Chapter 76 Execute The Plan

Leo's face showed a surprised expression for a moment when the notification appeared.

'A level up already? I only just got this skill recently though.' Leo was both happy and annoyed. He was happy that the skill leveled up but he was annoyed because some other skills hadn't leveled up and he has had them for a while already.

'It's all down to circumstance. Sure the system gives your skills a level up sometimes, but for the most part I think it's up to you to figure out new ways to use the skills.' Dreifus commented.

This was the first Leo had heard from Dreifus in a while and it surprised Leo. The sudden voice in his head threw him off for a moment, but he recovered after a few seconds.

Leo quickly went to check the system and see how the skill had changed since leveling up.


- A total of 10% of the force affecting the user can be absorbed and immediately redirected away.

'It used to say that I can redirect the energy from an attack hitting me, but now it says I can redirect any forces applied to me. Also the percentage went up from 5% to 10%.' Leo analyzed the ability just as he always did.

He didn't have time to continue thinking about it, so he closed the system and continued on with Cain and Clay.

They had both stopped using their abilities to conserve their AP. The area between the wall and building was covered with carriages and opened crates filled with weapons, armour and various other supplies.

It looked like a shipment had just come in and the crates hadn't been moved inside yet. There were people coming back and forth from one area of the building, carrying the crates inside every few minutes.

The group was hiding behind these crates after making it over the wall, they were looking for the best way inside. Leo activated his Aura so that he could keep track of all the people in the area.

There were about 8 people directly between the group and the building. There was the main entrance to the building, which was lined up with the main gate by the wall.

'There's too many people walking around there for us to get in, there's got to be another way.' Leo thought while surveying the building.

The other obvious way in was to follow the soldiers bringing the crates inside the back area, but there were too many people there as well.

The only other option was the windows and balconies along the walls of the building. Leo could see everything happening in the half of the building closest to him using Aura. The other half was too far away.

Looking at all the people moving around the building for several minutes, Leo finally decided that one room was their best chance to get in unnoticed.

"Up there on the third floor, there's a balcony. Not a single person has gone into that room the entire time I've been looking. There aren't too many people on the ground so we should be able to make it if we get close and jump." Leo stated while pointing to the balcony he was referring to.

The building had 5 floors, Leo would have picked a higher floor but he didn't think Cain could jump that high. The others nodded and followed as Leo began slowly making his way towards the area below the balcony.

They had to duck behind cover and moved around in loops at times because of the the people moving about but they eventually got closer to the balcony.

'Alright, we just need to get under it and we can jump.' Leo thought as he told Clay to shrink his size again for the jump.

There were 3 people standing in this area. 2 of them were having a conversation with each other about 20 meters to the left of where the group needed to jump from. They were both out in the open with nothing to obstruct the group from their view, so it was all about timing.

The other person was 50 meters to the right, he had just arrived in front of a crate and was checking its contents with a clipboard in his hand.

Leo waited until the 2 on the left seemed to be turned enough away so that he wouldn't be spotted jumping, he then moved as fast as he could while keeping quiet and got ready to jump.


Leo jumped with Clay on his back and landed on the balcony after using redirect to slow his fall again. It didn't help a lot, but it was still able to minimize the sound his landing made.

Cain was just about to jump when the man on the right turned around and started walking back to where the other 2 were, and Cain was right in the middle of them.

Now that the man was facing Cains general area, if he jumped then he would be seen immediately.

Leo stuck his hand out to stop Cain and then pointed to where the man was coming from. Cain stopped his jump and followed Leo's direction, seeing the man coming his way.

Cain quickly backed up and hid behind the crate they were using as cover a few seconds ago. The crate was about 10 meters away from where Leo jumped from.

Cain hid behind the box and peaked around it slightly every few seconds to see where the man was.

The man had just reached the spot that Leo had jumped from when he stopped and had a look of realization appear on his face.

He looked at his clipboard and cursed under his breath before he changed direction and began walking again. He was walking straight towards the crate Cain was behind.

Cain saw the man coming but couldn't do anything. If he tried to move to a different spot then he would be seen. All he could do was try to stay still and hope the man wouldn't see him.

The man stopped at the box Cain was behind and looked inside. The box was about 1.5 meters tall and 3 meters wide and long, giving Cain enough space to hide.

"Alright, 4 longswords... Check. 4 short swords.... Check. 2 greatswords... Check. ~Sigh~ The captain would've chewed into me if I had forgotten about this one." The man finished the checks he needed and sighed with relief.

He then turned around and began walking away and towards the other 2 men on the left. Cain waited until the man was about 8 meters away before he started moving.

He made it to spot he needed to and jumped, using his ability to lighten himself. He floated up to the balcony the same way he jumped over the wall. Leo and Clay, who was normal sized again, grabbed Cain and pulled him into the balcony area.

Suddenly, they heard voices from below.

"Hey, did you see that?" one man blurted out with surprise.

"See what?" the other replied nonchalantly.

"I saw something move... I think."

"Well clearly there's nothing there."

"Yeah... Looks like you're right. Must have been the wind."

Cain let out a sigh of relief. He had been seen, but luckily the solders were too lazy to investigate and passed it off as nothing.

They turned towards the room and opened the balcony door. 'It's a good thing nobody locks their balcony doors...' Leo thought to himself.

The room was lit by several crystals placed all about on the walls. They each gave off a dim white glow that was ten times better than candles.

The door to the room was on the opposite wall from the balcony and to the groups left. There was a large desk close the wall on their right with a luxurious chair behind it. There was a book shelf placed against the wall on each side of the desk.

There was a plaque on the table with something written on it. Cain walked forwards and picked it up while reading it out loud.

"G. Zogarth... What does the G mean?"

"General..." Clay said as his eyes widened in surprise.

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