Chapter 58 Punishment

When Leo had left the meeting to go and get Rene, he wasn't happy.

'I shouldn't have killed him after I was done questioning him. He was the only one who could verify the story and I got rid of him. How stupid can I be.' Leo reprimanded himself internally.

'You learned a lesson here Leo. Next time something like this happens, you won't make the same mistake.' Dreifus said.

'I just assumed that the criminal would be punished. I didn't think about those that would try to defend him...'

'Snythe... He's worse than Trent. I can't just let them get away with this Dreifus. I have to stop them from doing anything like this again.' Leo thought with a frustrated tone.

Leo arrived at his room and opened the door. Currently sitting on the couch, Clay and Rene were having a conversation.

This was Leo's solution to not leaving Rene by herself. He had gone and asked Clay to sit with her until he returned.

"Leo, you're back already?" Clay asked. Rene seemed to be pleasantly surprised by Leo's quick return. She enjoyed Clay's company, but she felt something more when she was around Leo.

"Yeah. I need you to come with me, Rene. I need you to tell the others what happened." Leo said. He felt guilty asking her to do this. Leo knew it would force her to relive the memories, but it was the only way to sort this all out.

The expression on Rene's face showed it all. Fear, anxiety, anger. There were several emotions going through her mind, causing her legs to wobble. Leo held out his arm and stopped her from falling over. He wasn't sure if she would, but he thought it was best to safe.

"Do I really... Have to?" She asked with tears in her eyes, her words getting caught in her throat. Leo nodded.

"Alright... I'll go with you."

That was what happened before arriving at the meeting together. Leo told Rene to sit in his chair, to which she refused and Leo insisted.

Now the rankers sat around the table with Rene at Leo's seat while he stood just next to her on her right.

Leo spoke to the rankers "Would you like her to narrate the story, or would you prefer to ask your own questions instead?" Leo asked.

"Questions would be faster." Heath replied. To which everyone nodded in agreement, except for Snythe. He stayed motionless and everyone just ignored him.

"We were told that you were forced to expose your body to Snythe's assistants, namely Trent. Is this true?" Leonard asked.

She hesitated and looked to Leo, he nodded, showing her that it was okay to tell them the truth "Y-Yes." Rene replied.

"She's lying! I'm sick of hearing all these lies!" Snythe shouted while standing up and slamming his hand on the table.

"SNYTHE! I think it's time for you to leave. You are not helping us find the truth. All you are doing is defending your cousin. Get out." Nila ordered. Everyone gave Snythe an intense look, showing that they agreed.

"Tsk! Fucking commoners. You don't understand what you're doing." Snythe said as he stormed out the room like a child.

When Snythe had hit the table, it frightened Rene, adding in the pressure she felt from being around the rankers, she started to cry.

Leo placed his hand on her shoulder and she reached up to hold onto his hand. It helped her calm down.

"Now that that annoyance is gone." Nila said and looked towards Rene "How did you get into Trents room?" She asked.

Rene explained that she was grabbed by Trent and the other 2 while she was walking down the hallway with her 'friends' and roommates. She told them all how her friends didn't do or say anything and that she had been in their room ever since.

"Wait. So, how long were in their room then?" Heath asked.

"They grabbed me the same day I healed Leo." Tears streamed down her face as she remembered all the things that happened to her.

She had been in that room for the entire 4 days Leo was unconscious. She was forced to undress herself and show off for Trent and his friends whenever they wanted. The rest of the time she was told to sit in the corner and be quiet. They touched her and said things she'll never repeat. Luckily they didn't go all the way.

It was the one thing keeping her going.

Everyone in the room had looks of anger. They were angry that they were unable to stop something like this from happening. No, stopping it wasn't even an option. None of them had even noticed.

This was the thoughts weighing down on them. They all felt incredibly guilty. They were meant to be the authority at this academy, yet they allowed something like this to occur.

"Alright, I think that is enough. She's been through a lot and our questions are making her go through all that pain again." Leonard said. His fist was clenched so tightly that his nails were digging into his hand, making it bleed.

But still, his face showed a compassionate smile towards Rene. He was just trying to show her that he cared and wouldn't let this happen again.

"I propose we invoke the death penalty." Nila suggested her punishment.

"I agree." Leo said.

The other 2 did not say anything, suggesting they did not agree.

"I do agree that they have done something terrible, but this did not escalate to ****. They molested and kidnapped her, but it doesn't warrant the death penalty. I say they should be kicked out of the academy and forced to renounce their noble title." Heath suggested.

"Show of hands, who agrees." Heath said and raised his hand.

Leonard raised his hand. Nila and Leo looked at each other. They both wanted the punishment to be more harsh, but they reluctantly raised their hands in agreement.

Although they wanted to kill Trent, this was the next best thing. He took pride in being a noble, but this would take that from him, forcing him to be a commoner he hates so much.

"I'm glad we've agreed on this, but do we have the power to enforce such a punishment?" Leonard asked.

"Yes. I asked the Lieutenant before he left about punishments of this nature. He told me that because this was a military academy, all crimes are under the jurisdiction of the military. As long as our punishments fit the crimes, we may do as we please. The higher ranked in the military will ensure the punishment is enforced outside of the academy." Nila explained.

"Heath, could you contact the Lieutenant and tell him of our decision. Have him send some men to escort Trent and his friends off the premises. They will all be suffering the same punishment." Leo said.

Heath nodded and left the room. Leo had already asked about Kimmil and Bron. Both of them are also nobles. Their families serve under Trents, while Trents family serves under Snythes. This is called a noble chain.

When one noble family is awarded or punished, all the families above them are affected as well. Mostly in reputation.

Since all those being punished are from the same noble chain. It will cause massive losses to all their families. A punishment fitting the crime indeed.

Leonard got up and left the room, he gave Leo a nod as he walked by him, to which Leo nodded back.

"What was that about?" Nila asked.

"Hmm? Oh, it's a guy thing." Leo replied.

Nila kissed her teeth and then knelt beside Leo's chair. Rene was still sitting down due to her legs feeling like jelly from all the stress.

Nila held Rene's hand. "You can always ask me for help with anything. I hate to see girls like you suffer because of men like that." She said with a saddened look on her face.

"Thank you." Rene replied.

"If you would like, you can stay with me for a while. I've heard that a new room is being constructed and I assume it's for you, you can stay with me until it's ready." Nila offered with a smile.

Rene considered it for a moment. Leo believed it was a good idea. It would be easier for her to share with another woman, rather than share with him.

"Thank you, but I've already got somewhere to stay until then." Rene replied with a soft smile of her own.

Nile smiled and stood up. She walked up to Leo and whispered on his ear "You better take care of her." With that, Nila left the room.

Leo was baffled. He leaned against the table and looked at Rene sitting down. He decided to give her a few minutes to recover before they left the room.

"Why didn't you accept? Wouldn't it have been easier to stay with another woman?" Leo asked with a confused expression.

"It's because I trust you. I don't mind sharing a room with a man... If its you..." She smiled and looked down while playing with her hands as she replied.

Leo just smiled. They waited until Rene had recovered and headed back to the room. As they turned the corner into the hallway that Leo's room was in, they could see someone leaning against Leo's door.

It was Trent.

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