I'm the Owner of the Pokémon Day Care In the World of Pokémon

Chapter 973: Rescuing

Chapter 973: Rescuing

The Pokémon before him had a slender and graceful physique. If you ignored its lifeless eyes, this Pokémon could be considered "beautiful."

The Pokémon's size wasn't excessively large, roughly comparable to that of an adult male. However, its tail, every time it swung, could create a towering tsunami.

Seeing the 18th experimental subject raging in the sea, the Mediterranean old man said to Archie, "We should leave as soon as possible. It's not safe to stay here."

After nodding, Archie quickly signaled his subordinates to load the equipment onto a submarine parked by the sea. He was well aware of the power of the 18th experimental subject, and if it truly went on a rampage, they would be affected if they didn't leave in time.

As soon as the 18th experimental subject emerged from the sea, it fired a powerful Aurora Beam towards Yuga and Dragonite in the air. Fortunately, Dragonite reacted quickly, avoiding the attack. Otherwise, both Yuga and Dragonite would have been frozen solid.

While controlling Dragonite to dodge the attack, Yuga couldn't help but use his Insight to assess the Pokémon before him.


Dewgong (Mutated Form: Collapse)

Type: Water, Ice

Ability: Ice Body

Gender: Female

Potential: Unknown

Level: Unknown

Moves: Icy Wind, Ice Shard, Aqua Ring, Aurora Beam, Water Pulse, Ice Beam, Hail, Blizzard, Ice Fang, Surf, Water Tail, Drill Run, Iron Tail, Perish Song.


Although this Pokémon still retained the general appearance of a Dewgong, it had extra glistening blue scales all over its body, particularly on its back.

Furthermore, under the Insight ability, the word "Collapse" was particularly conspicuous. Yuga didn't fully understand the specific meaning of these words, but it was clear that it wasn't a good description.

Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh!

One aftrr another, Aurora Beams were shot at Yuga and Dragonite. Dragonite had to use its Extream Speed move continuously to evade the relentless attacks from the mutated Dewgong.

Although this mutated Dewgong didn't seem to have any remarkable moves, its sheer power was astonishing. It was at least at the level of a champion.

When they created this experimental subject, both the Team Aqua and the Old man had spend lot of money. And the reasson is because before it became an experimental subject, this Dewgong was an Elite level Pokémon, and its original Trainer was a substitute Elite Four of the Hoenn League.

After multiple failed Aurora Beam moves, the mutated Dewgong became increasingly agitated. It started rolling its rotund body in the sea, and a misty white fog began to envelop its surroundings.

Under the influence of this white fog, the temperature of the sea and the air began to drop rapidly. The sea's surface visibly froze, only to shatter under the Dewgong's rolling.

Yuga understood that this was the effect created by the mutated Dewgong's Ice Body ability.

The Ice Body ability, when controlled by a Pokémon with weak mastery, has only one effect: it allows the Pokémon to recover health in hail weather. But when a Pokémon develops this ability to a certain extent, they can use it to regulate their own body temperature and the temperature of their surroundings.

In this area, the temperature had dropped due to the influence of this ability, which was why the Wingull and Pelipper couldn't adapt.

As the temperature rapidly decreased, Dragonite's flying speed was greatly affected, and it was struggling to keep up with the mutant Dewgong's attacks.

Yuga commanded Dragonite to use Electric-type moves continuously to attack the Dewgong. However, the Dewgong's body was surrounded by Aqua Ring move, which would deflect a considerable portion of the electric attacks when the electricity landed on it.

In the end, the difference in strength between Dragonite and the Dewgong was apparent. Otherwise, without this difference, the Aqua Ring wouldn't be able to defend against Electric-type moves.

As time passed, Dragonite's stamina was running low, and Yuga started to worry.

Just at that moment, the Dewgong suddenly used Hail, causing a strong gust of wind and snow to sweep across the sea. Dragonite, caught off guard, was hit by a blast of frigid air, and both Yuga and Dragonite were sent plunging into the sea.

Splash! Splash!

Dragonite and Yuga fell into the water at the same time.

As the Hail move began, the sea's surface started to freeze over on a large scale, and Water-type Pokémon began to emerge from the water, frantically trying to escape.

Most of the Water-type Pokémon in the sea near Dewford Island were accustomed to a warm climate. The sudden drop in temperature was deadly for them, especially for some of the younger wild Pokémon.

Yuga emerged from the water with a splash, wiping the icy seawater from his face. He knew he couldn't allow the mutant Dewgong to continue causing chaos, or the ecosystem around Dewford Island might collapse.

He called out two of his Pokémon, Mismagius and Gengar, who quickly appeared from the shadows of the Shadow Realm.

"I'll stay to deal with this Dewgong. You two go help me find where Jack is."



The two Pokémon nodded and disappeared swiftly.

Yuga glanced at Dragonite, shivering and covered in mucus from its nose, and realized that it couldn't adapt to such a cold environment. He shook his head in resignation, recalled Dragonite into its Poké Ball, and then released Charizard.

The moment he huddled against Charizard's back, Yuga felt warmth flooding back into his body. The effect of the Hail move was significant, and the sea's water was incredibly cold. Yuga had been freezing during his brief dip in the sea.

Feeling the cold ice and snow pelting against his skin, Yuga's head ached. The Hail move from the Dewgong was too strong.

Just as Yuga was troubled about how to deal with the Dewgong's Hail move, several Wingull and Pelipper suddenly flew in from the sky. They braved the snow and winds, circling high above and simultaneously activated their Shelly ability or used the Rain Dance move together.

"Are they trying to contest control of the weather with the Dewgong?" Yuga watched in astonishment as the Wingull and Pelipper did their work.

While a single Wingull or Pelipper might be insignificant to the Dewgong, there were nearly a thousand of them in this area. Thanks to their collective effort, the scale of the Hail started to subside.

Upon seeing this, Yuga quickly sent out Lapras and said, "Lapras, help these Wingull."

Lapras nodded and, extending its slender neck, let out a gentle call before spewing a ball of light into the sky.

Lapras's intervention was like the final straw that broke the camel's back. The snowy weather was disrupted, and the Hail gradually dissipated. The sky began to Shelly lightly, and the temperature rose slightly.

As soon as the Hail weather disappeared, the Wingull and Pelipper flew away without looking back, not considering further assistance for Yuga.

Wingull and Pelipper: Sorry, we can only help this much. Our lives are at stake!

Yuga: ...

Yuga glanced at Lapras, and then said, "It's up to you now!"

Lapras nodded and faced off against the Dewgong. From the Dewgong, Lapras could sensed a unique resonance.

Yuga pondered for a moment and called out Florges, who then immediately used her abilities to assist Lapras. After all, Lapras hadn't reached the champion level, and its strength was definitely less than what was required to face the Dewgong.

As Florges emerged, she stood on Lapras's back and activated the Grassy Terrain, causing lush patches of grass to spring up on the sea, nurtured by the rain, providing a refreshing green contrast.

The moment Lapras came out, the Dewgong locked onto it. As soon as the Hail weather subsided, the Dewgong swung its tail and used the Aqua Tail move, creating a massive wave that rushed toward Lapras and Florges.

Lapras opened its mouth and fired a Hydro Pump, while Florges waved her arms, unleashing the Moonblast. The combination of the water and light beams pierced through the Dewgong's Aqua Tail and hit the Dewgong.


The Dewgong took the impact of the Hydro Pump and Moonblast and was propelled far out into the sea by the waves. However, this Dewgong appeared to be impervious to pain. It retaliated by firing an Ice Beam that hit Lapras and Florges, sending them both tumbling into the sea.

Luckily, Florges quickly used her vines to secure herself on Lapras's back, preventing them from being separated by the waves. Although they looked somewhat bedraggled, they were unharmed.

Most of the previous attack had been absorbed by Lapras.

The Grassy Terrain exuded a subtle energy, gently healing Lapras's injuries, providing some relief to the pain it experienced.

Once Florges was safely back on Lapras's back and above the water's surface, her first action was to use the Wish move. She fired a pink sphere of light into the sky.

With the protection of Wish, whenever either Lapras or Florges sustained injuries, they received healing from the Wish.

As expected, the injured Dewgong became even more challenging to deal with. It didn't fear pain and continued to clash head-on with Lapras and Florges, even though it was already covered in wounds.

However, Yuga's Lapras had reached the Peak Elite level for a while now, and with Florges's support, they could barely manage to handle the Dewgong.

While Yuga was engaged in the fierce battle against the Dewgong, Gengar and Mismagius stealthily infiltrated the submarine of the Team Aqua.

Once inside the submarine, the two made their way to find the whereabouts of Jackie, each taking a separate path to search for him.

The invisibility ability of Ghost-type Pokémon was among the best in the Pokémon world. As long as they didn't voluntarily reveal themselves, it was rare for other Pokémon to detect them, especially given the unique abilities of Yuga's two Pokemon..

The crew of the Team Aqua was busy moving things around inside the submarine, and no one noticed the presence of the two intruders.

Mismagius, with its potent psychic powers, quickly discovered Jackie bound in one of the rooms.

Jackie had sustained significant injuries, with a face full of bruises, clearly having been beaten up by Archie.

When he suddenly saw Mismagius materialize through the wall in front of him, he was genuinely startled and asked in a shocked voice, "What do you want?"

Was this a new method of torment devised by the Team Aqua?

Big Sister Mismagius rolled her eyes at him, and with a powerful psychic connection, she untied the ropes binding Jackie. Only then did Jackie realize that the Mismagius in front of him was here to rescue him.

Mismagius didn't waste time on small talk. She directly controlled Jackie with her psychic abilities, lifting him into the air, and intended to carry him away.

Jackie quickly guessed Mismagius's intention and exclaimed, "My Pokémon have been taken by them, I need to retrieve them."

Considering the inhumane Pokémon experiments conducted by the Team Aqua, Jackie was afraid that his Pokémon would also become their subjects of experimentation.

This was a reasonable request, and Mismagius naturally wouldn't refuse. She immediately set Jackie down and, using her psychic powers, opened the door to the room where he was held.

Mismagius could phase through walls herself, but carrying Jackie along made it impossible, so they had to use the main door.

However, as soon as the door was opened, the alarm sounded.

"Oh no, we've been spotted. Let's get out of here," Jackie urged, motioning for Mismagius to head toward the area where the Team Aqua had stored their Poké Balls.

Before being captured, Jackie had roughly memorized the interior layout of the submarine. He could do so because Archie believed he was already under control, and hence, let his guard down.

With his memory as a guide, Jackie swiftly located the room where his Pokémon were being kept and, with Mismagius's assistance, opened the room's door.

While Jackie and Mismagius were retrieving his Pokémon, the members of the Team Aqua inside the submarine began searching for the escaped Jackie.

Unlike the commotion caused by Mismagius, Gengar sneaked around curiously and, without realizing it, ended up inside the engine room of the submarine. Due to his curiosity, he started dismantling some parts in the room.

When Gengar was thinking of dismantling a few more components, he suddenly heard the Team Aqua personnel searching for intruders. Consequently, he grabbed the parts he had dismantled and exited the engine room with a mischievous grin.

What Gengar didn't know was that, due to the components he casually removed, the submarine experienced a critical malfunction during their escape. As a result, it sank, and only a few of the most important crew members managed to survive. All the research data onboard was destroyed.

Back with Jackie, he quickly located his Pokémon inside a pile of Poké Balls. As he was about to signal Mismagius to make a hasty exit, he noticed Mismagius discreetly transferring Poké Balls from a shelf into her robes.

Jackie: ⊙_⊙

Mismagius resembled a female magician, donning a spacious magician's robe for her lower half. Jackie watched in disbelief as Mismagius shoved all the Poké Balls into her robe, suspecting that she had an extradimensional space down there to accommodate so many Poké Balls.

"That... We really need to leave, or we'll be discovered..."

Jackie's words were left unfinished as he was silenced by a single look from Mismagius.

Jackie awkwardly pondered: I wonder whose Pokémon those are. Its so scarry.

As Mismagius continued collecting Poké Balls, she muttered under her breath: Look at how good I am, even bringing souvenirs for Yuga... I'm so good... I'm such a thrifty and housewifely Pokémon... a good Pokémon...

Jackie was, of course, unaware of what Mismagius was muttering, but out of gratitude for Mismagius's life-saving help, he tolerated her playful nature. Besides, how many Ghost-type Pokémon weren't a bit whimsical?

Because Mismagius took some time collecting the Poké Balls, they barely made it out of the room before colliding with someone coming in their direction.

Seeing the empty room, the air went out of Shelly like a deflating balloon. These Pokémon were all meant collected by the doctor for experiments and research, and if the doctor know these Pokemon had lost, he would be furious.

"You've got some nerve!" Shelly said sternly.

Although Shelly was a woman, she was rather tall, nearly as tall as Jackie, so her presence was commanding.

As she was about to retrieve the stolen Pokémon and reprimand Jackie and Mismagius, she suddenly felt a sharp pain in the back of her head and lost consciousness.

What Shelly didn't know was that Gengar had crept up behind her at some point, holding the pieces he had removed from the engine room earlier. Gengar had hit Shelly on the head, rendering her unconscious.

"Gengar! Gengar!"

Gengar laughed gleefully, pleased with his accomplishment. Mismagius nearly gave him a thumbs-up but realized she didn't have thumbs.

Seeing the interaction between Gengar and Mismagius, Jackie quickly surmised that these two were working together.

"One for knocking out, and the other for reaping the benefits. Perfect match!"

With all of the base's equipment moved, Archie quickly noticed the absence of Jackie and Shelly. Despite having his people search the submarine thoroughly, he couldn't find any trace of the two.

"Could Shelly have been betrayed me?" Archie couldn't help but ponder. He had trusted Shelly and Matt for many years and couldn't imagine any reason for her to betray him.

He considered searching for Shelly a bit more, but the old doctor, eager to leave the area, urged him to depart. It was evident that they couldn't delay any longer, otherwise none of them would be able to leave in the end.

Reluctantly, Archie gave up the search and decided to leave.

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