Chapter 116 Altar Room (Part 1)

"John! You! What the fuck are you doing to him!?" Cain directed his anger and his question towards Silas.

"Oh you know, just giving him a little forced evolution." The manic grin on silas' face infuriated Cain as much as his answer did.

"Get away from him right now!" Cain shouted as he lightened his hammers and his body.

"Hmmm.... No I don't think I will." Silas chuckled when he saw how angry Cain was getting.

This once again caused Cains anger to increase and he had finally had enough. He charged at Silas with all the speed he could muster and swung his hammer towards his head while increasing its weight.

The sudden burst of speed seemed to surprise Silas slightly but he never lost his smile. Silas jumped to the side and avoided the strike, a look of delight on his face.

"That was impressive! HAHA! Come on boy, let's have a little fun!" Silas taunted while he held his arms wide apart like he was saying 'hit me if you can'.

"You won't have to ask twice you lunatic!" Cain rushed forward once again but at a slower speed than before. 'I was too fast earlier and I couldn't control my attack properly, but this time I'll hit you for sure!' He shouted inside his mind as he swung his hammer again.

Silas once again managed to dodge the attack but only by a few centimeters. Cain continued to swing his hammers in all sorts of combos and variations but Silas dodged his attacks each time.

While Cain was attacking Silas, Rene ran over to John. She immediately noticed his arms had been sliced open and there was a large pool of blood all around them.

Then, in front of her very eyes the blood began to move towards the stone tablet just in front of John. The blood started to cover the tablet and the words written on it started to glow a bright red as the blood covered them.

"I don't know what's going on here but I'm not just going to stand here and do nothing when I could help." Rene knelt beside John and looked him over.

His skin was extremely pale and he looked barely conscious, his eyes lacked any hint of life and his skin was dry and hugging his body tightly.

Rene placed her hands on John's forearms, over the cuts, and a her hands started glowing a soft golden colour. The Energy from her ability spread into John's arms and his veins started glowing through his skin.

'I'll stop the bleeding first, then I'll heal the cuts completely and share some stamina with him.' Rene continued to heal John and while doing so she could hear him mumble something, but it was too soft for her to hear what he said.

"Don't worry, John, I'll heal you. Just hang in there."

Cain had been fighting with Silas for a few minutes already and so far he hadn't managed to land a single hit. Silas was faster than Cain, allowing him dodge every strike at the last second.

"This is getting boring... I honestly thought you would be better than this. ~Sigh~ I guess I gave you too much credit." Silas had lost his smile and instead wore and expression of boredom on his face.

When Cain made his next attack, Silas dodged and then jumped to create some distance between the two of them.

" Stop running away you coward! You can't win a fight by dodging all the time!" Cain was furious. Each time Silas dodged one of his attacks he would become more irritated and angry.

"You're not wrong there. I guess I should fight back a little." Silas' maniacal smile returned as he lifted his hand and point at Cain.

His hand was enveloped in a dull red energy and three red objects appeared floating above him. Each of them looked like a shard of ice, but rather than being the typical colour, they were a transparent red. Inside the shards was a constant flowing red energy that resembled strands of hair floating in water.

The shards immediately shot forwards at Cain, forcing him to try and evade. He dodged the first two shards by side stepping them but was unable to dodge the third.

He increased his own weight as well as one of his hammers and then swung it towards the shard. The shard was smashed into pieces as it collided with the hammer, it's Energy dissipating a few seconds later.

"You know, when Jenna failed to capture Leofalor I wasn't surprised. She had the same ability as me and more , yet she failed to realize the full potential of it. All she did was throw the Energy around in its basic form and hope it would hit its target. Well I'm far more skilled than she ever was with this ability and I'll prove it by defeating the group that defeated her."

Silas' face twisted in anger when he mentioned Jenna but his expression returned to his manic smile soon after.

His hand was covered in red energy again and the shards appeared once more, only this time there was more of them and they were different sizes.

Some of the shards were as small as a finger, while others were the size of a forearm. All the shards shot towards Cain at the same time, but they moved at different speeds.

The smaller ones were extremely quick, while the larger ones were slower. Cain lightened himself as much as possible and started jumping to the sides, trying to dodge the shards as much as possible.

The smaller shards slammed into the floor and walls, leaving Cain unharmed. The larger shards were now upon him and once again Cain was forced to destroy the shards rather than dodge them.

By swinging his hammers he destroyed two shards and opened a safe path through the group of shards that were flying towards him, allowing the others to harmlessly fly passed him.

After destroying the crystals there's a small flash of red light that erupts as the Energy is released from within them.

This light blinded Cain for just a moment after he destroyed the two shards and when he could see again, he saw three small shards right in front of him.

With no time to react, all he could do was increase his weight, lifted his arms into an X and take the hit. The shards impacted with his body and lodged themselves into his skin and muscle.

One shard was inside his left shoulder, another was inside his right forearm. The last shard was inside his left thigh.

Cains body was pushed back slightly as the shards impacted, but not by much due to his weight being increased.

He pulled the shards out of his body while wincing in pain. Silas was laughing hysterically "See, isn't that better than some stupid lines? It even uses less Energy! It's far more effecient in every way but did Jenna ever listen to my advice? No! Well anyways, she was an idiot and she's dead now so what does it matter."

'There's something seriously wrong with this guy's head!' Cain thought as he listened to Silas ranting.

Rene had managed to heal John's arms by this point and the colour was starting to return to his skin as she shared her stamina with him.

The blood had all disappeared from the floor, having all moved onto the stone tablet. Only about three fifths of the tablet had been covered with blood.

John had fallen unconscious shortly after he had tried to mumble something earlier but his eyes fluttered open.

He was on the floor, lying on his back and looking up at Rene who was kneeling beside him.

"What's... going on?" He asked with a confused expression on his face. Rene smiled when she heard his voice. "Cain and I got here just before that crazy cultist killed you. I managed to heal your arms before you lost too much blood, you should recover quickly now." Rene answered with a sigh of relief.

John's eyes widened with realization "You healed me!? No... No no no no no..." John sat up and looked at the stone tablet that his blood had started covering.

His blood looked like it was trying to move further up the tablet, but because there wasn't enough to spread over the entire thing it just remained in place.

The tablet started to glow brightly, but only the parts covered in blood. The light continued to grow brighter and eventually filled up the room.

Cain and Silas stopped their fight and turned to look at the lights source. Cain had a concerned and shocked expression, while Silas had one of pure joy. "Yes! The ritual is complete, join us brother!" Silas shouted.

The light started to retreat back into the tablet, but it slowed and started to flicker.

"AAARRGGGG!!!" John started screaming out in pain. His body writhing around on the floor with the red light shining down upon his body.

Suddenly the light increased its intensity and everyone was forced to close their eyes. When the light finally disappeared and they could open their eyes again, everyone was shocked at what they saw, even Silas.

John looked down at his own hands and then directly at Rene "What have you done to me...?"

This chapter upload first at NovelBin.Com

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