and all three of them held their stomachs in pain and collapsed.

As this was happening, Yuga had just sent Frank outside the Gym when he received a call from Officer Jenny.

"Your Audino and Wigglytuff are at the police station. You need to come here claim them."

Σ(⊙▽⊙") No, I didn't catch that. Could you please repeat it again?

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