Chapter 70 Ambush

Leo was flung passed the group, his body hitting the ground and tumbling several times a few meters behind them. Everyone looked at the forest to see if they could spot what had hit Leo.

Emerging from behind the trees were several people dressed in dark cloaks with masks covering their faces.

These were the same outfits and masks that those who attacked Leo at the academy were wearing, and everyone recognized this fact.

Clay counted how many of them had stepped out of the forest and his count added up to 10. 'We're heavily out numbered, not to mention exhausted. Should we try and run? No, they would have prepared for that. Maybe we can talk to them.' Clays mind became filled with thoughts as he tried to think of a way out of this situation.

"We've come for Leofalor. Give him to us and we'll let the rest of you leave unharmed." The person that attacked Leo said with a feminine sounding voice.

"We wont give him to you! You've already failed to kill him once and you'll fail again!" Clay shouted out at the woman, his voice filled with anger.

"You've misunderstood. We're not here to kill him, we're here to take him with us. The great ones require him, and we shall grant their wish." The woman said.

'The great ones? I've never heard of anyone called that before.' Clay thought with a confused expression appearing on his face. He then looked back and could see that Leo was slowly starting to get back up.

" That doesn't change anything. We're still not going to give him to you." Clay said with a determined look and confident tone.

"Then you leave us no choice." As she said this, the masked people around her charged forwards. The masked charging forwards brought out the same needles that Leo had dealt with previously.

3 of the masked stood still at the back of the group as the other 7 charged forwards. Wasting no time, Nila shot out a beam of energy at the masked charging forwards and struck one of them in chest.

The beam went right through the masked persons chest, leaving a fist sized hole and killing him instantly. The beam hit another masked behind the original, but this one was just knocked off his feet. The power of the attack was lower after already hitting a different target.

The masked began throwing needles at the group, most of them aimed at Nila. Suddenly, the needles struck a flat board of energy that appeared in front of the group.

All the needles hit the barrier and bounced off. This was one of John's barriers. He had dropped Cain on the ground so that he could summon this barrier.

Nila jumped straight up into the air, higher than the barrier. She then fired off another two beams, one from each hand.

The two masked that were targeted tried to dodge out of the way, but only one of them succeeded. The other was blasted backwards with a hole through their chest.

Of the 7 that charged the group, only 5 remained. 2 of them ran around each side of the barrier while the last one waited with a needle in each hand.

The one waiting was the same one that Nila knocked off their feet moments before. This masked had a piece of their clothes missing where the beam had struck and the skin in that area was charred.

As they came around the sides each of them through out 2 needles. 4 needles went after Nila, 2 for John and 2 for Clay.

Clay changed his size, making himself smaller. This caused the needles to miss him. Nila shot a beam at one of the masked in front of her. The beam went through the needles and incinerated them, it then continued forwards and burned a hole through the chest of the masked.

The other 2 needles struck Nila, one in the chest and the other hit the front of her thigh.

John raised a barrier to block the needles heading for him, which he did successfully. But in doing so, he dropped the other barrier he had put up.

The masked that was waiting for this chance threw 2 needles at John from the side. One hit him in the chest, right under his arm pit. The other struck his thigh from the side.

John felt the pain from the attacks and suddenly felt his body become unable to move as his head started spinning and his lungs felt heavy, he began struggling to breath and fell to his knees gasping for air.

Nila felt something similar, but the effects were less intense than John. 'These needles are poisoned!' Nila shouted internally. Her body was feeling sluggish, but she could still move. Luckily her lungs weren't affected.

Lying on the ground, Leo's mind was foggy and his body was in pain. He could feel a searing pain on his chest. Leo lifted his hand to feel his chest and could feel that the skin on his chest was ripped away.

Leo could hear the sounds of fighting around him and his memory of what just happened was coming back to him. 'I have to get up... I have to help them!' Leo shouted at himself, trying to muster the strength to stand.

Leo channeled energy through his body to try increase his strength. He felt the boost from his ability and lifted himself up. When Leo got to his feet, he could see that John had collapsed to his knees and Nila was standing with needles sticking out of her.

(Energy 12/40)

Leo checked his energy and became worried that he might be too drained to win this fight. Nonetheless, he charged forward anyways.


Pushing through the pain, Leo used Dash and charged at the masked that was by Nila. He used a small amount of energy and condensed it as much as he could.

When using skills like Dash or Leap, Leo doesn't use his energy. Instead, his natural Stamina is what depletes. This allows him to use the skills as many times as he wants, as long as he has the Stamina for it.

Leo then pushed his hand out in an attempt to touch the masked person. 'I don't need to hit them, if I can just touch them then my ability should be strong enough to kill them!' Leo shouted internally.

He placed his hand on the masked persons back and the energy released. A blue energy pierced through the man's back, about the size of a finger. It didn't go all the way through his body, but it went deep enough to cause significant damage to his spine.


The masked man fell to the ground screaming in pain. He could feel that his legs were no longer working. Leo's attack had destroyed his spine and partially paralyzed him.

Leo then ran towards the other 2 masked that were near Clay. Clay had just increased his arms size and thrown a punch at one of the masked in front of him, slamming into their face and sending blood everywhere as their head was crushed.

Nila wasn't able to continue and her legs gave out. Her body fell to the floor and the last thing she heard before passing out was a female voice shouting "Bring that one with you!"

Clay looked as though he might pass out as well and Leo knew that Clay would be unable to continue fighting.

The other masked that was near Cain tried to throw a needle at Clay's head, but before they could extend their hand, Leo arrived in front of him with a dash and placed his hand on their neck.

A finger sized hole appeared, going through the masked person's neck. The man fell to the ground while trying to gasp for air as he drowned in his own blood.

Leo turned to face the last of the masked that were here. The last of the ones that charged the group was dragging John's body towards the 3 that stayed at the back.

"Let him go!" Leo shouted as he saw them dragging John away. The masked dragging John had just reached the other 3 when Leo ran towards them.


Leo used Dash and ran as fast as he could towards the remaining masked. He could feel his body was at its limit.

A white light started envelop all the masked, as well as John, and their bodies began to turn transparent.


"Nooo!" Leo shouted as he jumped forwards through the air, traveling at high speed towards John. Just as Leo's fingers were a few centimeters away from grabbing onto him, they vanished in a flash of yellow light.

Leo looked around him and could see that all 4 of the masked that were just in front of him had disappeared, taking John with them.

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