Chapter 73 Meeting With Anders

Inside the meeting room at the academy, several people sat around a table.

"I received word that you needed to see me. I assume there's something you have to report, so what's the problem?" Lieutenant Anders asked from across the table.

"We were attacked by a group of people wearing masks while in the forest. We managed to kill most of them, but the few that survived grabbed one of my assistants and friends, John, and disappeared with him." Leo explained.

"I see. Do you have any idea who these people were?" Lieutenant Anders asked.

"No. The only fact I'm certain of is that they are the same group that attacked me in my room a few weeks ago." Leo had a straight face and his voice was cold and emotionless.

Leo's demeanor was usually like this and to most it appeared as though he didn't have much emotion. Leo's friends however, saw him in a more relaxed state, when he wasn't putting on so much of a strong persona. The difference was minimal, but when in public Leo was more cold and stoic.

The others present around the table were namely Clay, Cain, Nila and Rene. Essentially everyone involved in the ambush, excluding John of course.

"Then these people have attacked you twice now. Did they say anything that might indicate their intentions?" Lieutenant Anders asked.

Leo looked at Nila and gestured for her to speak. When the masked were speaking with the group, Leo was lying on the floor unconscious, so he hadn't heard anything except what his friends relayed to him afterwards.

"They said that they wanted to take Leofalor because 'the great ones' wanted him for something." Nila said. She usually had a demeanor similar to Leo in public, although hers seemed more natural and nobody had seen her act any other way.

"The great ones?" Lieutenant Anders' eyes went wide for a split second when that phrase was used. It wasn't enough for most to notice, but Leo had seen it. When looking at the others, his eyes met with Nila's and she gave Leo a slight nod, indicating that she had noticed as well.

Lieutenant Anders had a contemplative expression on his face "Hmm, I see... I'll have to inform the higher ups about this." Lieutenant Anders began getting up after he said this. He seemed to be deep in thought.

"Do you know who they are? These 'great ones'." Leo said in a calm voice.

"I'm afraid I can't disclose that to you. It's something only Lieutenants and above may know. Even then, I barely know anything." Lieutenant Anders stated while walking out the room.

Just before he crossed through the door to leave "We want to go after John and get him back." Leo stated before he proceeded to stand up and walk towards Lieutenant Anders, stopping just behind him.

Lieutenant Anders paused his steps.


He let out a long and tired sounding sigh. "I'm sorry but no. You are all to stay here and continue your academy duties. You must not pursue these people without the militaries permission. That is an order." With that Lieutenant Anders walked out of the room, leaving everyone standing in silence.

Everyone apart from Nila seemed disappointed that they weren't going to be allowed to go after John. Nila was still just as unbothered as always.

Clay looked at everyone's faces one by one and noticed that Leo had a different expression than the others. His head was lowered and his hair hang over his face.

Clay could see glimpses of Leo's face through the gaps in his hair, and although the lighting was bad, he could see a dark look on Leo's face.

His hands were clenched tightly and his eyes were slightly glowing. Although Leo's eyes would light up when he used his ability, clay noticed that when Leo was overcome with emotions, his eyes would glow as well. This was something Leo wasn't aware of.

After almost a minute had gone by, Cain finally broke the silence. "What do we do now?" He asked. "We can't just do nothing."

"You heard the Lieutenant. He ordered us not..."

"No." Leo interrupted Clay. "We're going to go save John. I don't care what anyone in the military says." Leo said with an intense and determined expression on his face.

Clay was taken aback "Leo, I understand that you're angry, but if we do this then we will be going against the military. Our lives in this kingdom will essentially be over!" Clay was heavily conflicted. He wanted to help save John, but this seemed extreme.

"What's the point in serving a kingdom that won't even try to save the life of its citizen. No, not a citizen, a member of their military. If they aren't willing to try and save one of their own, then I refuse to work with them!" Leo's eyes flared up blue when he shouted at the end.

Everyone was startled and subconsciously took a step back. For the first time since they started the meeting Rene spoke. "What about our families? We won't be able to see them again if we have to leave the kingdom. Don't you have anyone th..."

"No, I don't... I have nobody." Leo's eyes stopped glowing and his demeanor changed. He looked as though he had just remembered something extremely sad.

Rene could see the pain behind Leo's eyes. 'He has nobody? No family at all?' She thought as her heart ached upon imagining being so alone in the world.

"I promise that I will do everything I can to help you see your families again, regardless of how the military or kingdom brands us." Leo declared with determination.

Rene walked up to Leo and placed her hands on his face, directing his gaze into her eyes.

"I'll go with you." She said with a soft smile and tear in her eye.

"I'll go too." Cain said, sounding very determined.

~Sigh~ "Me too..." Clay said with a defeated tone.

Leo felt relieved and happy that his friends were willing to risk so much by going with him. He knew that they each had a lot to lose, unlike himself.

"I'm coming too." Nila suddenly said.

Everyone turned to look at her with shocked expressions.

"Really? But why? You don't even know John." Cain blurted out.

"Because I was too weak to help him. If I had paid more attention during that fight then he would have never been taken. I feel inclined to help get him back." She said with her usual cold and expressionless face.

"I understand. Then let's get ready. Grab everything of yours that you wish to take with you, we'll leave in the dead of night." Leo stated.

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