I'm the Owner of the Pokémon Day Care In the World of Pokémon

Chapter 975: Ghost Ship

Chapter 975: Ghost Ship

After struggling for a while, Yuga finally managed to sit up, and the salty sea breeze blowing into the cave made him realize that he was still by the seaside.

He reached out and touched the two Pokémon eggs beside him, muttering to himself, "Little ones, where am I?"

These two Pokémon eggs had blue patterns on their white shells, and Yuga could almost recognize what kind of Pokémon they were. He wondered, "Did a Pelipper save me?"

When Dragonite returned with a pile of berries and a Pelipper, it saw Yuga sitting there in a daze. Yuga's awakening relieved Dragonite's concerns.

Seeing Dragonite and the Pelipper flying into the cave one after the other, Yuga noticed that the cave he was in was actually on the side of a cliff by the sea. Falling down from here would be deadly.

Beneath the cliff wasn't just the sea; there was a chaotic beach of rocks.


How are you feeling Yuga?

After placing the berries down, Dragonite asked Yuga with concern.

Yuga patted Dragonite's arm and smiled, saying, "Don't worry, I'm fine."

The Max Revive really lived up to its reputation as a healing wonder. Although Yuga still felt some lingering pain in his body, he was essentially okay.

After Dragonite explained everything, Yuga learned that Pelipper had taken in the unconscious Yuga and the injured Dragonite. The cave they were in now was Pelipper's home. So, Yuga thanked Pelipper, and saying, "Thank you, Pelipper."

Pelipper didn't have much of a reaction to Yuga's words; it simply lay down beside its two adopted children.

Speaking of these eggs, it wasn't entirely accurate to call them Pelipper's children. These two Pokémon eggs were actually adopted by Pelipper.

Both Wingull and Pelipper were not social Pokémon, so they only gathered together in this area when influenced by the Dewgong. The Pelipper in front of Yuga was the temporary leader chosen by the other Wingull and Pelipper.

During their mission to disrupt the Team Aqua's attempts to resolve the ecological abnormalities in the area, the parents of the two Pokémon eggs sacrificed themselves at the hands of the Team Aqua. This was why Pelipper choose to adopted these two children after the mission was over.

In truth, Pelipper itself was still a single Pokémon.

In the wild, unhatched Pokémon eggs have a low chance of hatching successfully without their parents. Seeing that Pelipper wasn't paying him much attention, Yuga didn't say much. Instead, he took some food from his bag and began eating. His stomach had been growling for a while.

As for the berries that Dragonite brought back... well, not all berries were suitable for human consumption.

After eating, Yuga released his Pokémon and gave them Pokeblock. He even prepared one for Pelipper, which the Pokémon accepted without hesitation.

It took Yuga a while to realize that he had been unconscious for a whole night, and it was now the second day since their battle ended. However, Mismagius was nowhere to be found...

To prevent his disappearance from causing more chaos, Yuga quickly used his communicator to contact Brawly, and soon, he heard Brawly's anxious voice on the other end.

"Yuga, is it really you?"

"Yes, it's me."

"Really, it's you! That's great! Are you okay? Where are you now? We've been looking for you since yesterday."

"I'm fine, just got some minor injuries, but I'm completely fine now. Don't worry about me; I'll be back soon. By the way, have you found my Mismagius?"

"You being okay is the best news! Mismagius is with us; no need to worry. It was also very concerned about you and has been looking for you."


After ending the call with Brawly, Yuga heaved a sigh of relief.

On the other end, Brawly, too, breathed a sigh of relief upon hearing that Yuga was safe. In both his professional and personal capacities, he didn't want anything to happen to Yuga.

Mismagius also received the message from Yuga and, although it was eager to see him, it understood that patiently waiting on Dewford island was the right thing to do.

After the conversation with Brawly, Yuga learned about the follow-up actions taken against the Team Aqua.

Although the members of the Team Aqua had fled, they had left behind a lot of things in their experimental base on the deserted island, including the horrifying experimental subjects used in cruel Pokémon experiments.

When Officer Jenny led a group of people into the base, these experimental subjects were already dead. In response, the League revealed the Team Aqua's atrocities and intensified the pursuit of the organization. The Team Aqua members would likely be shunned from society in the future.

Yuga also learned from Brawly that the Dewgong, which was once captured by the Team Aqua, turned out to be the Pokemon of a substitute Elite Four from the Hoenn League.

This substitute Elite Four had already arrived on Dewford island with the goal of recovering their Dewgong. However, they might be disappointed.

This substitute Elite Four was the last in the list for the position, and its only Elite level Pokémon was the Dewgong. Without it, they would eventually be removed from the position of substitute Elite Four.

Of course, because their Dewgong was captured during a mission, they would receive compensation from the League.

This substitute Elite Four member claimed that the person who took their Dewgong was the notorious Phantom Thief Barney, who was none other than Ariana, a member of Team Rocket.

Ariana's real name was Miyuki, but very few people used that name anymore. She was commonly referred to as Ariana, and sometimes, Barney.

However, what surprised Yuga was that the Dewgong had inexplicably disappeared. Yuga had seen it with his own eyes, and it was dead. Normally, there should have been a corpse. How could everything have vanished?

Washed away by the sea? Or secretly taken by the Team Aqua members?

Yuga couldn't make sense of it and had to set the matter aside for the time being.

However, as soon as he put away his communicator, he saw that the two Pokémon eggs next to Pelipper simultaneously emitted white light.

"Pelipper?" Pelipper looked at its two children in horror, not understanding what the white light meant.

"They're about to hatch!" Yuga quickly reminded.

Upon hearing Yuga's words, the expression on Pelipper's face changed from horror to joy. It hadn't expected these two children, with different parents and hatching times, to hatch simultaneously.

After the white light disappeared, two adorable Wingull appeared in their place. They were unable to fly just yet, so they hopped over to Yuga's side in a playful manner, nuzzling against his clothes in an affectionate manner, displaying extreme closeness to Yuga.

Seeing this scene, Pelipper, who had been diligently incubating the eggs, had its expression cracked from a second. It wanted to convey to the babies: Babies, I'm your dad!


Yuga gently touched the soft, feathery feathers of the two baby Wingull and glanced at the indescribable expression on Pelipper's face. He couldn't help but burst into laughter.

After a while of playfully bonding with Yuga, the two young Wingull showed a great deal of affection for Pelipper as well. This eased the broken heart of Pelipper, who had been sitting on the eggs.

To recover from his injuries, Yuga stayed in Pelipper's home for two days. After these two days of rest, the pain in Yuga's body had completely disappeared.

During this time, Yuga also regularly reported to Brawly to prevent them from worrying about his prolonged absence. This also led to a video call with Mismagius on the communicator, ensuring that it could see Yuga was safe.

Under the careful guidance of Pelipper, the two baby Wingull quickly learned how to fly. Pelipper transformed into a full-time dad, taking the kids out for adventures every day.

Once his injuries had healed, Yuga decided it was time to say goodbye to Pelipper. The baby Wingull, on hearing this news, became very reluctant to let Yuga leave. They clung to him, making Yuga and Pelipper feel awkward.

After much thought, Yuga finally said to Pelipper, "How about you bring the baby Wingull with you and come along with me? I can provide you all with a better life."

Pelipper had been selected as the temporary leader by over a thousand Wingull and Pelipper in this area, which meant it had good potential and strength. It had a green potential, and its level was 55. Yuga found these potentials quite appealing.

On the side, Dragonite remarked: I feel like our Trainer is just like a smooth-talking scoundrel, luring in unsuspecting young girls.

(Note: Pelipper is male!)

Yuga responded: Don't talk nonsense. I'm doing this out of gratitude, to repay Pelipper for saving my life and taking me in.

Dragonite retorted: Do you think I believe you?

Yuga sighed and had no further response.

Yuga originally thought it would take some convincing to get Pelipper to come with him, but surprisingly, Pelipper agreed almost immediately.

The main reason was that Pelipper had a positive impression of Yuga. Yuga had rescued other Pokémon in this area from the Dewgong's grasp.

Also, after Yuga had been feeding them Pokeblock for the past two days, Pelipper felt it couldn't go back to a diet of just berries. It also knew the Pokeblock would be beneficial for the growth of the two baby Wingull.

The two baby Wingull had poor potentials, with one having the lowest red potential, and the other having a slightly better orange potential. Pelipper wanted to give them a better life, so going with Yuga seemed like the best choice.

For the still relatively young Wingull, it had truly put its heart and soul into caring for its children.

In this way, Pelipprr took the children and left home with Yuga and Dragonite.

Yuga rode on Dragonite with a Pelipper and two baby Wingull, flying above the sea. Suddenly, Dragonite, who was flying straight ahead, came to an abrupt stop, and even Yuga suddenly looked serious as they gazed into the distance.

Perplexed, Pelipper and the two baby Wingull wondered: What's going on? Why did we suddenly stop?


Somehow, Gengar, who had been hiding in Yuga's shadow, drifted out and hovered by Yuga and Dragonite's side. The playful grin that was typically on its face had disappeared.

Before, due to the Perish song, Gengar had been sealed within Yuga's Poké Ball for quite a while. This was also why Mismagius couldn't locate Gengar through its unique connections. Now, Gengar had returned to Yuga's shadow space.

Pelipper soon realized why Dragonite had suddenly stopped. A pitch-black ship appeared on the sea, draped with tattered sails, surrounded by eerie white fog. The horrifying aura emanating from it sent shivers down their spines.

A Ghost Ship!

Observing the eerie vessel approaching them, Yuga muttered to himself in his mind. The Ghost Ship was a mysterious ship that wandered the sea, and it was said that those who saw it would inexplicably disappear. Ghost Ships rarely appeared and were hard to find unless they wanted to be found.

Soon, this massive Ghost Ship arrived right in front of Yuga and his group. It was enveloped in a thick white mist, making it impossible to see what was truly on board.


Yuga suddenly heard the sound of interlocking chains. Immediately, he saw a dark green chain covered in moss shoot straight toward him and Dragonite.


Dragonite used its Dragon Claw to protect themselves, deflecting the chain and creating a shower of sparks. The chain was pushed back and retracted into the mist once more.

However, that single chain was enough for Yuga to use his Insight ability to discern its true identity.



Type: Ghost/Grass

Ability: Steelworker

Gender: None

Potential: Blue

Level: 75

Moves: Absorb, Growth, Rapid Spin, Astonish, Giga Drain, Wrap, Gyro Ball, Metal Sound, Anchor Shot, Shadow Ball, Energy Ball, Slam, Heavy Slam, Thief, Power Whip, Rain Dance, Shadow Claw, Swords Dance, Giga Impact, Grass Knot, Hyper Beam, Iron Defense, Iron Head, Synthesis, Spit, Pain Split.


Worthy being a Pokemon on the Ghost Ships!

After reading the details, Yuga was somewhat surprised! Dhelmise was typically resided in Alola region. He didn't expect to encounter it in the Hoenn, especially with such a high level. Could this still be a Ghost Ship that traveled around the world?


Again, a series of chain movements could be heard, and several chains shot out from the fog, once again targeting Yuga and Dragonite.

Clang! Clang! Clang!

Dragonite used its Dragon Claw to deflect each chain as they approached, and more chains emerged from the fog. The collisions between Dragonite's claws and the chains produced a continuous clanging sound.

Meanwhile, Gengar tried to use Shadow Ball on the Ghost Ship hidden in the mist. However, the numerous Shadow Balls disappeared into the fog as if they had vanished into thin air, causing no reaction.

"Dusknoir, Dusknoir!"

Just as Dragonite and Dhelmise were engaged in a fierce battle, a deep and echoing cry suddenly came from the mist.

Upon hearing this cry, Yuga's heart skipped a beat: This is...


With the appearance of the mysterious cry, all the chains of Dhelmise suddenly retracted into the mist.

Shortly after, Yuga witnessed the mist dissipating from the bow of the Ghost Ship, revealing a line of Ghost-type Pokémon neatly arranged on it, as if they were welcoming their king.

"Dusknoir, Dusknoir!"

The cry rang out once more.

The Ghost-type Pokémon on the ship moved aside, creating a wide path. From this path emerged a tall figure.


Yuga silently thought of this figure's name.



Type: Ghost

Ability: Pressure

Gender: None

Potential: Indigo

Level: 96

Moves: Shadow Sneak, Disable, Astonish, Night Shade, Foresight, Will-o-wisp, Confuse Ray, Curse, Hex, Shadow Ball, Mean Look, Psychic, Swagger, Infestation, Psych Up, Trick Room, Dark Pulse, Substitute, Nightmare, Sleep Talk, Shadow Punch, Fire Punch, Ice Punch, Thunder Punch, Gravity, Aura Sphere, Momento, Haze, Focus Punch, Pain Split.


After reviewing Dusknoir's data, Yuga's expression became extremely serious. A Master level Dusknoir. This was not an opponent he could handle.

However, things didn't unfold as Yuga expected.

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